Revenant Rune

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Just like other professions Revenant needs it’s rune.

My suggestion:

Superior Rune of the Revenant
(1): +25 Vitality
(2): +5% Boon Duration
(3): +50 Vitality
(4): +10% Boon Duration
(5): +100 Vitality
(6): +10% Energy Recharge Rate

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


No to energy recharge :P

Rather would have it as "(6)Blind enemies around you (5s) any time you use skill that costs energy (10s-15s ICD)

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Terra.8571


Just like other professions Revenant needs it’s rune.

My suggestion:

Superior Rune of the Revenant
(1): +25 Vitality
(2): +5% Boon Duration
(3): +50 Vitality
(4): +10% Boon Duration
(5): +100 Vitality
(6): +10% Energy Recharge Rate

Don’t think you can put energy recharge on a rune set, otherwise it would become mandatory.

It would probably get boon duration, not sure about rest.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Don’t really need boon duration though. Especially when there are several other rune sets that already have BD, not to mention Herald having it.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Tomtue.6072


I was thinking about a profession rune for revenant too.
I think we will see one… but how it might look?

Boon duration would be my guess. Fury is also a possibility.
There won’t be any energy regenerations. That much is clear when u read Roy’s posts.
Don’t think it will have to do something with conditions. Removal is only an issue for shiro. And apllication is only interesting for the big bad demon.

Most likely Power and boon duration, i think.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: warherox.7943


Superior Rune of the Revenant was datamined a while back.
1: +8 to all stats
2: +10 to all stats
3: +12 to all stats
4: ?
5: +16 to all stats
6: ?

Item code = [&AgH6DgEAAA==]
Now I’m curious as to what the 4th and 6th bonuses are.. Though it could very well have been changed to something different than + all stats.

I’d like to see runes based around each legend too. For example, a Rune of Ventari that has healing power and outgoing healing, with the outgoing healing replacing the boon duration that most healing power runes have.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

(edited by warherox.7943)

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Tomtue.6072


Superior Rune of the Revenant was datamined a while back.
1: +8 to all stats
2: +10 to all stats
3: +12 to all stats
4: ?
5: +16 to all stats
6: ?

Item code = [&AgGWDwEAAA==]
Now I’m curious as to what the 4th and 6th bonuses are.. Though it could very well have been changed to something different than + all stats.

I’d like to see runes based around each legend too. For example, a Rune of Ventari that has healing power and outgoing healing, with the outgoing healing replacing the boon duration that most healing power runes have.

Legend based Runes would be really nice. But that would mean the Rev get’s 5 or 6 Rune sets. Don’t think Anet will be this unfair to the other professions.

No to energy recharge :P

Rather would have it as "(6)Blind enemies around you (5s) any time you use skill that costs energy (10s-15s ICD)

Blind would be no good idea…. ooc it could attack foes or some animals…

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: warherox.7943


Well it wouldn’t tie directly to the legend mechanics and skills, just the style of the legend. Ventari and the Salvation line are based around healing power and outgoing healing, so it would be a set based on those stats. I doubt they would have unique bonuses specific with the legend skills, though. Just something unique enough that plays along with the legend playstyle while still being usuable by the other professions and still being balanced with the other rune sets.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


I’d guess that the 4th bonus will be on Heal and the 6th bonus on Legend swap.

Boring but versatile regardless of which Legend you’re using.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

I’d guess that the 4th bonus will be on Heal and the 6th bonus on Legend swap.

Boring but versatile regardless of which Legend you’re using.

The # 4 is a good suggestion. #6 is too specific to the Revenant. My guess is it’ll be an elite skill use effect since we have two of them. Maybe Fury upon use of an elite skill; +5% damage when under the effect of Fury.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


There’s definitely not going to be any energy involved in the runes. Runes have to be applicable to all classes. There isn’t a single rune that affects profession mechanics directly (and there shouldn’t be imo).
IE: thre’s no rune triggering “on death shroud” or “when you steal”. Closest one is rune of the warrior with 1 second reduced weapon swap, and everybody can weapon swap (except engies/eles)

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


The rune set effects thus far from other classes are versatile enough to be usable by multiple classes. So anything dealing with Legend Swap or Energy manipulation is a non-starter since those are unique to the Rev class.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: warherox.7943


I’d guess that the 4th bonus will be on Heal and the 6th bonus on Legend swap.

Boring but versatile regardless of which Legend you’re using.

The # 4 is a good suggestion. #6 is too specific to the Revenant. My guess is it’ll be an elite skill use effect since we have two of them. Maybe Fury upon use of an elite skill; +5% damage when under the effect of Fury.

They could make it “on legend/weapon swap”. That way it would still be useful for other professions and attunement/kit swapping functions like weapon swapping, so it would work for Eles and Engis too.

Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


I’d guess that the 4th bonus will be on Heal and the 6th bonus on Legend swap.

Boring but versatile regardless of which Legend you’re using.

The # 4 is a good suggestion. #6 is too specific to the Revenant. My guess is it’ll be an elite skill use effect since we have two of them. Maybe Fury upon use of an elite skill; +5% damage when under the effect of Fury.

They could make it “on legend/weapon swap”. That way it would still be useful for other professions and attunement/kit swapping functions like weapon swapping, so it would work for Eles and Engis too.

On weapon swap effects are typically placed on sigils, not runes. Runes usually have on heal or on elite effects. We’ll have to see, but considering how many heals and elites revenants have, some odd rune choices might have interesting place now. For example, rune of the sunless is quite a good choice for a condi Mallyx spec, as it reduces all the conditions you absorb, as well as give you a fear whenever you use Embrace the Darkness, which revenants have no access to.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


There won’t be any energy regen/recovery in game. Roy (our boy) stated that, he’d rather balance skill costs. So we need to think something else.
Maybe some effect on how many upkeep pips you are spending? Like the toughness minor on Glint?
Wild idea Aegis (5s + 1s per pip, CD 20s) max 15s Aegis with -10 upkeep → 75% uptime.
Sounds good.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Superior Rune of the Revenant was datamined a while back.
1: +8 to all stats
2: +10 to all stats
3: +12 to all stats
4: ?
5: +16 to all stats
6: ?

Item code = [&AgGWDwEAAA==]
Now I’m curious as to what the 4th and 6th bonuses are.. Though it could very well have been changed to something different than + all stats.

I’d like to see runes based around each legend too. For example, a Rune of Ventari that has healing power and outgoing healing, with the outgoing healing replacing the boon duration that most healing power runes have.

Legend based Runes would be really nice. But that would mean the Rev get’s 5 or 6 Rune sets. Don’t think Anet will be this unfair to the other professions.

No to energy recharge :P

Rather would have it as "(6)Blind enemies around you (5s) any time you use skill that costs energy (10s-15s ICD)

Blind would be no good idea…. ooc it could attack foes or some animals…

They already have tech to make it combat only.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Condition clear when using a healing skill
runs away laughing maniacally

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Condition clear when using a healing skill
runs away laughing maniacally


Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

There’s definitely not going to be any energy involved in the runes. Runes have to be applicable to all classes. There isn’t a single rune that affects profession mechanics directly (and there shouldn’t be imo).
IE: thre’s no rune triggering “on death shroud” or “when you steal”. Closest one is rune of the warrior with 1 second reduced weapon swap, and everybody can weapon swap (except engies/eles)

Runes of Radiance affect eles almost exclusively.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


There’s definitely not going to be any energy involved in the runes. Runes have to be applicable to all classes. There isn’t a single rune that affects profession mechanics directly (and there shouldn’t be imo).
IE: thre’s no rune triggering “on death shroud” or “when you steal”. Closest one is rune of the warrior with 1 second reduced weapon swap, and everybody can weapon swap (except engies/eles)

Runes of Radiance affect eles almost exclusively.

Leap Finishers?

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


There’s definitely not going to be any energy involved in the runes. Runes have to be applicable to all classes. There isn’t a single rune that affects profession mechanics directly (and there shouldn’t be imo).
IE: thre’s no rune triggering “on death shroud” or “when you steal”. Closest one is rune of the warrior with 1 second reduced weapon swap, and everybody can weapon swap (except engies/eles)

Runes of Radiance affect eles almost exclusively.

Leap Finishers?

I’m pretty sure they were meant to trigger with light aura from guardians as well, since they were introduced at the same time

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Enrif.7359


Something on using Heal/Elite skill since Rev can use them more freuqently then most classes/chain two right after one another


+4 using a healing skills gives 5 seconds of lifestealing (icd 10 sec)

+6 using a elite skill does lets you turn to Mist for 3 seconds (basically invulnurabilty – icd 20 sec)

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Conner.5803


Superior Rune of the Revenant was datamined a while back.
1: +8 to all stats
2: +10 to all stats
3: +12 to all stats
4: ?
5: +16 to all stats
6: ?

Item code = [&AgGWDwEAAA==]
Now I’m curious as to what the 4th and 6th bonuses are.. Though it could very well have been changed to something different than + all stats.

I’d like to see runes based around each legend too. For example, a Rune of Ventari that has healing power and outgoing healing, with the outgoing healing replacing the boon duration that most healing power runes have.

That item code links to sword called Fargate Opener :O

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Condition clear on healing skill or weapon swap on 6th would’ve been nice.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Kikidori.5916


Condition clear on healing skill or weapon swap on 6th would’ve been nice.

I think it would be condiclear on heal skill and resistance on legend swap.

The Desolation of Great Jungle Wurm!

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Rune of the Ranger’s 6th bonus is a damage boost when you have an active companion. I think summons count for this, however it’s still pretty class-specific. I wouldn’t rule out something specifically tailored to Revenants.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Rune of the Ranger’s 6th bonus is a damage boost when you have an active companion. I think summons count for this, however it’s still pretty class-specific. I wouldn’t rule out something specifically tailored to Revenants.

Only classes who can’t use this are engies and warriors. So I wouldn’t count it as being “pretty class specific”

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Rune of the Ranger’s 6th bonus is a damage boost when you have an active companion. I think summons count for this, however it’s still pretty class-specific. I wouldn’t rule out something specifically tailored to Revenants.

Only classes who can’t use this are engies and warriors. So I wouldn’t count it as being “pretty class specific”

Can’t remember if it’s been changed, but active mini pets also count as a companion.

A Revenant Rune will definitely be geared toward what the Revenant does well, or what they’re “supposed” to do, but it won’t be something revenant specific.


Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: ChrisG.1703


I am thinking resistance and regeneration on a heal skill with ten second internal cool down . The other set bonus would give you fury and three stacks of might on a thirty second internal cool down. The numbers could change but I think the idea would fit well with the profession.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


Just something unique enough that plays along with the legend playstyle while still being usuable by the other professions and still being balanced with the other rune sets.

Well… looking at most of the existing profession runes, and what you need to make use of them:
Rune of the Necromancer – +20% fear duration (fears)
Rune of the Warrior -20% recharge on weapon swap (weapon swap)
Rune of the Guardian – When you block a foe’s attack, burn that foe for 1 second (blocks)
Rune of the Engineer – While wielding a conjured weapon, environmental weapons, kits, banners, and stolen items, gain +7% damage (bundles)
Rune of the Ranger – +7% damage while you have an active companion (pets, minis don’t count anymore)
Rune of the Mesmer – +33% daze duration (daze)
Rune of the Elementalist – +20% Burning Duration, +20% Chill Duration (burning and chill)

So whatever the rune is, it may only be useful to one or two other professions… and it could be pretty sucky, if it’s like some of them :p

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Rune of the Ranger’s 6th bonus is a damage boost when you have an active companion. I think summons count for this, however it’s still pretty class-specific. I wouldn’t rule out something specifically tailored to Revenants.

Only classes who can’t use this are engies and warriors. So I wouldn’t count it as being “pretty class specific”

Guardian – Spirit Weapons could work technically I suppose, but there are better options for a Spirit Weapons build and there are better options than a Spirit Weapons build.

Thief – Thieves’ Guild has what, 150 seconds of downtime? Pretty much a wasted rune set for them.

Ele – I guess this could kinda work if you used the elemental as your elite, but there are much better options here as well.

Mesmer – I could maybe see this working on Mesmer, at least, I’ll give ya that.

Necro – It’d be okay on a minion master build, I guess. Same principle applies here as it does to Guardian though.

Rune of the Ranger really is specifically tailored to rangers, even if it’s not necessarily exclusively for them. I could see them doing something related to legend swap, and maybe having it work for Ele’s attunement swap or Ranger’s pet swap or something. But it’d definitely be something made with Revenant in mind.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Rune of the Ranger’s 6th bonus is a damage boost when you have an active companion. I think summons count for this, however it’s still pretty class-specific. I wouldn’t rule out something specifically tailored to Revenants.

Only classes who can’t use this are engies and warriors. So I wouldn’t count it as being “pretty class specific”

Guardian – Spirit Weapons could work technically I suppose, but there are better options for a Spirit Weapons build and there are better options than a Spirit Weapons build.

Thief – Thieves’ Guild has what, 150 seconds of downtime? Pretty much a wasted rune set for them.

Ele – I guess this could kinda work if you used the elemental as your elite, but there are much better options here as well.

Mesmer – I could maybe see this working on Mesmer, at least, I’ll give ya that.

Necro – It’d be okay on a minion master build, I guess. Same principle applies here as it does to Guardian though.

Rune of the Ranger really is specifically tailored to rangers, even if it’s not necessarily exclusively for them. I could see them doing something related to legend swap, and maybe having it work for Ele’s attunement swap or Ranger’s pet swap or something. But it’d definitely be something made with Revenant in mind.

If anything the most class specific rune so far is the necromancer, since off the top of my head the only other class with fear is warrior (and in extremely situational cases a ranger and thief)

You forgot the ambush trap on thief, shame on you :p

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Harddrive.2738


The key features of revenant is the control of the mists and its energy bar.

If they did anything it would likely be:

1. faster legend swapping, maybe with a trigger effect or on hit effect
2. lowers energy costs on skills (fixed or %)
3. lowers upkeep energy consumption by 1-2(energy bar not per skill), it would not increase your recharge rate. If you had fury facet on, its like its only 1 upkeep, or swiftness is 0 upkeep.
– This would let you have glint elite on (upkeep 5) and still recharge energy bar slowly or add swiftness/healing without consuming your energy bar. It would effectively allow you to keep your skills going a little bit longer.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Malchior.5732


The key features of revenant is the control of the mists and its energy bar.

If they did anything it would likely be:

1. faster legend swapping, maybe with a trigger effect or on hit effect
2. lowers energy costs on skills (fixed or %)
3. lowers upkeep energy consumption by 1-2(energy bar not per skill), it would not increase your recharge rate. If you had fury facet on, its like its only 1 upkeep, or swiftness is 0 upkeep.
– This would let you have glint elite on (upkeep 5) and still recharge energy bar slowly or add swiftness/healing without consuming your energy bar. It would effectively allow you to keep your skills going a little bit longer.

Roy specifically mentioned not having traits that affect energy directly; why would they make a rune that does this? It would just become mandatory for the Revenant.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


The key features of revenant is the control of the mists and its energy bar.

If they did anything it would likely be:

1. faster legend swapping, maybe with a trigger effect or on hit effect
2. lowers energy costs on skills (fixed or %)
3. lowers upkeep energy consumption by 1-2(energy bar not per skill), it would not increase your recharge rate. If you had fury facet on, its like its only 1 upkeep, or swiftness is 0 upkeep.
– This would let you have glint elite on (upkeep 5) and still recharge energy bar slowly or add swiftness/healing without consuming your energy bar. It would effectively allow you to keep your skills going a little bit longer.

Roy specifically mentioned not having traits that affect energy directly; why would they make a rune that does this? It would just become mandatory for the Revenant.

This, as well as being completely useless for all other classes.
I CAN see something along the lines of resistance on heal or stuff like that, there’s never overly complicated stuff on runes.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Harddrive.2738


They won’t make a rune that favors one legend over another. That means DPS, conditions, tanky type effects/modifiers are probably out.

Revenant energy bar is essentially a thief bar with larger numbers. Thief’s have a modifier, I don’t see why it would be crazy to do it with revenant.

Upkeep stuff might be to complicated for a rune but getting [fixed amount of energy] on hit or being hit with a cool down seems reasonable.

They say a lot of stuff only to do it later, like an expansion, or legendary armor.

Revenant Rune

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


They won’t make a rune that favors one legend over another. That means DPS, conditions, tanky type effects/modifiers are probably out.

Revenant energy bar is essentially a thief bar with larger numbers. Thief’s have a modifier, I don’t see why it would be crazy to do it with revenant.

Upkeep stuff might be to complicated for a rune but getting [fixed amount of energy] on hit or being hit with a cool down seems reasonable.

They say a lot of stuff only to do it later, like an expansion, or legendary armor.

Roy already said multiple times there won’t be any stuff concerning energy regeneration/recovery not because is imossible but because, otherwise, whichever contains that thing will almost become mandatory. Also he’d rather balance skill costs.
So this isn’t coiming.
I expect some boon on swap (both legend and weapon)

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?