Revenant and hero points
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
But in the other professions i can mix and match using the cheap early skills of each line. In revenant’s case i cannot do so. I must complete each legend before starting on another, or i will simply not get the skills in further slots (even if i have the slots unlocked otherwise).
This is a system that was designed for level 80 characters, it doesn’t seem to work well with the levelling ones at all.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
With other classes you have half the skills equipped. Example: if you unlock only 2 skill for each category in a normal class, you can only equip 4 of them, and the same goes for Revenant, since you can equip 2 legends with 2 skills each.
You do have one other option. By level 80 characters are supposed to have enough hero points to be able to create 1 or 2 builds. If you already know what legends you want to run at level 80 (presumably Glint and one other legend) then I would start by using your hero points to fully unlock the skills for your second legend first so you can have a full bar of skills. I would then unlock all the traits you need for the two non-herald specialization lines you want.
My understanding is that we can’t take elite specializations until level 80 since elite specializations are designed to be a form of endgame progression for classes, which is unfortunate for leveling a character if you have your heart set on unlocking all the skills and traits ASAP. That being said if you are really worried about running out of hero points, don’t unlock legends you don’t plan on using until after you have unlocked the herald, just camp whoever you plan on having your second legend be.
That being said, if my experience leveling a ranger this past week has been any indication if you pick up hero points you run by while on maps in PvE as you level not having enough hero points likely won’t be a problem.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
Not exactly. A normal Profession can equip 3 Utility Skills. To reach the exact same on the Revenant, you just have to unlock the first Shiro Skill and the first 2 Mallyx ones. That is not much more expensive than for normal Professions.
Yes you have those 3 skills divided between 2 Legends and have to swap to be able to use them, but going deeper into the Legend to have the whole stuff is not different for other Professions.
If you want to use the whole Shiro, you have to invest quite some Points into it, but that is the same for Trap-Rangers. The Ranger won’t just unlock the first Trap and fill the rest of the Bar with Shouts and Survivals. If he wants to specialize in Traps, he has to invest quite some Points into Traps.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
You will unlock everything besides elite spec by level 80, just like any other profession. The order you choose to unlock them is up to you. You can mix two legends early on to be able to equip two legends and use a few skills of each on each. Such as unlocking the heal and first utility skill on two legends, then switching back and forth between those two legends.
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.
Yep, at level 80 it will be comparable. Not so at lower levels. At those, you will be incentivized to max 2 legends first, before starting to work on others – otherwise you will end up with theoretically unlocked, but unusable utility slots.
So, as i was saying before, this design seems to be done for level 80 characters, but is not so well thought out for lower level ones.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
So, as i was saying before, this design seems to be done for level 80 characters, but is not so well thought out for lower level ones.
That’s really not true, though. I mean, even on other classes you have to invest deep into one line in order to get an elite skill or the really impacting and popular utilities which tend to be toward the back. It’s the exact same for the Revenant. You can get a bunch of first utilities for each legend or go all-in on one or two legends to finish them up first.
Yep, at level 80 it will be comparable. Not so at lower levels. At those, you will be incentivized to max 2 legends first, before starting to work on others – otherwise you will end up with theoretically unlocked, but unusable utility slots.
You know that you can get hero points from hero challenges, right? You can always farm some of them and unlock every skill you can in every legend.
If you only count points from levelup, you have 2 options: spec into everything and gain more options but less skills equipped at the same time, or focus on 2 legends, getting the same number of skills at the beginning, but progressively more towards the end of your levelup (as soon as you can get 3 skills, revenant gets 6).
Either way you still have some disadvantages, but also some advantages. It’s not a big deal. Nobody is forcing you to play revenant if you don’t like a different approach on little things, but honestly, skill progression is fine.
Sign a petition for MISTfire wolf.
(edited by Kidel.2057)
*cough*still need more utilities*cough*
Yep, at level 80 it will be comparable. Not so at lower levels. At those, you will be incentivized to max 2 legends first, before starting to work on others – otherwise you will end up with theoretically unlocked, but unusable utility slots.
You know that you can get hero points from hero challenges, right? You can always farm some of them and unlock every skill you can in every legend.
If you only count points from levelup, you have 2 options: spec into everything and gain more options but less skills equipped at the same time, or focus on 2 legends, getting the same number of skills at the beginning, but progressively more towards the end of your levelup (as soon as you can get 3 skills, revenant gets 6).
Either way you still have some disadvantages, but also some advantages. It’s not a big deal. Nobody is forcing you to play revenant if you don’t like a different approach on little things, but honestly, skill progression is fine.
Sign a petition for MISTfire wolf.
You’re both missing one thing: utility/elite slots have a level requirement (13, 15, 22, 31). You get hero points faster than you can fill out a line, e.g. rangers get 3 utility slot spirits for 15 points and 3 utility slot traps for another 15 points, yet get 32 hero points from leveling rewards alone. And at early levels you can get as many hero points from skill challenges as from leveling. So it should be doable to have enough unlocks for 3 legends in parallel, the advantage on focusing on two lines will be that you can choose which utility skills to use during level 13-21.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
You will unlock everything besides elite spec by level 80, just like any other profession. The order you choose to unlock them is up to you. You can mix two legends early on to be able to equip two legends and use a few skills of each on each. Such as unlocking the heal and first utility skill on two legends, then switching back and forth between those two legends.
Thanks for clarification. Haven’t leveled new char in the new system at all
A bit of a side question but @level 80 do Tomes of Knowledge give xp towards mastery?
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
You will unlock everything besides elite spec by level 80, just like any other profession. The order you choose to unlock them is up to you. You can mix two legends early on to be able to equip two legends and use a few skills of each on each. Such as unlocking the heal and first utility skill on two legends, then switching back and forth between those two legends.
Thanks for clarification. Haven’t leveled new char in the new system at all
A bit of a side question but @level 80 do Tomes of Knowledge give xp towards mastery?
they didn’t in the beta.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
You will unlock everything besides elite spec by level 80, just like any other profession. The order you choose to unlock them is up to you. You can mix two legends early on to be able to equip two legends and use a few skills of each on each. Such as unlocking the heal and first utility skill on two legends, then switching back and forth between those two legends.
Thanks for clarification. Haven’t leveled new char in the new system at all
A bit of a side question but @level 80 do Tomes of Knowledge give xp towards mastery?
Sorry I do not have the quote but they did conform a while ago in a post that they would not.
Think of the Legends as Utility Categories like with the others Professions.
Shiro is Traps, Jalis is Survival, Ventari is Shouts. if you only spent a few points into Shiro, you only get 1 or 2 Skills in the Legend. If you want the whole legend, you have to spent the points for every skill like with the other Professions.
Basically this explains it pretty well.
So basically all or nothing because you can’t have cross legend skills and the more you put in the more expensive skills are meaning you will unlock less skills than another class.
You will unlock everything besides elite spec by level 80, just like any other profession. The order you choose to unlock them is up to you. You can mix two legends early on to be able to equip two legends and use a few skills of each on each. Such as unlocking the heal and first utility skill on two legends, then switching back and forth between those two legends.
I think what new Revenants will hate is as they ding 80, while everybody else is doing HoT content, they will have to stay in the old world and farm 174 hero points according to the datamined costs for the specializations just so they can do Herald.
174 hero points is a lot of skill challenges they need to tread through just to start working on HoT and be behind in the mastery progression grind.
Basically, Revenants start handicapped in the race since no revenants can complete the hero challenges before HoT release.
This wouldn’t be a problem if the game didn’t punish alts and made the hero points account bound.
Doing 214 hero challenges to unlock everything on 8 toons is ridiculous. That’s 1712 hero challenges repeated just to experience each profession’s specialization.
Or you can only unlock 1 legend+2 specs+herald at first, using 120+20+170=310 points of your 400 points from lv 80. You can even unlock a third spec and a third legend if you want, or simply all the legends and 2 specs + herald. Just from lv 80 points.
You can farm for other traits later. For the beginning I’m sticking with Devastation+Invocation+Herald + all the legends. I’ll get the other specs later.
Also 170 points is not confirmed. It can easily be way less, since that would almost require map completion for everyone to unlock it . Think about it: there will be more elite specs. If they’re all around 170 points then you can’t even get enough with 100% map completion, and it almost needs twice the effort even if they add more hero challenges. 340 hero challenges are a lot.
(edited by Kidel.2057)
I’m hoping it gets reduced or there are alternative ways of getting the elite specs. If it stays the way it is, it’s going to be such a grind to get it on one character, let alone all of the alts.