221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Revenant bows someday?
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
LB would be cool.
eh bows are usually bad dps with the exception of ranger longbow
eh bows are usually bad dps with the exception of ranger longbow
If it’s the same as dragon hunter id take hammer any day :P I actually dont see how a bow could be better than the hammer, it would have to offer something new, and currently the hammer is quite unique in that regard.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
eh bows are usually bad dps with the exception of ranger longbow
If it’s the same as dragon hunter id take hammer any day :P I actually dont see how a bow could be better than the hammer, it would have to offer something new, and currently the hammer is quite unique in that regard.
I feel the same hammer is just better. There just isn’t any new spin on how to use bows that they haven’t used already (fire lb on warrior,bounce shots thief, fast shots/condi ranger sb, distance ranger lb). If we are talking about a ranged condi weapon (considering hammer is power) I think a ghostbuster theme rifle would be sweet but even then they’d find some way to make it suck. I think I’ll just stick with hammer for now.
eh bows are usually bad dps with the exception of ranger longbow
If it’s the same as dragon hunter id take hammer any day :P I actually dont see how a bow could be better than the hammer, it would have to offer something new, and currently the hammer is quite unique in that regard.
I feel the same hammer is just better. There just isn’t any new spin on how to use bows that they haven’t used already (fire lb on warrior,bounce shots thief, fast shots/condi ranger sb, distance ranger lb). If we are talking about a ranged condi weapon (considering hammer is power) I think a ghostbuster theme rifle would be sweet but even then they’d find some way to make it suck. I think I’ll just stick with hammer for now.
Hammer is a cool range weapon. (And unique too since no other classes use Hammer as range weapon)
Plus Hammer actually out-damage LB rotation if you spam 2 on CD (Roy buffed the Hammer damage coefficient like 20%~30% or more post BWE 1, which is huge)
LB of ranger is a burst-type one trick Pony burst, while Rev’s hammer is about sustain high dps with lots of utility.
Revenant has to avoid being in the trend and be as unique as possible.
If Revenant going to get LB, it should be melee weapon.
Longbow could be used as condi range weapon. Put Pyro Fierceshot as a legend and call it a day.
I cannot imagine other long range power wep unless its 1h but then we have another problem – none of current offhand would synergy with 1h ranged wep.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I’d like to see dagger as a short-med ranged condi weapon.
I really just want to throw daggers
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
it would all depend on the Legend that went along with it…
I’d love to see a Jora Legend with a GS… OP Norn Skills are OP.
Guild Leader of Covenant of the First Flame [Soul].
Only if it was melee. Yeah, melee Longbow sounds legit.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Only if it was melee. Yeah, melee Longbow sounds legit.
Warrior longbow work best at melee range.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I’d like to see dagger as a short-med ranged condi weapon.
I really just want to throw daggers
Axe would be much cooler… Dual wielding Axel for condition!
Scepter main-hand as melee-magic blade.
Think Knight Enchanter from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
I’d also love the idea of Offhand-Great-Weapons… Like the Greatsword of Artorias from Dark Souls.
Guild Leader of Covenant of the First Flame [Soul].
I was gonna suggest daggers but someone beat me to it.
how about main hand throw shield captain america style!
I was gonna suggest daggers but someone beat me to it.
how about main hand throw shield captain america style!
I suggested shield for mainhand in another thread but nobody wants to hear… And now you Comeback along…
Vote 4 dual wielding shields against
I was gonna suggest daggers but someone beat me to it.
how about main hand throw shield captain america style!
I suggested shield for mainhand in another thread but nobody wants to hear… And now you Comeback along…
Vote 4 dual wielding shields against
I want to dual wield shields so bad.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
I was gonna suggest daggers but someone beat me to it.
how about main hand throw shield captain america style!
I suggested shield for mainhand in another thread but nobody wants to hear… And now you Comeback along…
Vote 4 dual wielding shields against
I want to dual wield shields so bad.
Again a longbow? Why not a shortbow?!
I’d rather greatsword so i can use my twilight on it
next elite spec will be legendary madwoman stance (Scarlet Briar) and we’ll get a rifle as a condi weapon
next elite spec will be legendary madwoman stance (Scarlet Briar) and we’ll get a rifle as a condi weapon
And we better use this weapon as smacking/ melee weapon.
Bullets are for wimps.
Defying logic! That’s Revenant yknow!
I see a lot of awesome ideas for long range condition weapon and the corresponding legends. What I am curious about is whether or not you guys think they would implement it as a new elite spec or if they would simply add it on it’s own. Is there a precedent for such a thing?
there’s a spin on bows we’ve not seen yet: time-bows :P
the autoattack fires a mist-arrow and does a small amount of damage but gives a stacking debuff on the target, the #2 skill consumes that debuff, opens a portal to the mist, and releases REAL versions of those arrows that do double the damage of an equivalent number of arows fired (eg, if each arrow did 500 damage, and you got kittens, the #2 hit would do 5k).
crazy high risk/reward and burst and completely different to any bows we’ve seen up to now
More likely the other 2 elite specs will be …
Greatsword – Just because the majority of people seem to want it
MH Dagger – Ranged condition weapon option, since apart from mace a revenant doesn’t have another MH condition weapon
Envy – Fort Aspenwood
“Believe in yourself … because the rest of us think you’re an idiot”
More likely the other 2 elite specs will be …
Greatsword – Just because the majority of people seem to want it
MH Dagger – Ranged condition weapon option, since apart from mace a revenant doesn’t have another MH condition weapon
Also because throwing knives YES
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
melee longbow anyone?
beats foes with longbow
I’d like to see Bow as a condition weapon focused more on ground targetted AoEs. Sort of like Mortar Kit on Engineers. And pair it with Wells.
That’s pretty much what Revenant lacks in terms of attack types. It’d be best as a second or third generation elite spec as it goes “against” the design of a mobile fighter to a long-range arcane archer.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
well, i’d rather have shortbow than longbow because of the dreamer xD and a horse legend on top of that :P
More likely the other 2 elite specs will be …
Greatsword – Just because the majority of people seem to want it
MH Dagger – Ranged condition weapon option, since apart from mace a revenant doesn’t have another MH condition weapon
Also because throwing knives YES
I really hope for
GS: melee 2h power (is standard i know)
LB: ranged 2h condi (standard too)
Dmh: ranged mh condi
Unfortunately since we have left just GS/LB/SB we can just swap them around for melee/ranged to have something unique…melee bows feel really awkward to me (another story is trowing magic stuff with melee weapons).
Now which Legends should we pair with those? :-D
Wat r u, casul?
(edited by Gaaroth.2567)
Longbow, Melee like Arrow O.o^^
I’d rather greatsword so i can use my twilight on it
Greatsword as well because they have the best looking legendaries.
I’d like to see dagger as a short-med ranged condi weapon.
I really just want to throw daggers
Axe would be much cooler… Dual wielding Axel for condition!
See I never thought about axe mainhand because I always thought it’d be similar to ranger. But now that you mention dual wielding axes, it’d be cool if mainhand axe worked kinda like guardian staff, attacking in a cone but applying condis instead, with some sort of mist scar effect or something like the offhand.