Revenant build question
I tried conditions with full rabid set and undead runes. It’s not terribly hard to maintain 1K burn + 1K torment damage without using legend powers. When you can keep mobs still, Mallyx AoE fields can really stack up the torment to about 2-3K. I didn’t want to blow gold on superior runes of torment, but those runes definitely synergize well with the Rev. Viper armor would be a solid replacement for rabid for the condi duration as well.
Personally I decked my Rev out in full soldiers gear. Mainly because range is very useful in some fights and hammer is our only access to range, and it’s amazingly good too. Very very survivable, high power damage, and 40% crit chance with fury (trait: roiling mists) means I don’t need to waste a stat in precision. Hammer hits like a freight train and sword/shield combo stacks vulnerability up. I use glint/shiro, but shiro mostly for stun breaks since that’s the only way you’re going to survive if you get whacked. Otherwise, I stick with glint to stack up might and perma fury. Glint would work for condi builds as well for the might stacks.
If you want to use conditions, go Mallyx entirely. a half power/half condition build is jack of no trades and master of none.
If you like Shiro, try pairing it with Jalis. Shiro will give you all the damage you need and then you can switch to Jalis when you need a huge boost of survivability.
If you have the Herald elite spec unlocked, Glint is also a great pairing with Shiro.
For reference, I play Shiro/Glint with full zerker and I do 4k autoattack crits without any might and have great survivability due to protection and heals pretty much on demand from Glint. You do have to stay smart and mobile, but you can jump in and out of mob groups and lay waste to them with few problems if you pay attention
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
Glint pairs well with most anything. When you get to Herald, it’ll work well with Mallyx also.
When I run condition, I tend to prefer Dire for Mallyx. Rabid does give crit %, but without added ferocity I’d just as soon get some vitality and stack duration and condition damage.
Try going for Retribution traits alongside Corruption for added survivability and giving out Weakness.