Revenant has turned into my favorite class

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: KingFarout.1092


Playing the last beta weekend I had a large amount of fun playing the Rev, despite some things felt weak. With the recent changes, including buffs and tweaks to the auto attack animation, the Revenant profession has quickly become my favorite. ArenaNet, and Roy specifically, have done such a good job making the class feel fun and addressing its concerns.

Now I can’t wait for the Rev to be released or another beta weekend to play again!

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


I’d be right there with you if it wasn’t for reaper, man did that spec hit the right spot. And with the coming changes it’s gonna be even better.
What makes me love revenant so much I think is hammer, I just love hammers as weapons but for warriors they feel boring, and for guardian, half of their skills are kinda utility based and I end up just spamming auto attacks

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Well i really enjoyed the revenant too. Ritualist was my main class in the first gw after all but i really enjoyed chronomancer too, it really improved the mesmer core class. I’m really stuck between that two class need some time to decide which one is going to be my main.

(edited by gannondorf.7628)

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


I can’t even play GW2 any more… I log in for daily stuff, try to play for a hour or two on the weekends, but the game just feels stale….. So ready for another beta weekend so I can pull out my Beta Revenant and have a good time again. The class itself has renewed my enjoyment of the game. Sure Ill explore the new area’s, but I’m mostly looking forward to going into WvW with a new class and having a good time. I also look forward to going back to some of the old area’s, dungeons, bosses, random farm area’s and experiencing the game in a whole new way. Hell I might even take up doing Fractals (I hate fractals)….

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Well BlazeQ i understand your feeling perfectly. I’m just don’t having taste in any class for now. Ij ust want to play chronomancer and revenant again for deciding me and choose witch one i’m going to play.
What i love in revenant? The past theme with history and ancient legend for inspiring himself and honoring them (looks like a sort of confuciasm spiritism like it was in cantha), the spiritual communion with the spirits and the disabling with eyes, relying just in the other senses for making anything and focus on channeling. I really enjoyed the polyvalence of the class too. That’s why i have loved in ritualist but revenant is melee where ritualist was range. I’m not a lover of melee (and revenant was squishy in beta) but i think i must force myself.

(edited by gannondorf.7628)

Revenant has turned into my favorite class

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


It was my favourite class since announcement.

I’ve always loved heavy armor classes, even before guild wars. I’m usually a warrior, a knight or a paladin. But I wasn’t really happy with those archetypes.

Warrior didn’t have enough magic, was only physical. Paladin has that magic feeling, but it’s too much light oriented, while dark knights too much darkness oriented. It rapresents me better than Warrior (that’s why I’ve been a main Guardian for 3 years now), sure, but it still felt not 100% my kind of class.

Revenant seems just perfect for me. Heavy armor class with neutral magic.

It also has that 5% of Pokémon feel, If you get what I mean.

I love the legend swap mechanic and the fact that we get 5 fixed skills from each legend.

(edited by Kidel.2057)