Revenant underwater combat not complete

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Zoda Slayer.4176

Zoda Slayer.4176

I noticed playing in tangled depths underwater on my revenant that I have a weapon swap but can only wield a spear and that I have to use Mallyx or Shiro if I want underwater utility/healing/elite skills. Ventari, Glint and Jalis do not have underwater skills will they get them in the future?

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


Also skill #2 of spear is a joke, no cooldown, no energy cost, just spam hit an build 25 stacks of vulnerability in no time.

norn warrior

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Nexterror.7180


Just found out that not all legends have underwater skills. Is this working as intended? Is this how revenant was supposed to be played underwater?

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Heather.4823


The underwater skills need sorting.

My default ones, dragon and dwarf dont work underwater so when I go in the water I have no skills so if I change skills while underwater to say assassin and demon, they also change the skills on land too so you have the change them back when you get back on land which is silly.

Please add the option to have underwater skills and land skills so we dont have to keep changing when we go in the water and back on land

Siren – Aurora Glade

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Nexterror.7180


Still waiting a fix to this obviously flawed design. Thank you.

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Its just clearly unfinished, its quite unbelievable that they launched with it in this state.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Dastion.3106


Also skill #2 of spear is a joke, no cooldown, no energy cost, just spam hit an build 25 stacks of vulnerability in no time.

The Revenant was originally designed with a single weapon set. From what they said at first, your #1 skill would alter from melee to ranged based on your distance but they seemed to have scrapped that. Instead they gave us a spammable ranged attack (#1) and a spammable melee attack (#2).

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


It is very unfinished…but considering how little players have really made a fuss about something like this just speaks to how unpopular underwater mechanics are, lol.

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The funny thing is that Glint facets stay active if you go underwater with them on, but you can’t turn them back on if you switch legends.

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: rchu.8945


Its just clearly unfinished, its quite unbelievable that they launched with it in this state.

and to think they left out all WvW features enhancements and still fail at this, it’s pretty sad.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Pompeia.5483


There were several things to this…

1) They are looking to phase out water combat entirely (I hope this means no more quaggans, hahahahaha) so they did not put much effort into it. I seem to recall this mentioned in the video they introduced the spear.
2) As mentioned about the weapon swap, they designed the spear to be both melee and ranged, power and condi… so that is why it is funky and, if you have two, you can put different sigils on them to support each attack method.
3) The glyphs you have activated from Glint remain when you enter water… you just cannot change them (on/off). But, yeah, due to #1, they never bothered to finish the other legends.

I am kinda glad they did Mallyx but, really, Shiro is the only good choice under water because of spear #2 with the quickness skill. They need to make water and land legends separate for this purpose but, like the Elementalist not having it, I doubt we will either.

Amanda Corsiva – Revenant && Katereyna – Chillomancer
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer