Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Wilendar.1450


Hello, I was wondering how good is revenant compared to warrior in PvE ? What are Your toughs ? I’ve tested them out on same gear stats (switched ascended gear to each other) and I think Revenant is slightly better in dps (specially 1 sword autoattack) and survivality because of double heal, and self perma boon, BUT what are your opinion guys ?

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: The one to Rule.2593

The one to Rule.2593

Rev seems better for dps and utility, Warrior to me is more about might stacking which they are FAR better at than rev even with facets and strength runes.

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


I would like to see our dps with sword/axe against a phalanx gs.

But I agree where we shine is utility and versatility

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Terra.8571


Rev is much better at dps than warrior. Like 20-30% depending on build (DnT had some graphs and Obal made one for Rev’s).

In a raid fight, that will be hundreds of thousands of hit points. You would still bring a warrior for might stacking, empower allies and banners. But in terms of dps rev’s are much higher plus they’re a boon factory.

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


personally I prefer rev for might stacking.

Warrior specced for pure dps using berserker should out dps a rev. Numbers havent been crunched yet, and many of us warrior players dont like the spec, but for pure dps with strength and arms it should do more, or strength and tactics

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Warriors are in a pretty bad spot right now, with a dysfunctional elite specialization and a base class that didn’t keep up with the power creep.

Revenants probably out-DPS, out-support AND out-tank Warriors right now. (And they’re probably not the only one.)

You probably want to ask this after after the next balance pass, which, I believe, is due to come out before the next PvP tournaments or something.

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Terra.8571


personally I prefer rev for might stacking.

Warrior specced for pure dps using berserker should out dps a rev. Numbers havent been crunched yet, and many of us warrior players dont like the spec, but for pure dps with strength and arms it should do more, or strength and tactics

Its not even close.

DnT have updated their warrior guide but even with the dps boost for zerker line, it still can’t compete with Rev. The reason Rev dps is so high is because of a strong AA combined with 45% quickness uptime. The high quickness uptime is what make Rev’s dps shine. Engi, ele and rev are in the top tier of dps. Warriors are still someway behind.

Like I said, if you bring a warrior it won;t be for dps, it will be for the added benefits it brings to group dps. Banners and empower allies are difficult to replace.

I’m not sure where condi zerker will fit in but none of the big PvE guides people have not yet suggested it will compete with the engi.

(edited by Terra.8571)

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Eros.6801


I personaly choose rev because in pve wide rev is much better than war, fury for us is 40% instead of 20% then we have 100% uptime fury, swiftness, might, regen or even protection, more dps than war, hammer is just great and most of all rev is more fun to play than war.

Revenant vs Warrior - PvE

in Revenant

Posted by: Frostlance.1690


Rev seems better for dps and utility, Warrior to me is more about might stacking which they are FAR better at than rev even with facets and strength runes.

heh? Rev with the Strenght Facet + Sigil of Strenght with 90%+ Crit chance.. a single sword 3 = 25 might stacks lol