Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: HolyWarcraft.7694


I didn’t expect much from the revenant after the last beta weekend but I’ve been rolling this one using hammer sword/axe, shiro/malyx and the damage is real. Using impossible odds and getting easy max range hammer 2’s with a 3 I can easily burst classes for 8k damage and follow it up with phase travel or axe 4 to deal the finishing blow. Only certain issues for the class so far though.

Sword 4 and 5 are practically useless, it feels so unsatisfying to use and inferior to sword/axe in every way. Jade wind has no use in 1v1’s aside from stunning a heal compared to the energy cost and comparing the damage I get out with IO and PT instead. Hammer 5 is hard to hit anyone with a brain with. and mallyx still feels like a “hit ulti and smash button” stance, although unyielding anguish makes great for escaping after getting a kill.

Another issue is it seems like actually downing someone in a teamfight compared to other classes is an absolute pain, you can’t UA to keep others away because it tp’s the downed person away to, and with how squishy dps revs are oftentimes its not worth it to go for the down and just try to jade wind/dps the guys reviving him. Also it sucks getting wrecked by people while using unrelenting assault because it doesn’t have a built in evade so they just use aoe and stand in it and you just have to take it.

How has everyone else been seeing the rev so far?

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Valfaros.6908


Yes sword 3 is a lot of fun up especially against a burn guard with purging flames. You are going to die before the animation ends^^

Rev is still squishy and if you play him powerbased you have a huge problem against enemys with condi builds

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: HolyWarcraft.7694


Speaking of fun stuff Impossible Odds haste effect also isn’t affecting executions on downed people, they die like 1 second after your animation finishes. It also bugs out on turning in supply to the doors on stronghold. As for the squishiness I normally just kill one or two people and bail out of the fight with mallyx leap and heal up a bit then just PT on someone fighting someone else.

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: CrimsonDX.4821


I think I could like this class a little better if weapon skills didn’t cost energy. Hell, the whole energy system sucks, but they would never change it.

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Sword 3 is an amazinng skill, so I hate even more that it’s bugged

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: HolyWarcraft.7694


Eh it is annoying having to choose between utility skills or abilities other than auto attacks, but I guess the point is they want us to constantly switch stances in the fight so we can reset our energy for abilities… that being said I always have energy issues with mallyx.

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Valfaros.6908


For me it would be okay if you have switch your legends over and over again in order to maintain energy.
BUT since your most usefull stunbreaker(if traited) is on legend swap it leaves you very vulnerable if you keep switching them.
The other 2 stunbreakers (Jalis Elit, Shiro 6) are just way to expensive to use. Don’t know if they forgot how a stunbreaker should work but im pretty sure they are not usefull if you only can use them after you just stayed on your AA for all day because that’s what rev has to do at the moment to use them. One costs 50% and that’s like “Well you rather didn’t pressed any weapon skill before you got stunned or you have a hard time getting out of the stun” the other costs 35% and here is something like I hope you didn’t use any of your utilitys …. stunbreakers have to be avaiable at all time sure others have cd on those but with the rev can’t use anything without disable their stunbreakers.

Never seen such a squishy heavy armor class. Because you just don’t have any accsess to good stunbreaker or condiremove!

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: ImLegion.4018


sword/sword looks cool…But I love sword/axe – hammer. Sword/Axe feels complete. The beta weekend I played Revenant most, it feels so good. Even on a Charr it feels fast enough.

Piken Square

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: HolyWarcraft.7694


I agree sword/axe hammer just feels so fluid to play, I need to give staff a chance but I’m just having to much fun to switch. Although if the trend of everyone bum rush the revenant continues I might be forced to use sword/sword every now and again just so I don’t get rekt.

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Elan.7523


Frankly, I love two things about the Revenant:
1) That it is such a blast to play
2) That the problems people have with it are more or less universally agreed upon

Those being the mediocre Shiro heal and the total lack of an evade frame for Sword 3 and Hammer 3.

Aside from those two gripes, however, I am absolutely loving the Revenant. Having a toggle weapon AND legend makes for an interesting mix and match on the fly gameplay feel. It is nearly as mobile as a thief, between Sword/Axe 4 and Shiro 8. Hits pretty hard with full Berserker gear, and brings its own utility to parties in group events. Spamming Jalis 0, for example, was really increasing my party’s survivability in fights, and the stability spam is crazy good. I could definitely see it having a place in PvE groups because of that. The passive +150 ferocity to allies doesn’t hurt, either!

(edited by Elan.7523)

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: HolyWarcraft.7694


If HoT’s sees heavy hard to dodge attacks that can’t be reflected I’d imagine Jalis/vent revs will be highly sought after in pugs. And yeah the damage feels great now.. in the first beta it was like I was swinging around a dry noodle but now the damage feels nice and the skill animations themselves seem to have an impact to them when I hit something.

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Sword 4 and 5 are practically useless, it feels so unsatisfying to use and inferior to sword/axe in every way.

I’m so glad i’m not the only one who feels this way!

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


5 has little usage. 4 is good (the block at least)

Reventant feels "mostly" amazing!

in Revenant

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


5 has little usage. 4 is good (the block at least)

when it actually blocks something >.<