Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Razarei.2809


Guys. Come on now. The class has literally been out for a few days and you’re already pulling insane changes to the class?

The class itself is supposed to be energy based. That’s the whole design mechanic. What’s the point of slapping cooldowns on abilities so we have two things to worry about? This is seriously just a L2P issue. Nerfing glints heal too? Yeah because the ability already wasn’t bad and required the stupidity of your opponent to function.

Yes, the class has good damage-to-survivability ratio, but let’s look at what it doesn’t have:

- Dies to any condition pressure. If you can’t figure this one out, then you literally shouldn’t be preparing to comment.
- VERY lackluster heals and BAD healing scaling
- Ventari’s tablet is a joke. All the skills should be instant cast so you use them while fighting. The heals and the placement of the fragments are NOT good enough to warrant you becoming a sitting duck
- No mobility outside of Shiro
- Still bugs everywhere.

To summarise, the class has nothing outside of a less warrior-like survivability and damage ratio. Balancing should be done based on the energy mechanic, not slapping cooldowns and nerfing already bad heals.

-Phase traversal should have had an increase to 25 energy.
-Infuse light should not have been changed at all, and needed a base heal increase, and better healing scaling. This goes for all the healing lines, and abilities. At 1200 healing power I get less than half (at best) on all the healing abilities. The only ability that has decent scaling is shield 5. Ventari’s tablet could do with better scaling, but is clunky as hell due to the casting times, which need to go.

Do you guys realize how much these small changes have hurt the class as a whole? I do virtually nothing in this game but WvW/PvP/Theorycraft. People are bad. When people learn how to to fight revs they will get dropped like it’s hot because they have no real purpose or identity.

If anything , you should be buffing the class right now, not nerfing it.

Elementalist – Blárp, Razarei, 55HPMonk, Need More Defense
Revenant – Master Blárp [Desolation]

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Twisey.2081


I completely agree on the learn to play against them. Because honestly. I played guardian forever, still do, came to rev for a unique experience in the energy department and it’s fundamental abilities now have longer cds than it takes to regain the energy spent. Why is that so? Surely they knew all go these things when they made the class. Now are breaking their backs to bend over at the people who say they are op. I sat find a better balance. What about 5 more energy and a 2-3 CD .That would be fair.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


You already forgot to write about Jalis and Mallyx, two legends who need changes and overall buffs. Balancing legends would be a priority too.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


just STOP ADDING COOLDOWNS ON SKILLS... thats the most easy and worst way to "balance" except from i dont know why this needs to be

on phase traversal:
in case of movement it just works if you got an enemy in front of you and it still costs afkn hell of dmg
in combat- you “waste” so much possible dmg using this, and its kind of easy to interrupt. also the mechanic of the dash-into-leap can hurt a lot if used in the wrong position….

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Twisey.2081


What I mean to say is there is no skill now in managing it, and I feel like I have even less of an identity on the field. I didn’t want to be compared to something else. That’s all

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


You already forgot to write about Jalis and Mallyx, two legends who need changes and overall buffs. Balancing legends would be a priority too.

oh yeah i remember jalis, that was that thing i had until i unlocked glint.
but what is mallyx :^) ?

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirk.3086


Jalis should have more than 1 heal ability (and useful taunt. Now it doesn’t work sometimes!). Herald has 3 with shield (and he can’t get any dmg with 2 of them).
Ok, ventari will be only outgoing healer, who can’t heal himself, but only herald now can heal himself without changing the stance (and all dwarf passives healing doesn’t stack with healing power! It’s most ridiculous!)…

(edited by Kirk.3086)

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


I actually make a post for suggesting some mallyx and jailis changes:

Jailis need better acces to stability (road is clunky and take time to finish and pulse stability, we need to stay on it for getting stab too), better acces to retaliation, maybe with increasing retaliation time on healing or changing the stability dodge trait with retaliation one, ROTGD instant and stunbreak for counter burst (i suppose that it was designed for that).

Mallyx in other hand has past to condition eater to condition dealer and near all talents have stay like this. So there are for most not really appropriate, odd. The legend himself has lost his identity becoming something with no clear role.

Ventari tablet is too clunky, and need acces to water field instead of light field.

(edited by gannondorf.7628)

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirk.3086


Rev can’t run away from anyone. Druid has this ridiculous wisp to run from anyone…

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Zalani.9827


Thing is I don’t want them to nerf shiro/glint so there on the same level as jalis/mallyx.
I want jails/mallyx to be brought up to that level.

Jadis Narnia-Sylvari Ranger of [EDGE]

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Jalis should have more than 1 heal ability (and useful taunt. Now it doesn’t work sometimes!). Herald has 3 with shield (and he can’t get any dmg with 2 of them).
Ok, ventari will be only outgoing healer, who can’t heal himself, but only herald now can heal himself without changing the stance (and all dwarf passives healing doesn’t stack with healing power! It’s most ridiculous!)…

Um, it does. The wiki isn’t updated but you get ~60 healing for every hammer strike on a target from Vengeful hammers. The problem is ~60 healing per hammer hit to target is garbage when mobs hit for considerably more than that. It’s not healing though, vigor boon that should be the premier Jalis boon (Glint already covers protection boon).

Also, Versed in Stone 50% condition damage reduction should also include a 50% condition duration reduction on use for Jalis tanking.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirk.3086


No, i mean there too low scaling from healing power…
Even last trait for healing per struck…
Shield healind scale good (i thought)…

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Thing is I don’t want them to nerf shiro/glint so there on the same level as jalis/mallyx.
I want jails/mallyx to be brought up to that level.

Stella Truth Seeker

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


I’ll be honest and I’d like to se CD on ALL skills so that some undertuned one can be buffed without worries

I’m saying again, energy+cd is the system that allows the best balance, allowing big effects without being OP

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I’ll be honest and I’d like to se CD on ALL skills so that some undertuned one can be buffed without worries

I’m saying again, energy+cd is the system that allows the best balance, allowing big effects without being OP

Jalis road says hi. Now followed by phase traversal which really hurts mobility.
There wont be any buffs bc they added cd’s, olny nerfs.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


I’ll be honest and I’d like to se CD on ALL skills so that some undertuned one can be buffed without worries

I’m saying again, energy+cd is the system that allows the best balance, allowing big effects without being OP

Jalis road says hi. Now followed by phase traversal which really hurts mobility.
There wont be any buffs bc they added cd’s, olny nerfs.

Roads need a major buff, i agree, the phase traversal was honest at least, i’ve been using this new version since a day now and it doesn’t seems bad…3s would be better but meh…

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


4s to regenerate energy, 5cd+ (8,3 when chilled, 10 when locked by thief knife, 15 by power lock) makes sense. But who take that into balance account right? Same with kinda supbar heal when we have no way to remove poison.
Thief can kite rev all day long now if he wish to now btw.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: nacario.9417


I completely agree with OP

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Trepidation Lost.3469

Trepidation Lost.3469

So much this. Look at how op chrono and reaper are. Shouldnt rev be the one who’s op for a bit to get people into it ?!?! (and its not even on par with classes pre patch.)

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Trepidation Lost.3469

Trepidation Lost.3469

Guys. Come on now. The class has literally been out for a few days and you’re already pulling insane changes to the class?

The class itself is supposed to be energy based. That’s the whole design mechanic. What’s the point of slapping cooldowns on abilities so we have two things to worry about? This is seriously just a L2P issue. Nerfing glints heal too? Yeah because the ability already wasn’t bad and required the stupidity of your opponent to function.

Yes, the class has good damage-to-survivability ratio, but let’s look at what it doesn’t have:

- Dies to any condition pressure. If you can’t figure this one out, then you literally shouldn’t be preparing to comment.
- VERY lackluster heals and BAD healing scaling
- Ventari’s tablet is a joke. All the skills should be instant cast so you use them while fighting. The heals and the placement of the fragments are NOT good enough to warrant you becoming a sitting duck
- No mobility outside of Shiro
- Still bugs everywhere.

To summarise, the class has nothing outside of a less warrior-like survivability and damage ratio. Balancing should be done based on the energy mechanic, not slapping cooldowns and nerfing already bad heals.

-Phase traversal should have had an increase to 25 energy.
-Infuse light should not have been changed at all, and needed a base heal increase, and better healing scaling. This goes for all the healing lines, and abilities. At 1200 healing power I get less than half (at best) on all the healing abilities. The only ability that has decent scaling is shield 5. Ventari’s tablet could do with better scaling, but is clunky as hell due to the casting times, which need to go.

Do you guys realize how much these small changes have hurt the class as a whole? I do virtually nothing in this game but WvW/PvP/Theorycraft. People are bad. When people learn how to to fight revs they will get dropped like it’s hot because they have no real purpose or identity.

If anything , you should be buffing the class right now, not nerfing it.

Couldn’t have put it better myself A guardians meditation heals for more than we do lol! on a 16 second cooldown, just roll medi guard!

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I don’t mind other nerfs but PT 5s CD should be removed.