It’s not secret that Revenant Sword main-hand is boring and ineffective in PvE, while being clunky and sometimes overpowered (or underpowered) in PvP depending on the scenario.
Revenant Sword Auto needs a change. It needs to be reworked to become a more interesting weapon to use in PvE, while keeping the same overall DPS output and it needs to be reworked to become smoother to play with and against in PvP.
I have a few suggestions for how this might be done, but I’m not under the impression that they are the “best” ways to improve the weapon, just one way.
Sword Auto-Attack
Animations and bugs aside, the Revenant Sword Auto-Attack is actually fine. It’s just a bit of flat power damage, some vulnerability and a neat mist-bomb at the end. The problem is that this is where all of the Revenant’s damage comes from. After testing, testing, testing and yet more testing, the highest DPS rotation is still to just auto-attack (precision strike MAY pull higher DPS with Alacrity under the right circumstances, but it’s a very minor difference that can be made up by buffing Protection for the 2% Elder’s Force trait while in Glint).
In PvP it’s pretty effective to just auto-attack someone to death, since they attacks hit for so much base damage.
This is actually the core problem of the weapon. The Auto-Attack just deals too much damage. What I propose is to reduce the overall damage by about 30 – 40% and move that DAMAGE PER SECOND (not actual skill damage) to the other attacks. This will result in Sword 2 and 3 being quite a bit stronger, because to flatten out overall DPS, they need to be (plus the cost of energy).
Precision Strike
Precision Strike never really made sense to me. It’s a mid-range attack on a melee weapon. It’s gone from being a utility attack to a full spike attack that’s still quite buggy and very clunky to use.
This skill should be a mid-tier DPS skill and keep the chill theme. What I propose is this
Precision Strike – 5 Energy / 5s Cool-down / 1 Second Cast Time
Unleash a wave of chilling energy from the Mists towards your foes.
Chill: 2 Seconds
Damage: Equivalent to 3 Precision Strike Projectiles (1.0 co-efficient, unbugged)
Skill Telegraph: Same current animation, similar effect to Shackling Wave
Range: 180 Units
This will change the skill from a clunky projectile based weapon that doesn’t really make sense, to a powerful ability, with a cost. The player MUST be in melee range, but it now cleaves, with a telegraph. This is, in nature, similar to Gravedigger on the Reaper.
Unrelenting Assault
Along with addressing Precision Strike and making it a more manageable skill, I propose that Unrelenting Assault also have a small AoE component added to it.
Currently, Unrelenting Assault is basically trash in a group scenario. It hits like a wet noodle, but that needs to change. What I propose is keeping the same (or very similar) functionality, with one additional effect.
Add a Rift onto each strike, similar to Rift Slash on the sword auto.
Rift Effects:
Max 2 Per Enemy
0.5 co-efficient
0.25 – 0.5s timer on “explosion”
What this does is gives the weapon more AoE impact, while helping to seperate enemies from the group, as they will want to spread apart if hit by an Unrelenting Assault. This also means that if they dodge mid-attack (which often happens), it negates this effect. It means this skill will punish bad players further and reward good players, while increasing it’s effectiveness in PvE (bringing it from a ~3.9 co-eff to a 4.9 co-eff on bosses).
The general concept behind these changes is to require the Revenant to put a little more effort into getting their DPS and to make the weapon more fun to use in PvP, while not making it completely over-powered. This will also result in forcing Revenants to manage energy a little better, but not make them feel as though that energy is wasted when too many enemies are around and they get RNG’d.