Role of Rev in PvP
Boonshare and utility.
Boonshare is not a priority of rev at all, its just capable of doing so.
You generally want to avoid 1v1s all together.
So basically an alternative to thief?
So basically an alternative to thief?
Yes, that’s what it’s always been. Many classes do it better now however. Mes, DH, War, Thief, Necro
Being a +1. Search for targets engaged with one of your team mates and help him to finish asap. Then move along and try to do the same again.
But you aren’t as mobile as a Thief, neither you have stealth, so is easier to see the rev coming, and your survability is smaller due weaker tools of disengage.
+1 and great dmg in teamfights if you play correct build and can use your energy well. The burst potential is still there but with different skills, staff 5 should be really used now only for cc not as burst like it used to.
None. If you want to +1 go thief. If you want to be a bruiser who doesnt give a f and 1vX people then war/dh, if you want supp then ele/druid.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Boonbot apparently. If you want great pressure, sustain and be good at team fights play a Berserker instead, if you enjoy 1v1s play a thief or mesmer.
(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)
Like a thief that doesn’t quite thief as hard as a thief… Although a lot more useful than a thief when joining the big team fights in mid with boonshare and insane cleaving on downed people.
It has lots of areal CC / damage and boonshare, as well as revive deny.
Come on, it isn’t that bad. As long as your rotations are thought out, your team presence is major. Some people aren’t fast enough / responsive enough for rev, and blame it for being so weak. They also probably follow the meta, which should be given a few tweaks.
Come on, it isn’t that bad. As long as your rotations are thought out, your team presence is major. Some people aren’t fast enough / responsive enough for rev, and blame it for being so weak. They also probably follow the meta, which should be given a few tweaks.
Rev doesn´t have stability and almost no condi cleanse which makes it just too weak. With all the CC in the game its almost impossible to cleave downed players in teamfights. Damage and Mobility was all Rev had before the nerf, now its just a boon bot with mobility.
I switched to power warrior this season which gives me all the things I miss at rev: Stability, Condi Cleanse, Damage.
It might be missing stability but it has a lot of stunbreaks, blocks, and evades.
^ Has a lot of blocks and evades but the stunbreaks are a bit clunky, to say the least.
Take a look at the main (only) playable build: power Herald with Glint/Shiro and Devastation, Invocation and Herald traitlines. You have a good breakstun in Gaze of Darkness, with a 20s cd, but the breakstun from legend swap is situational and sometimes using it throws for 10 seconds the tools you want. And then is the third breakstun, Riposting Shadows, which costs 30 energy units in a skill bar in which everything costs 30+, so you can’t even use all your Shiro skills in a row even if your energy is at max (100 unitsa).
Rev is currently a high risk, low reward class.
^ Has a lot of blocks and evades but the stunbreaks are a bit clunky, to say the least.
Take a look at the main (only) playable build: power Herald with Glint/Shiro and Devastation, Invocation and Herald traitlines. You have a good breakstun in Gaze of Darkness, with a 20s cd, but the breakstun from legend swap is situational and sometimes using it throws for 10 seconds the tools you want. And then is the third breakstun, Riposting Shadows, which costs 30 energy units in a skill bar in which everything costs 30+, so you can’t even use all your Shiro skills in a row even if your energy is at max (100 unitsa).
Rev is currently a high risk, low reward class.
Exactly and specially the last line, Rev might not be garbage tier but the risk/reward ratio is so gross when other classes like Warrior are literally the opposite, low risk/high reward.
Call me hipster but as soon as I realized that, I could not keep playing my Warrior much longer so I and went back to my Mallyx Rev, Zerk’s toolkit is so overtuned for the easy of use it has.
(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)
^ Has a lot of blocks and evades but the stunbreaks are a bit clunky, to say the least.
Take a look at the main (only) playable build: power Herald with Glint/Shiro and Devastation, Invocation and Herald traitlines. You have a good breakstun in Gaze of Darkness, with a 20s cd, but the breakstun from legend swap is situational and sometimes using it throws for 10 seconds the tools you want. And then is the third breakstun, Riposting Shadows, which costs 30 energy units in a skill bar in which everything costs 30+, so you can’t even use all your Shiro skills in a row even if your energy is at max (100 unitsa).
Rev is currently a high risk, low reward class.
I have to agree. There are options for stun breaks, but some are situational and others are high energy cost.
Come on, it isn’t that bad. As long as your rotations are thought out, your team presence is major. Some people aren’t fast enough / responsive enough for rev, and blame it for being so weak. They also probably follow the meta, which should be given a few tweaks.
Rev doesn´t have stability and almost no condi cleanse which makes it just too weak. With all the CC in the game its almost impossible to cleave downed players in teamfights. Damage and Mobility was all Rev had before the nerf, now its just a boon bot with mobility.
I switched to power warrior this season which gives me all the things I miss at rev: Stability, Condi Cleanse, Damage.
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
Retribution traitline was destroyed in the October patch: you don’t longer have evade on demand (you must to await an attack and evade to get it) and Versed in Stone was nerfed to uselessness (a random proc with a 60s cd, uh); the other source of stability is Inspiring Reinforcement, which forces you to use a very weak legend for a stupid skill: please enemy team put your AoE damage and cc just right here…
Face it: lack of reliably stability + weakness to conditions and cc + so so damage + complex gameplay = Revs doing poorly at gold and below (which includes myself). At platinum and legend, if you have good reflexes and you evade/block everything can work, but is still worse than Thief to do the role because the lesser mobility and disengage tools.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
(edited by Abelisk.4527)
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
Thanks, Ive always enjoyed looking at people’s different builds.
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
I saw you mention condi transfer on legend swap on another thread, specifically stating the rev would lose three of its conditions, and now I just can’t resist correcting you on it. Pulsating Pestilence does not transfer three conditions, it copies three conditions to enemies within a 240 radius of the rev. To make sure my point is clear I’ll state it plainly, those conditions remain on the rev.
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
I was talking about the meta build, which means I already made “100% of my rev”. Retri trait is dead and Mallyx is really bad compared to other condi classes.
I’m thinking about playing Rev in the new season. I have a decent amount of exp as a Rev. What would you guys say is the “role” of a Rev in PvP with the current balance it has?
Bringing damage in teamfights and smaller skirmishes – a bit similar to necromancer, but you trade a bit of pressure for much better mobility that allows you to rotate quicker. You are rather mediocre 1v1er, do it only if you have to and it’s not a terrible matchup (mesmer).
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
I was talking about the meta build, which means I already made “100% of my rev”. Retri trait is dead and Mallyx is really bad compared to other condi classes.
Mallyx is destructive if played right in a teamfight.
Mallyx is destructive if played right in a teamfight.
Few things make me happier in PvP than landing a really good axe 5 and then using banish enchantment on the furthest target in the line. One of the many reasons Mallyxrev is so much more fun.
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
I was talking about the meta build, which means I already made “100% of my rev”. Retri trait is dead and Mallyx is really bad compared to other condi classes.
Mallyx is destructive if played right in a teamfight.
Honestly I’d love to see an example of that, I’ve tried it myself and sadly found it incredibly lackluster. So no trolling or anything if you have an example of someone effectively playing mal on par with other condi classes I would absolutely love to see it.
As it stands to the original point, just don’t play a rev in PvP. Sure if you’re given the exact optimum scenario you might be good for a little while but for the most part you’re going to struggle so much more to be effective than any other class. Just play a thief if you want to go for kills, guard for point holding or ele for team support and aoe damage
No stability on Rev? lolwhat? XD how about some Retro traits? Or mallyx resistance and legend swap condi transfer?) If you cant make 100% of ur Rev its ur problem not Revs) atm there are 2 types of Rev 1st who dies as fast as blink of the eye) and 2nd who kill ur team as paper shreder)
I was talking about the meta build, which means I already made “100% of my rev”. Retri trait is dead and Mallyx is really bad compared to other condi classes.
Mallyx is destructive if played right in a teamfight.
Honestly I’d love to see an example of that, I’ve tried it myself and sadly found it incredibly lackluster. So no trolling or anything if you have an example of someone effectively playing mal on par with other condi classes I would absolutely love to see it.
As it stands to the original point, just don’t play a rev in PvP. Sure if you’re given the exact optimum scenario you might be good for a little while but for the most part you’re going to struggle so much more to be effective than any other class. Just play a thief if you want to go for kills, guard for point holding or ele for team support and aoe damage
Same here, I still keep trying Mallyx Rev but it just gets shut down by any good player so I’d love to see an actual good example of it being used well and not just people supposing that Rev is in a good spot (which it isn’t for the high skill ceiling it has, high risk/low reward)
(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)
I run Glint/Mallyx condition revenant (Ardyn Izunía) and it’s pretty powerful.
Great defense, lasts long with all the blocks, and can do pretty mean damage
(edited by Abelisk.4527)
I run Glint/Mallyx condition revenant (Ardyn Izunía) and it’s pretty powerful.
Great defense, lasts long with all the blocks, and can do pretty mean damage
Nice, thanks for the link. Cool name btw
I run Glint/Mallyx condition revenant (Ardyn Izunía) and it’s pretty powerful.
Great defense, lasts long with all the blocks, and can do pretty mean damage
I’ve been toying with something similar in unranked for Rev dailies. Nice to know I might be onto something.
Do you play it in Ranked at all?
I run Glint/Mallyx condition revenant (Ardyn Izunía) and it’s pretty powerful.
Great defense, lasts long with all the blocks, and can do pretty mean damage
Nice, thanks for the link. Cool name btw
Yw, and thanks
I run Glint/Mallyx condition revenant (Ardyn Izunía) and it’s pretty powerful.
Great defense, lasts long with all the blocks, and can do pretty mean damage
I’ve been toying with something similar in unranked for Rev dailies. Nice to know I might be onto something.
Do you play it in Ranked at all?
Yeah. It’s really powerful in teamfights and especially in cleaving downed enemies, although eles might be able to clean condis off often. However, it’s possible to apply huge stacks of torment for burst damage. There’s a lot of boonstrip potential here too. It’s a great build IMO with many defensive capabilities, escapes, etc.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
I just came in here to point out how freaking good this build is. I’ve been running a Berserker Rev build for the longest time and while I did pretty well, I’d get destroyed by a well played Necro or Condi Mes.
NO MORE! Thanks to your build, I now have the vitality to withstand heavy condi pressure and the damage to hit back harder! Thanks so much for sharing your build, sir! You have singlehandedly saved Revenant for me PVP-wise. I was even able to win a 2v1 against a Druid and Condi Warrior last night with this build which is something I thought impossible just a week ago.
Too bad Revenant is no longer as desirable in Raids though sigh I built an entire set of Raid gear for him too then he got nerfed a week later.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
I just came in here to point out how freaking good this build is. I’ve been running a Berserker Rev build for the longest time and while I did pretty well, I’d get destroyed by a well played Necro or Condi Mes.
NO MORE! Thanks to your build, I now have the vitality to withstand heavy condi pressure and the damage to hit back harder! Thanks so much for sharing your build, sir! You have singlehandedly saved Revenant for me PVP-wise.
I was even able to win a 2v1 against a Druid and Condi Warrior last night with this build which is something I thought impossible just a week ago.
Too bad Revenant is no longer as desirable in Raids though
sigh I built an entire set of Raid gear for him too then he got nerfed a week later.
Oh, so would you recommend this over Mallyx? I’m still trying to make it work but it’s really hard to tell when there is literally no one else playing it to compare myself with.
My current Mallyx build:
Went with Rune of the Undead since I believe it synergies well enough with Hardening Persistence and Wanderer Amulet. The thing I was never sure enough about was Invocation vs Retribution, since I did miss even just the stunbreak when I went with Retribution so I’m not sure if the damage reduction from it is worth the trade off and the stability is so stupid unreliable.
(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)
I’ve only ever tried Power Mallyx with Shiro before so I’m not too familiar with the condi set. I’m sure the condi version is at least usable in Ranked. I’m just not a huge fan of Mace.
I do want to point out though that Power Shiro/Mallyx was actually decent in ranked. Made it to Gold with it but I decided to switch to Herald Shiro/Glint after seeing Abelisk’s build as it just performed way better than mine.
I’ve only ever tried Power Mallyx with Shiro before so I’m not too familiar with the condi set. I’m sure the condi version is at least usable in Ranked. I’m just not a huge fan of Mace.
I do want to point out though that Power Shiro/Mallyx was actually decent in ranked. Made it to Gold with it but I decided to switch to Herald Shiro/Glint after seeing Abelisk’s build as it just performed way better than mine.
Mmm I see, yeah I don’t like mace at all but no there is no other option. I’d rather play power again but just looking at sword makes me mad because of the PS nerf, let alone
staff ones.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
I just came in here to point out how freaking good this build is. I’ve been running a Berserker Rev build for the longest time and while I did pretty well, I’d get destroyed by a well played Necro or Condi Mes.
NO MORE! Thanks to your build, I now have the vitality to withstand heavy condi pressure and the damage to hit back harder! Thanks so much for sharing your build, sir! You have singlehandedly saved Revenant for me PVP-wise.
I was even able to win a 2v1 against a Druid and Condi Warrior last night with this build which is something I thought impossible just a week ago.
Too bad Revenant is no longer as desirable in Raids though
sigh I built an entire set of Raid gear for him too then he got nerfed a week later.
I’m glad you found it useful! Valkyrie amulet is one of the more underappreciated amulets, and I didn’t even know it existed up until one point recently. Because there’s more HP, you can skip the Devastation 3 trait as well as offhand shield. I found Mara to squishy, but Valkyrie’s extra power and ferocity really make up for the precision loss. It’s like the Marauder build but with more damage and health. You can swap out Rune of the Eagle for boonshare runes if you like to as well.
Yeah it’s fantastic on Herald! Marauders is definitely way too squishy for my tastes to justify losing out all the ferocity and power of a Berserker so Valkyrie was the perfect middle ground. The one thing I did change though was running Assassin’s Presence in Devastation instead of the might building trait. I think with the fact that I can keep almost permanent fury with this build, I actually benefit from stacking more ferocity plus I think I MAY be able to substitute Sigil of Intelligence on one or both of the weapons but now I’m just tweaking it to suit my tastes. The build is absolutely solid as it is.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
You could probably use rune of the daredevil since you’re getting extra dodges off of Riposting Shadows.
Here’s the build I’ve been running with Power Shiro
Loses extra boonshare potential at the sake of better damage.
It’s potent. I’ve really made dents with this build.
You could probably use rune of the daredevil since you’re getting extra dodges off of Riposting Shadows.
Wouldn’t be worth since rev damage comes from lots of small hits instead of single big ones, unless you are running hammer for some reason.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
I’m running Devastation 1/3/1 and am already seeing huge improvements. Extra 300 ferocity ftw!