Shiro Elite for Revenant

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: BFMV.3198


Do you think it will be impossible odds??

If we take a look at Jalis and mallyx, we can see they both channel a stance with an energy upkeep, so it is not terrible to assume that Shiro’s Elite could be something like

Impossible odds
Summon the power of Shiro through the mists and channel it through yourself. All you attacks are double strikes and AOE , steal boons and transfer conditions.

If your a gw1 fan you knew that this skill was iconic and it would be amazing and fit perfectly for the DPS role of revenant

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Something like that would pretty much be used to justify having weak baseline damage on weapons, which practically makes any non-Shiro build Obsolete, because your weapons will be super weak without having Shiro Elite…

that would be very poor game design if that was the case.

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: DocZed.6973


It completely steals whatever wind Embrace the Darkness has left.
Also, if the skill is ‘iconic’, I vote to leave it with the icon.

All 9 classes leveled and geared to 80!
Remnants of Hope [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: BFMV.3198


Something like that would pretty much be used to justify having weak baseline damage on weapons, which practically makes any non-Shiro build Obsolete, because your weapons will be super weak without having Shiro Elite…

that would be very poor game design if that was the case.

I do not believe that, its only double striking and the Shiro Channel is meant to be Power DPS based.

Also, it will not be 100% uptime, it may only be active a few seconds

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


Shiro’s elite will be the Jade Wind. It’s too iconic to the character (narrative wise) for Anet to ignore and the revenant is basically a big bag of nostalgia based on all the names and mechanics included into the profession so far.

Shiro Elite for Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: phokus.8934


Jade Wind confirmed from today’s news post.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.