Shiro Legend

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: orisci.6527


Has anyone tried playing with the shiro legend since the nerf?
I tried playing it in PvP and pve. My feel for it is that you can only use 1 skill without having the option for energy management. The most wiggle room is impossible odds since it’s a degen and letting your energy build up to full then pick what you want carefully. How have you guys used the legend so far? I’ve really just seen people in PvP use it for an “in and out” legend swap for a skill or 2 before getting out of it.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


The Phase Travel nerf makes it really annoying to pursue kiting targets on the regular if they’re reasonably good at it.
The high energy costs on it and Riposting Shadows, on top of weapon skills, make things really uncomfortable in general.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I just stopped playing PVP as revenant – problem solved. I still play it in raids since glint/mallyx is still the same and my squads wants the boons.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: Legiion.7385


I played much pvp and wvw after the nerf.
My feelings are that the nerf is not soooo heavy.
Good revs will have no Problems with the energy.
Swap after ur PT legends , if the enemy kite u after that und can use staff 5 .
atm ich have no problems with the nerf.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I played much pvp and wvw after the nerf.
My feelings are that the nerf is not soooo heavy.
Good revs will have no Problems with the energy.
Swap after ur PT legends , if the enemy kite u after that und can use staff 5 .
atm ich have no problems with the nerf.

I would rather play with Mallyx than Shi(t)ro. At least his mobility has no cd and doesnt need a target. +Potent healing skill, unlike this trash Shiro heal.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: orisci.6527


I played much pvp and wvw after the nerf.
My feelings are that the nerf is not soooo heavy.
Good revs will have no Problems with the energy.
Swap after ur PT legends , if the enemy kite u after that und can use staff 5 .
atm ich have no problems with the nerf.

Thats the thing, I feel that Shiro is now just used for a very quick skill or 2 then swap out.

Shiro Legend

in Revenant

Posted by: orisci.6527


I played much pvp and wvw after the nerf.
My feelings are that the nerf is not soooo heavy.
Good revs will have no Problems with the energy.
Swap after ur PT legends , if the enemy kite u after that und can use staff 5 .
atm ich have no problems with the nerf.

I would rather play with Mallyx than Shi(t)ro. At least his mobility has no cd and doesnt need a target. +Potent healing skill, unlike this trash Shiro heal.

I’ve taken a liking to Jallas lately