Shiro's Impossibe Odds greyed out.
You have Facet of Nature running and therefore -2 energy degen. The maximum energy degen is -10. Shiro’s Impossible Odds uses all 10 degen and therefore cannot be used with Facet of Nature.
That is your problem.
It’s not just facet of nature. The other facets don’t release their effect on your energy regen rate after you swap legends for a second or two. (Which is frustrating.)
It was reported in one of the betas and Roy said he would look into it.
More info and Roy’s response here:
Ah. I see. Sometimes it turns itself off when I swap (and greys out) and sometimes it does not. I need to ensure it goes on energy deprived CD before swapping or I’ll have to use it and endure the longer CD.
Thanks o/
Correct, either use all your in use Facets before swapping or run yourself out of energy before swapping. ANet never implemented Facet turn off micromanagement without using “by design”.