Every one in pvp is saying we are op????
Drop some conditions on a rev dead.
Dodge, block, retaliation for UA.
If they use glint heal it’s 100% the enimies choice if they themselves heal the rev.
Crystal Hibernation. Extremely noticeable skill, that does not proc anything on blocking, and let’s you know exactly when to attack them.
Phase Traversal. 5 second CD now no one can complain about that facing a rev.
Hammer 2 and 3 skill, just stand slightly elevated on a hill it will miss you.
Really the only thing a revenant has going for them in pvp vs a semi educated pvper is the strong auto attack. I have no idea why people would complain about us in pvp when it’s clearly a L2P issue. Everyone hates fighting new classes because it’s new so if they die to the class it’s obviously op.
I really hope the balancing team doesn’t take this garbage seriously. If we get nerfed we would be kinda useless in pvp all together