So much Revenant Hate

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719

Kythan Myr.4719

Just saying every map I’ve gone to is complaining about Rev. Before this weeks beta testing everyone was excited, and all I’ve heard today is to not bring them to this or that event. Some points are valid like they are not complete but isn’t the whole point to be testing and trying to push the limits of what’ there? So wouldn’t it make sense to put them in those situations? Granted it would make even more sense if the profession was complete.

It’s ironic because when it’s finished and finalized everyone will be complaining about the balancing and the bugs, and be asking Anet why they didn’t do more testing before they released it.

You just can’t make anyone happy anymore can you?

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: SkyCakeLight.3750


A lot of the hate I’ve seen is from both people that forget they’re beta testing, and from people forgetting they don’t have their “Zerker” legend.

(edited by SkyCakeLight.3750)

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: eduardo.1436


while the revenant is not perfect, imo its enjoyable and this is coming from a guy who is not interested in heavy armor classes

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Sonickeyblade.8415


I haven’t played the new class yet, but my only complaint about if would be that the art showing off the class has swords and from what I’ve seen the class can’t actually use swords.

I wanted to be a dual wielding blindfolded bad***, but I’ll just have to transmog the blindfold to my Warrior and rock out that way.

… not that such scenario isn’t a bad thing overall, I just can’t picture too many heroes or villians who rock out with Giant Hammers or Axes. :p

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isnt the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I can see how some might see all this feedback as ‘hating’ the revenant, but to me, players are just pointing out what they see as faults in the profession. With feedback, you’re going to get the good with the bad, more so the bad, to polish it to perfection.

Yes I think the Rev could have some major improvements as I’ve pointed out in some of my other posts, but do I HATE the Revenant? No. I think it has huge potential if polished and feedback is taken aboard to change said faults people have pointed out.

I like the fact that there are different legends which cater to different playstyles – mallyx with conditions, ventari with healing etc. etc.

With any profession, you’re going to get a ton of feedback, and because everyone’s really getting to experience more features of the Revenant (and for many new players, experiencing the Revenant for the first time), it’s normal to see so much discussion about it.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Sonickeyblade.8415


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: LunarRXA.5062


I don’t post on the official forums often. I prefer Reddit. That being said, this is more of an unfinished “Early-Access” Alpha than a Beta. I think ArenaNet should have explicitly stated the lack of Shiro & Glint stances in their announcement address. Transparency would have saved them a lot of drama and grief.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


complaining about Rev

Don’t care how good or bad they are, they are obnoxious in both sight and sound with those skill effects.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

Nope, there’s still Shiro and the Revenant’s specialisation to come. So 2 more trait lines are going to be added in the future for a total of 6 total trait lines (of which, we can choose any 3), like all other professions.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


I don’t post on the official forums often. I prefer Reddit. That being said, this is more of an unfinished “Early-Access” Alpha than a Beta. I think ArenaNet should have explicitly stated the lack of Shiro & Glint stances in their announcement address. Transparency would have saved them a lot of drama and grief.

They said they added the Ventari legend with this test, which sort of makes it obvious that’s the only addition. While they didn’t explicitly state Glint and Shiro won’t be available, it should be pretty obvious they aren’t available yet.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Revenants don’t bother me.. beaten a few of them in pvp so far

if anything my biggest issue is with thieves right now..

apparently there is some kind of bug they can exploit which can put you in a state of perma stun..

im running an extremely tanky Necro build atm and 3 times now in 2 different games by 2 different thieves I’ve been ambushed by a thief and perminantly stunlocked.. unable to move or fight back when they are behind me..

I dunno if this is a legit build that is just stupidly OP or if its a bug but its easily one of the most infuriating and cheapest tactics I’ve ever come accross in this game

all I can do is stand there until my skills become available again and I can attack (unless he’s behind) but I do not regain my ability to move at all.. even though it takes a good 15-25 seconds for them to kill me (depending on death shrowd)

Nothing in this game should be able to have that level of movement imparement.. so im pretty confident this is just some bug that people are exploiting

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll be the first to say I do like the revenant and think it has potential, the main reason why people “hate” them right now (at least in tpvp) is they do not have the tools to survive in this meta.

No sustain, mediocre damage, awkwards traits that don’t stand out or compliment each other much. In a meta as aggressive and over offensive as this with mesmers, thieves and rampage warriors running around, revenants are a free kill.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher

Roy Cronacher

Game Designer

I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

We know you haven’t released all weapons and legends yet, but it’s blatantly obvious what they are because you always stick them in the client ready for people to datamine.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: ohjbird.5286


It’s funny, the naysayers to the pre order were labeled entitled. Which is exactly what I’d call these people complaining about the state of the Revenant; a not finished class.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Andraus.3874


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

If hammer is the only ranged weapon, and there isn’t a more DPS like weapon for range… This is going to be a big blow to content like fractals or any fights that require range at some point while switching between range and melee. Hammer DPS is too low for the only range weapon.

Does anyone know if there is speculation for more ranged options for revenant?
As I understand it we are only going to be getting more melee weapons.

(edited by Andraus.3874)

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

Well, let’s say you release Shiro and a DPS trait line and weapon. That won’t solve everything, becouse it would just make current revenant options useless, forcing everyone to use Shiro to be at least decent.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Jordo.5913


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

that shouldnt stop us from being able to do competitive dps with other legends, if a guardian specs into pure shouts to support, they can still do really good dps with their weapon, and that is simply not the case with Revenant, it feels like if i choose ventari as a legend and equip staff, then im only dpsing for the healing orbs to drop because my damage is laughable

im in full zerk gear and all the weapons hit like im wielding a wet noodle

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


feedback and criticism =/= hate. There’s a myriad of flaws with the class in it’s current form, and ANet can’t do anything to remedy that without feedback and critique.

Nothing gets better by being agreeable and submissive. This weekend is entirely for the purpose of collecting that feedback and criticism

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

that shouldnt stop us from being able to do competitive dps with other legends, if a guardian specs into pure shouts to support, they can still do really good dps with their weapon, and that is simply not the case with Revenant, it feels like if i choose ventari as a legend and equip staff, then im only dpsing for the healing orbs to drop because my damage is laughable

im in full zerk gear and all the weapons hit like im wielding a wet noodle

This is a very important point. I was initially wrong when I said I wasn’t going to judge the profession’s damage until the damage legend and trait line comes out. That might be true for MAXIMUM damage attainable, but the Rev can’t be dependent on one legend and one trait line to do any meaningful damage. Rev should be able to kill stuff much faster than it is now even without the best damage legend.

Right now even the “condi master” legend is pretty bad. Rev cannot be a true condi threat with no bleed whatsoever unless the Torment and burns are at least doubled.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

Revenant ATM with it’s default set ups has no choice but to go bunker/res bot. Can we please have more traits and utilities next beta weekend? I can’t really have an opinion atm because all those classes that we have right now had a lot of utilities at release and wasn’t only stuck at 3 utils and 1 heal and 1 elite.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Sonickeyblade.8415


Wow. Thanks for all the feedback people and mods. I can’t wait to see what the other weapons/skills/traits that the class has.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirani.2690


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

The problem is that with the supremacy of DPS in this game none of these other weapons/legends will ever be used unless they are buffed considerably. Even if they are buffed the lack of weapon swap in combat will limit their use significantly.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

As in, there’s just one DPS-focused setup? As in, if you want to actually kill mobs/opponents, you’ll have to camp a particular legend and/or weapon? I don’t want to judge without knowing more, but that sounds incredibly limiting for a class that already has limited choices (i.e., preset utilities and no weapon swapping).


The problem is that with the supremacy of DPS in this game none of these other weapons/legends will ever be used unless they are buffed considerably. Even if they are buffed the lack of weapon swap in combat will limit their use significantly.

^ Pretty much this. More often than not, DPS is king, and no one will use weapons/legends that don’t output competitive DPS.

(edited by Silvernis.8135)

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Shelter.9720


Is it just me or does it seem that other professions do more damage in full zerker and support build than Revenant does in full zerker and support build?

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


Is it just me or does it seem that other professions do more damage in full zerker and support build than Revenant does in full zerker and condition build?

No, it’s not you. I had my rev set up with full zerk, power food, and full bloodlust stacks, and my undergeared garbage-build thief still killed faster.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Shelter.9720


Well in that case , I don’t think a legend focused on DPS will help a lot in regards to damage if it’s this low.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Andraus.3874


Well in that case , I don’t think a legend focused on DPS will help a lot in regards to damage if it’s this low.

Here’s to hoping the glint legend has us turn into a huge dragon. Seems to be the only option to save Revenant at this point ;-p

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


Well in that case , I don’t think a legend focused on DPS will help a lot in regards to damage if it’s this low.

Here’s to hoping the glint legend has us turn into a huge dragon. Seems to be the only option to save Revenant at this point ;-p

well the glint legend skill icons show its a full signet set… so yeh.. not looking good for your idea :\

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Genesis.8572


We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

Getting Shiro and double swords is not going to be a magical cure all for the Revenant. There should probably be more weapon sets than legends. This whole “one weapon set married to one legend” thing is not working out.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


How is making everybody happy or not relevant?

What is so confusing to you? Did you honestly expect people to just go “well you get shiny and pretty skills..and that’s enough to make me happy!” ?

The class as it is it’s just in a bad state. You can use the whole “but it’s not finished!” argument. It doesn’t matter. Bad things are bad cuz they are.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Gany.1793


[/quote]Getting Shiro and double swords is not going to be a magical cure all for the Revenant. There should probably be more weapon sets than legends. This whole “one weapon set married to one legend” thing is not working out.


I agree with this. I was so looking forward to a Melee staff, but the current melee staff is vastly underwhelming. More so, marying the weapon sets to a legend just means we have to choose from 3 legends….one that is our weapon and can’t be swapped, and then two others that we can change in and out of.

One think to that point, however, is that I find myself using my utilites almost all the time on rev, whereas I don’t tend to use them much on my other characters….yeah, i’m lazy….my finger has a hard time reaching beyond 5


So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: yakuza snowdragon.4639

yakuza snowdragon.4639

I like it and if all the fixes implemented in some of the threads are used before release it’d be close to becoming my new main alt. its beta and has very little on show o I think people need to stop treating it like a 50% finished class should stack up against a finished active class, looking forward to its release anyway.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: mordran.4750


We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

Is that you only statement ? How does releasing new legends make the already released better in any way? I would have at least expected a statement like “we gonna fix abc or maybe even xyz is going to stay because we believe it fits with the class” But saying “Hey do not fear, we will release new legends that won´t suck like these” When are you going to take players serious and talk about issues ?

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451



You just can’t make anyone happy anymore can you?

One could never make everyone happy. One could only try to make someone happy.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

You also, unfortunately, haven’t released weapon swap for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a need for it because the playstyles offered feel kitten. I fear even the DPS focused setup won’t be enough to change my opinion going off what I have played thus far of it… unless the DPS legend is extremely OP, it will fall short.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Basaltface.2786


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

so… there will be that one magical legend thats gonna raise the wet noodle damage to decent levels? Then why bother with the other legends\weapons in the first place?

I usually dont agree with the “dps is all that matters” mentality that quite a chunk of the community follows…but come on man… way back before the first trait changing feature patch i ran a amazingly underpowered and rather lame flamerthrower\elixir gun engi build, and this clusterf- of a build i tailored together with my back then lacking experience hit MORE then a fullzerk rev with any of the presented weapons.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Pino.5209


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

You also, unfortunately, haven’t released weapon swap for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a need for it because the playstyles offered feel kitten. I fear even the DPS focused setup won’t be enough to change my opinion going off what I have played thus far of it… unless the DPS legend is extremely OP, it will fall short.

Rev is melee heavy oriented class. How in the world they can think they can get away with them stuck with 1 weapons. There are lots of pve and pvp encounters that require weapon swapping. Imagine the potential of being kited to death on pvp.

It’s not only they haven’t released everything. The whole class seems to be poorly designed so far. Lots of the released traits looks very very underwhelming. If this is their current state of dev for rev class, it still very far from completion.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: phokus.8934


Roy has to defend Revenant as he’s the lead designer around it.

With that said, this class so far as fell so short of expectations and overall execution that you’re going to have to camp Shiro legend for damage. That is, if it’s any good. What we have so far is just pure and utter rubbish, especially from a condition damage where one would assume it’d be decent at. After all, we have a condition legend that is supposed to be decent at it but it’s not.

Grant it, it’s still new and still up for changes but talk about coming up short big time. No disrespect to Roy but Robert Gee most likely would have done a much better job at designing this class. And that’s apparent from the trait redesign and the current sad state of the Revenant class.

My expectations for this class to be viable in hot join, wvw, and pve is very low so hopefully I’m proven wrong.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show

Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet

That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.

We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.

If hammer is the only ranged weapon, and there isn’t a more DPS like weapon for range… This is going to be a big blow to content like fractals or any fights that require range at some point while switching between range and melee. Hammer DPS is too low for the only range weapon.

Does anyone know if there is speculation for more ranged options for revenant?
As I understand it we are only going to be getting more melee weapons.

The revenant has some movement skills. They have that mallyx aoe teleport skill, the off hand #4, etc.

But if you are going to be in an area where range is important, tis simple, just switch to hammer during noncombat. Sure dps is lower for hammer, but its intended as a control weapon.

So if you are wanting a pure dps, well, either lets hope there are a couple more options, or dont play revenant.

I’ve have a lot of fun with the revenant so far. I think its just fine with the sole exception that if we are seeing how the skill configurations work we are not going to have a lot of build diversity, my only complaint.

Other than that, I’ve enjoyed it a great deal.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Donari.5237


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

I did mine in Silverwastes, no down leveling there. I felt reasonably effective (bear in mind I usually run a Thief there for mobility and stealth and he’s not anywhere near zerker build, so he can’t easily solo a pack bull escort, and that’s my comparative experience). But I simply could not stop a pair of Menders while in Jalis with a hammer, my interrupts were too few and my dps too low to get them below 90% health as they kept healing each other.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Genesis.8572


Roy has to defend Revenant as he’s the lead designer around it.

Grant it, it’s still new and still up for changes but talk about coming up short big time. No disrespect to Roy but Robert Gee most likely would have done a much better job at designing this class. And that’s apparent from the trait redesign and the current sad state of the Revenant class.

I’ve never really understood why individual profession designs are so closely tied to particular people as opposed to a more collaborative team effort?

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

I’ve been going there and I’ve noticed alot of other revs going there too. The damage feels low. I have been closely watching all revs fighting and they definitely take longer to kill things. I quickly jumped on my ranger and necro to compare and they blew the revenant away. -_- Went both zerk and condi and was just not feeling the damage.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Silvernis.8135


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

Silverwastes, since the mobs there are a bit more challenging than most of what’s in Orr. I can solo escorts and vet events on any other class, but on the rev, I’m either dying horribly, or it takes a small eternity to kill anything. I realize I’m new to the class and could probably be playing it smarter, but even still, the damage output shouldn’t be this abysmal. Combined with the lackluster utils, minimal CC, nonexistent mobility, and godawful cast times, I feel more like a paperweight with pretty particle effects than a useful contributor to the map.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


I can’t help to get this feeling while I test the reverant out in the world that I am nothing more than a visible advertisement to the masses to sell more delux/ultimate pre-orders to those who cannot make a rev…meh. It’s obvious the class is not even half finished….the lack of under water skills and missing legend(s?)/traits kinda suggests that.

(edited by fixit.7189)

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: McNinja.5417


The Revenant has some awesome skills and abilities. The issue is that they just look good. They barely do any damage.

My warrior is specced for GS, but can still utilize a longbow to attack at range and do decent damage. The Revenant, as it stands, can’t even measure up to my warrior’s least-effective weapon.

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


One consideration on the DPS question…

Where are people doing their testing? I’ve been running around Cursed Shore and finding the DPS reasonable, but I’ve heard that downlevelling is particularly harsh for revs at the moment.

Silverwastes, since the mobs there are a bit more challenging than most of what’s in Orr. I can solo escorts and vet events on any other class, but on the rev, I’m either dying horribly, or it takes a small eternity to kill anything. I realize I’m new to the class and could probably be playing it smarter, but even still, the damage output shouldn’t be this abysmal. Combined with the lackluster utils, minimal CC, nonexistent mobility, and godawful cast times, I feel more like a paperweight with pretty particle effects than a useful contributor to the map.

I went SW too and also had a lot of trouble with the escorts. Once again, on my ranger I have no issues and blow the mobs up quickly. On the revenant it’s just too slow and I die or the bull dies and time runs out before I can kill the mobs and rez the bull. Idk, does anyone have any advice for a good setup to take these mobs out quickly?

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: roman.6390


The Revenant has some awesome skills and abilities. The issue is that they just look good. They barely do any damage.

My warrior is specced for GS, but can still utilize a longbow to attack at range and do decent damage. The Revenant, as it stands, can’t even measure up to my warrior’s least-effective weapon.

The common denominator with most of the dev comments on what’s wrong with the Revenant is broken skills. They are looking for things that just plain don’t work as intended. Damage is a numbers game, they’ve said before that tweaking numbers is the easy part, and I can almost guarantee the traits we have are placeholders. Anet just finished redoing traits for 8 other classes I’m pretty sure they know what they’re doing by now. Just imagine the outrage if a class only 50-75% complete could come into the live environment and match up against the other classes.

Criticizing the Revenant design right now is like telling an artist their painting is trash when they only just finished a rough outline. Just be patient and let them know if they missed a spot.