Something seem off about Staff design
I’d say Revenant Staff is actually much better support than Druid’s staff, but just a personal opinion.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Also wielding animation is the same as hammer animation, which makes staff look unrealistically heavy and ugly
currently leveling with staff/hammer to get a better feeling for rev then straight buffing to 80 (also don’t have tomes)
Staff is indeed not a good support weapon currently, the little healing by auto attack is in random placed orbs
my choice of change would be to make auto attack like guardian mace auto attack in making a pbaoe heal that should scale better with healing power.
the second skill is an odd ball, as it provides a interrupt after striking during a enemy skill, the moment where the interrupt would be actually needed…better the interrupt, on the first skill and on the second skill something else. maybe a heal/protection/regen/condiclean for succesfully interrupting
4 is good but needs a tweak to the CD
Bump for this. I would like to see if there’s any changes coming to the staff
Rev staff actually has high burst dps, good control, on demand blast finisher and cleanse and better projectile block.
The superior 3 4 5 is more than compensate the lack of AA damage. Use the crucial skills and then swap back to other weapon.
Not all weapons are meant to have high average dps through AA. If you want strong AA, swap your weapon to sword and here’s your high AA dps.
currently leveling with staff/hammer to get a better feeling for rev then straight buffing to 80 (also don’t have tomes)
Staff is indeed not a good support weapon currently, the little healing by auto attack is in random placed orbs
my choice of change would be to make auto attack like guardian mace auto attack in making a pbaoe heal that should scale better with healing power.
the second skill is an odd ball, as it provides a interrupt after striking during a enemy skill, the moment where the interrupt would be actually needed…better the interrupt, on the first skill and on the second skill something else. maybe a heal/protection/regen/condiclean for succesfully interrupting
4 is good but needs a tweak to the CD
I’m doing the same. I swapped out the staff for the hammer. Sure, you don’t get that AoE heal, but meh. Its not worth the other skills not synergizing correctly.
However, hammer and sword/shield seem kinda nice, and i’m looking at this from a WvW perspective. I’m still trying to figure out what legends to use. I know Ventari…i’m thinking backline support.