Soothing Bastion - Boon duration with stacks?

Soothing Bastion - Boon duration with stacks?

in Revenant

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone!,

I have a simple question:

Let’s say I have 2 stacks of stability and I activate a shield skill while having Soothing Bastion equiped, will increase the boon duration of both stacks?

Or if I have 2 stacks of resistance (that stack in duration), will only the total duration get increased by 2? Or each application of it? (so a total of 4?)

Thanks in advance!

Soothing Bastion - Boon duration with stacks?

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Not positive, but my guess is that conditions that stack intensity would get 2 seconds added to each stack, whereas those that stack duration would simply get a 2 second increase.

Soothing Bastion - Boon duration with stacks?

in Revenant

Posted by: Kronos.2560


I think it is supposed to add 2 seconds to every stack. But during the last beta this skill did not work in any way (at least for me) so I was unable to test it.