Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


Lately I’ve been wondering what comes out on top in a 1v1 between these two classes.
I’ve faced plenty of these warriors that I’ve beaten without much effort or strategic play, but then I’ve faced high-skilled warriors from the pvp leaderboard whom I just can’t defeat.

After putting a lot of thought into this, I believe that with the right counter-play style and strategy, the rev is able to beat the warrior, who is considered to be the “king” of bruisers.

So, I’ve looked in to each trait and skill, and devised a plan on how to counter a power warrior as a revenant (assuming you play it almost mechanically perfect). This requires fast reaction times, excellent observation and decision making considering some of the warrior’s skill animations trigger in just a fraction of a second. Not to mention the various methods high skill players can use to juke and/or bait out important utils.

Let’s assume the warrior is running a standard meta power build. He runs this build:

The rev runs this build:

Reason for my custom revenant build choice:
-Axe #4 offers unblockable dmg spike + chill, so I prefer it over shield in this scenario.
Bear in mind warrior has SoM rendering Crystal Hib useless.
-Axe #5 might be useful for a bit of condi poke when you’re disengaging war during zerk stance, or when war is kiting.
-Seeker’s amulet is an interesting one that I need to try out. Marauder’s or seekers? I choose to trade a bit of survivability for the extra boon duration assuming you can counter/evade warrior’s F1’s most of the time.
-Sigil of doom on both weapons for added poison to counter Healing Signet.
-Hydromancy for extra chill.

So here’s the strategy from a rev pov:

Start off on sword/axe, Glint. Now, 90% of the time, war is going to spam GS 4 before the engage. You can just easily sway from side to side to avoid that. As soon as the war moves in, trigger one with nature for boons. Watch out for GS 3 – dodge if necessary. Keep a distance of ~400 units. Hit PS for chill and engage with the following:

Gaze of darkness -> burst of strength -> elemental blast -> Shiro Stance + IO + cleave.

This chain ensures 5 second blind, poison and chill proc + 10 stacks of invuln and quick burst. Now, there’s a number of ways the war can counter this. He can either whirlwind away, shield 5 or dodge. Whatever the outcome, this is good because he’s wasting resources. If he’s blocking, then axe 4 -> swap to staff, count to 3 and sotm him asap. Keep applying pressure.
If warrior activates zerk stance, consider disengaging and keeping distance while spamming PS. Dodge Arc Divider. Wait for zerk to time out, then re-engage asap.
The biggest worry is dodging his Heabutt, which is difficult since it’s a 1/2 second cast. Save your shocking aura for this one. However, if he enters zerk, disengage with Shiro evade.
Use staff 3 for his f1’s and consider using staff 2 for a cheap spike.
A good tactic to bait out his blocks would be to use shiro or glint ult + stow from a distance. Then move in and pressure.

So my ultimate question here is: in a 1v1 scenario, who would win most duels, say best out of 10, considering both players play mechanically perfect?

Any ideas and thoughts on this guide are very welcome

Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

in Revenant

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801



/15 char

Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Warrior. And who still uses shield on rev? Literally worst offhand weapon since the nerf. If you want block you pick up sword offhand.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Warrior pretty much hardcounters any power spec that isn’t a skilled thief.

He’s got sustain and more powerful immunities that he can pair with his offense while your blocks stop your damage.

More importantly, warrior has a metric ton of short cd CC to land his bursts, which not only heal him substantially on top of his already strong healing from healing signet.

He’s got headbutt, shield bash, and mace primal, assuming he doesn’t even take bull’s charge or bolas on top of that.

Eventually you’ll eat a full 100 blades and die, while his greatsword whirlwind is on a low cd and is chunking you for a good 6k+ in between autos. He has higher base health than you so he can absorb burst better than you.

Warrior shield is a flat out superior version of revenant shield, with their block skill allowing them to move while your shield roots you in place.

Your mobile block skill is on offhand sword and unlike warrior, because you sacrifice energy to use weaponskills as well, you also sacrifice damage while the warrior sacrifices none as his operates off just a cooldown (and funny thing is revenant block still has a cooldown on top of energy cost).

Spvp Power Rev VS Power War

in Revenant

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Yeah no one is sure what anet is doing since they keep pushing warrior up and up each patch.