Staff - Woe is me

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Oh how I wish Anet had made staff the main Revenant direct damage weapon.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Staff is a far bit more entertaining to use, yes. Classic sword is so boring. But I figure they didnt want to take steam away from the daredevil, hence why they have repeatedly nerfed the staff.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Staff is a far bit more entertaining to use, yes. Classic sword is so boring. But I figure they didnt want to take steam away from the daredevil, hence why they have repeatedly nerfed the staff.

Makes sense I guess but either way I still main staff, way more fun.

Stella Truth Seeker

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


would also be nice to have more than three melee staff skins.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: foxcat.4096


Personally i enjoy sword has a really visceral feel to it just melting people with impossible odds up feels so brutal ,sword 3 is really cool also and sword 2 hits like a truck. Staff auto looks cool but the only staff ability i find “fun” is staff 5 . Mace is underrated imo really cool looking abilities and the attacks feel like they have a ton of weight behind them pitty condi stuff is way more effort to get than power gear.

Staff - Woe is me

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Personally i enjoy sword has a really visceral feel to it just melting people with impossible odds up feels so brutal ,sword 3 is really cool also and sword 2 hits like a truck. Staff auto looks cool but the only staff ability i find “fun” is staff 5 . Mace is underrated imo really cool looking abilities and the attacks feel like they have a ton of weight behind them pitty condi stuff is way more effort to get than power gear.

Mace is pretty good looking, but unfortunately mallyx as condi is trash for pve, and you are badly held back by not having a ranged condi wep.