[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

in Revenant

Posted by: Araswen.3914


This has probably already been brought up, but I couldn’t find it, so I thought I would just toss my two cents in, on the off chance it’s helpful. Also, I’m not sure if this should be here or in some other place.

Anyway, an issue I’ve run across in each Beta weekend has been that while I’ve been playing Revenant, I’ve gotten a little too zealous in my dodging, and the system warning “Not enough energy” pops up to inform me that I need to wait longer to dodge again.

However, since I’ve been playing Revenant, and it uses actual Energy, I’ve often gotten quite annoyed with the game, and yelled incredibly mature things like, “I do too! You lie! I have 95% Energ—” before realizing what it was talking about.

If the system message could change to “Not enough endurance,” that might help me and a few other folks in the future.

I’m sure this wouldn’t apply to folks who play more or just better than me and know what the message means when it pops up, but I still thought I’d bring it up. :S

[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


This actually would be nice.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

in Revenant

Posted by: MercenaryNote.8506


Agreed 100%. The word “Energy” is an old way to refer to the old mechanic of gw1 that was going to be put into gw2 (which was essentially like mana, which the Revenant got) but was scrapped. The game refers to this old energy system as endurance now.

Also “Not enough profession-specific energy” sounds bad and the only other instance it’s used in is for the Druid. Thieves get “Not enough Initiative”, Necromancers get “Not enough Life-Force”, so I really think Revenant should get “Not enough Energy” since that IS the resource they use.

Also, change Sigil of Energy to Sigil of Endurance.

With all that said, All the races can now use their “Energy” quotes on the Revenant, that means, when the Revenant doesn’t have the energy to spend, they will occasionally say:

Male Asura: “My energy…is diminished.”, “I haven’t…the energy.”
Female Asura: “I require more energy.”, "Energy level too low.

Male Charr: “I don’t have enough energy.”, “Not enough energy.”
Female Charr: “Need more energy.”, “That takes more energy.”

Male Human: “Not enough energy.”, “I don’t have enough energy.”
Female Human: “Not enough energy.”, “I don’t have enough energy.”

Male Norn: “I need energy.”, “Give me energy.”
Female Norn: “Not enough energy.”, (Possibly “I need a moment.” too)

Male Sylvari: “I don’t have enough energy.”
Female Sylvari: “I don’t have enough energy.”, “Not enough energy.”

Source of quotes: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge#Notes

(edited by MercenaryNote.8506)

[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

in Revenant

Posted by: Araswen.3914


Thanks for the support, Gaaroth.

And, wow, MercenaryNote, you put WAY more thought into it than I did, but those are all good points.

[Suggestion] Low Endurance Warning Wording

in Revenant

Posted by: Hooglese.4860


I like it. Maybe make the energy bar glow red when you’re below 20 or 30? It kinda depends on the legend but 30 is fairly uniform for all as the “I can’t do it” level

revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz