Suggestion for a utility/Ventari stance skill

Suggestion for a utility/Ventari stance skill

in Revenant

Posted by: hibari.9836


Because please please, you are going to give us the ability to choose which utility skills we use in each stance, right Anet?

I really want to like the Ventari legend, but right now it feels a lot like I’m just lugging a big stone slab around. I want to feel like it’s worth while to actually go through the effort of keeping the tablet out and moving it with me.

So how about a utility skill with a mechanic similar to mesmer mantras: you cast it and then it has a few (2? 3?) charges.

The effect: the next (2, 3, whatever) times you move the tablet into an enemy, it stuns them for 1 sec.

I mean come on, I just smacked that risen with Ventari’s tablet and they didn’t even notice?

I don’t have specific skill suggestions for the other legends yet, maybe others do, but if we could please have just a couple of more utility skills like this for each legend and get to select which ones we are running, it would allow us to make some meaningful choices, and it would stop every rev who’s using legend x or y from being a redundant clone of every other rev using that same legend (which, let’s face it, is how it feels now, especially given how none of the traits feel especially build defining).

Suggestion for a utility/Ventari stance skill

in Revenant

Posted by: QuantumS.6802


one though i had about the ventari stance is that we could add some functionality to the stance by having non-healing/no-or-low damage skills for [6-0] when the tablet isn’t active. such as a shout like guard’s ‘retreat!’ offering skills that are also along the same theme of the legend without directly channeling the tablet.

TANGENT: by extension we could have more skill variety in other legends by giving new/different utilities when using their elite skills. actually channeling mallyx-0 would give us the current mallyx skills, and could have more ‘basic’ condi skills (which i imagine to function closer to weapon skills), we could also change jalis-0 to be an upkeep skill and do a similar rework.