Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

The one thing I would like to change about Herald is his F2. I would like the F2 to be like this one utility slot which is unaffected by legend swaping. This is simply because I prefer playing Malyx/Jallis and have no use for the facet of nature and would like some alternatives.

From an RP perspective Heralds are those Revenants who form contracts with beings from the mists for more power. This is results in them being able to chanell the power of their patron diety within the mist, while chaneling the power of a different legendary figure.

From this point on we will refer to the abilities that go into the F2 slot such as the Facet of Nature/One with Nature as Proofs of Heraldry. Besides the afore mentioned Facet,the other Proofs of Heraldry are:

For Jallis the Proof of Heraldry would be Ardent Defender,which breaks the caster out of stun and the ability to gain 1 stack of Stability every 3 seconds for 6 seconds.This skill has a recharge of 40

For Malyx the Proof of Heraldry is a shout skill called Howl of Terror which will remove 2 boons from targets within a 240 around the character. The cast time is 1/4 and recharge is 24

For Shiro, the proof of heraldry is called Jade Tempest and is a 2 step skill. The first step involves executing a skill shot in order to put an enemy in stasis, while the second step involves releasing from stasis with the Chill and Torment conditions on him. 90 recharge time and a 3/4 cast time on the first step.

Last on our list is Ventari whose proof of heraldry is called Seed of life and it creates a mass of energy which mimicks the actions of Ventari’s tablet,except for Ventari’s Will. Cast time is 1/4 and recharge is 10. You can only summon 1 seed of life per revenant.

(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


>From an RP perspective Heralds are those Revenants who form contracts with beings from the mists for more power.

No…Heralds are Revenants who specifically make a connection with Prophetess Glint.

“We chose the name herald for this elite specialization because we thought it was fitting given Glint’s actions in the past. In the original Guild Wars®, Glint compiled the Flameseeker Prophecies, foretelling events such as the defeat of Vizier Khilbron as well as the fall of the titans and the mursaat. Much of what she predicted came to pass. She was a protector of Tyria and a herald worth heeding.”

While I’d like to see other Revenant legends gain a unique F2 skill dependent on the currently invoked Legend (with or without Herald), I get the feeling that it wont be a thing beyond other Elite Specs having/allowing for unique F2s, much like Warrior not having one without Berserker slotted in..

(edited by Euthymias.7984)

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

Ok,first off, could you tell me the sourse of that quote before I comment on it any further than this: based on your comment hidden in the spoiler section I believe that my suggestion does not go againts the sentiments of the author,but merely expands upon it, because one can still be the herald of Glint in the traditional way.

Secondly, ignoring that quote, my suggestion does not take into account what legend is summoned, meaning your F2 could be Facet of Nature or Ardent Defender and you run Malyx and Shiro as your legends.

Thirdly if it’s Anet who wrote that post….look man, people are known to change their minds, especialy if stuff gets upvoted high enough….like they did with Ventari’s Will’s cast time.

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


Ok,first off, could you tell me the sourse of that quote before I comment on it any further than this: based on your comment hidden in the spoiler section I believe that my suggestion does not go againts the sentiments of the author,but merely expands upon it, because one can still be the herald of Glint in the traditional way.

Secondly, ignoring that quote, my suggestion does not take into account what legend is summoned, meaning your F2 could be Facet of Nature or Ardent Defender and you run Malyx and Shiro as your legends.

Thirdly if it’s Anet who wrote that post….look man, people are known to change their minds, especialy if stuff gets upvoted high enough….like they did with Ventari’s Will’s cast time.


Seeing that its a function skill relating only to that particular E-Spec’s role (boons/boon duration), it was likely designed to keep its functionality regardless of what legend is invoked so that one can still keep their party/own boon duration increased or apply the One with Nature boons without being in Dragon Stance.

>If the idea’s popular enough, it can be changed
There were plenty of popular changes and tweaks mentioned here (and in many other Profession specific subforums) that were overlooked all the same, despite the change to Ventari. There’s no guarantee that they’ll do something like this when it will require more effort to change how the second Function skill works and tweak it to not over/underperform. The skill already “works” design-wise for a Dragon stance-specific function skill, so beyond it being an interesting idea, I really wouldn’t bank on popularity pushing a big change like this when smaller ones already struggle to be noticed.

(edited by Euthymias.7984)

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Star.8401


You know that as long as you take the herald trait line, you can slot whatever Legends you want and you still have access to the Facet of Nature? You don’t have to slot Glint as long as you have the herald trait line.

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

You know that as long as you take the herald trait line, you can slot whatever Legends you want and you still have access to the Facet of Nature? You don’t have to slot Glint as long as you have the herald trait line.

Thing is….I don’t want or need Facet of Nature….that’s why I made the suggestions for us to have more abilities we can slot in F2….and the very first thing I wrote about this slot is that legend swaping will not affect what skill is in that F2 slot!


Seeing that its a function skill relating only to that particular E-Spec’s role (boons/boon duration), it was likely designed to keep its functionality regardless of what legend is invoked so that one can still keep their party/own boon duration increased or apply the One with Nature boons without being in Dragon Stance.

>If the idea’s popular enough, it can be changed
There were plenty of popular changes and tweaks mentioned here (and in many other Profession specific subforums) that were overlooked all the same, despite the change to Ventari. There’s no guarantee that they’ll do something like this when it will require more effort to change how the second Function skill works and tweak it to not over/underperform. The skill already “works” design-wise for a Dragon stance-specific function skill, so beyond it being an interesting idea, I really wouldn’t bank on popularity pushing a big change like this when smaller ones already struggle to be noticed.

First off the only reason why I used to run Herald was for the 2x Stab and the faster revive speed. I don’t like button mashing on utilities and the whole feel of micro-managing upkeep manipulation.

Secondly Facet of Nature does not help me in anyway based on my playstyle.I don’t need insta boons. What I need is usualy a stunbreaker or hard cc.

Thirdly, I could not care less about Herald at this stage,I play non-herald condi now. This thread is just for me to say my peace. Also after reading the post,I can see that Anet was thinking in a small scale about the RP feel of the Herald.

(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Roguedemonhunter.9621


Something tanky or healy that works in water please.

(Shrug) Ok lets see… My rev is going into a water fractal and… Oh Kittens. I have my choice between Power DPS or… Condi DPS… or… nope… nope that’s it.

Well shoot….

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

Something tanky or healy that works in water please.

(Shrug) Ok lets see… My rev is going into a water fractal and… Oh Kittens. I have my choice between Power DPS or… Condi DPS… or… nope… nope that’s it.

Well shoot….

I never knew underwater supports existed. Jokes aside I think underwater Revenant is the biggest oversight of the devs. GL with that support oriented theme for Revenant Trident you are working on,hope it works.

They would probably have to replace Jallis with something else…because Dwarfs and water don’t mix as RP concepts….dwarfs and ale on the other hand.

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


ranged condi? please?

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Suggestions for Revenant Elite Specs

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

Ask devs,not me.