Warning: Potentially bad math ahead. I think I made some of it up. Try to keep to the core issue folk
I love the thematics of this profession. But currently it is easily the least flexible of all of the professions. There is no utility. Despite various threads where players have finally began to complain about this Roy’s comments have indicated that he doesn’t believe it to be an issue. That if you want to play Glint/Shiro you have no ability to customize your build to help stave off conditions short of changing one of your Legends to Jalis or Mallyx.
Every other profession has (will have) approximately 5 heals, 24 utilities, and 4 Elites. There are 2,024 potential combinations of JUST the utility skills (and before you ask – I’m calculating combinations not permutations. So the same 3 Utilities in a different order doesn’t count as a new option). That means there are 8,096 combinations of Utilities + Elites, and so 40,480 combinations once you include the Heals.
Meanwhile Elite specced Revenants have a total of 10 combinations of Utility skills they can bring (6 without Herald). They also get to bring twice as many as any one else so let’s call it an effective value of 20 (12).
Now I know what you’re doing to say “Well yea, but most of those other professions skills aren’t even viable”. Fine, we’ll do an extremely frugal recalculation and say that for every profession there is only one viable heal, one viable Elite, and only 1/4th of the utilities are useful. We all know this to be patently false but I want to pad the numbers in the Revenant’s favor. This puts the numbers more on par, with 20 potential combinations of utilities if you’re elite specced and 10 if you’re not.
So to recap, our assumptions are:
1) Every Legend combination on the Revenant is viable. Granting them possible combinations of skills of 6 or 10, depending on if Elite specced. But they get double the Utility skills so we’ll call it 12/20.
2) For other professions we’re assuming that of their 5 heals, 24 Utilities, and 4 Elites only 1 Heal, 1/4th the Utilities, and 1 Elite are viable. Putting them at 20 potential combinations of skills (10 without Elite spec).
With these assumptions the “Utility” seems on par. I mean, so long as you don’t call me out for haphazardly doubling the Revenant’s number and severely culling the potential options of every other profession.
Other Considerations
1) Revenants are locked into their skills. If you’re Ventari and don’t need condition removal or projectile blocking you’re still stuck with those skills because you want to use the Tablet mechanic to support allies.
2) Despite the assumption that only 1/4th the Utilities are viable for other professions – there will still be situations where those other 3/4ths of the Utilities might have niche uses or where someone simply likes a skill despite the ‘meta’. This is called nuance. As it stands, the Revenant will never get niche utilities like the Mesmer’s Portal, the Various Revive skills, etc. because it would be a dead-slot most of time.
First, there are plenty – I know. I’m not taking into account the Energy mechanic that restricts the usage of those utilities (and weaponskills too – ouch) and in general I’m putting Revenant utilities on a level playing field with all others when just looking at the Elites we know that is false. Revenant Elites are basically an extra Utility. There isn’t anything earth shatteringly potent like Time Warp (except for maybe that Glint heal). In general the Revenant skills are customized to their profession just like weapon skills are for Thieves. Meaning that they’re meant to be relatively spammable and to compete with your weapon skills via the Energy mechanic. You’re also expected to swap Legends frequently to refresh your Energy to 50%. I’m not saying this is a bad mechanic at all (though I don’t favor it) – but it’s outside the point I’m trying to make that, for no reason that I can come up with, the Revenant is being limited in their Utility options.
However, the biggest flaw pertinent to the issue I’m discussing is that when comparing relative “utility” I’m taking into account the Revenant’s profession mechanic while ignoring that of everyone else. Legend swapping (and heavy handed math) is the only thing that puts them remotely on par with any one else. Meanwhile, for every 6-0 an Engineer chooses he gets an extra toolbelt skill. That’s actually basically what Revenants get just in a different manner (two 6-0 bars) – and of course the Engineer has full ability to customize which skills he slots. A Mesmer gets four(five) extra skills on theirs, a Guardian gets 3, and a Necro gets a full 5. What does the Revenant get? Nothing – I’ve already taken everything their mechanic gives them into consideration when comparing relative utility. Oh yea, they get 1 extra skill if they spec Herald.
The Point
The entire point here is that I cannot fathom why ANet hasn’t done something so simple as add one or two more Utilities per Legend to give this profession some much needed nuance. Simply doing that would increase their numbers dramatically.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the thematics of this profession. But they are designed in such an odd and restrictive way that they just don’t fit with the rest of the professions – and there isn’t even a reason behind it so far as we’ve been told. That’s bad design. They don’t even get racial skills, they can’t use neutral skills (I.e. Mistwolf) which, at the end game, isn’t a really big deal since most people don’t use those anyways. Well, except for Take Root occasionally in my case. It’s the only way I beat the Queen’s Gauntlet. Oh hey – look, there’s some utility there. Sorry Revs.
But you know what the absolute worst thing is? I’ve been asking this question for months. Practically begging Roy to comment on it, to tell us why what seems like such an obvious thing hasn’t been done and hasn’t even been commented on except for comments in the Condition weakness thread that he doesn’t see it as an issue.
I just don’t get it – surely there were more than 3 Utilities suggested per Legend in Development – why limit it to 3 and not let them choose 3 out of 4 or 5? You can’t let Revenants have racials because it breaks the energy mechanic? Why not put in a set of neutral utilities that cost energy? Doing so would set a precedent and lets you grow the existing Legends in future content expansions – or is the design of the Revenant to always be a cookie cutter profession who makes a grand total of four choices when selecting his skills (Two weapons, two Legends)?
(edited by Dastion.3106)