The Herald experience...

The Herald experience...

in Revenant

Posted by: lordbachus.6091


Glint is so powerfull that it is a requirement in any level 80 build…

The only way to efficiently play a revenant is powering trough your power and switching legends as soon as your power is depleted, anything else is not valid.. ( maybe ventari being the exception, as you only use the healing powers when needed)

So basically there are 4 builds… 1 for each of the 4 legends…

In general most people would like to have melee and range options in a single build, making hammer part of most builds, as it is the only ranged weapon…

Some of the utillity skills are so very much off sync with a build, that they are never or barely ever used… other utillity skills required for a good build are not available for it because they are only part of other legends…

There is no way to gain energy trough actions… (a system like this could work better with builders and spenders.)

If you combine these facts, you will realise whats currently wrong with the class…. some simple solutions would help……

-adding more utillity skills/legend so players have more freedom in building
- i never understood why they added recast timers on top of the energy mechanic, it kills a lot of the freedom i expected from this class, and which i love on the thief… the class should have been ballanced fully around energy, if skills are to overpowered, they should have ballanced them trough powercost and damage output….
- there should also be a mechanic that makes staying in the same legend stance worthwhile…

Now keep in mind that these are my opinions, and that i love the idea and annimations of the class, there are just to many people complaining about it, and thats not witouth reason…. mow i am not an expert on the class, but i hope that my fresh opinion based on a few weeks of playing herald derived some ideas that could help out the class as a whole…. currently it feels like the uggly duck that was born to late…

The Herald experience...

in Revenant

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


unless you place energy gain in all weapons /stances/traitlines you will end up feeling like you NEED to use that specific weapon/stance/trait cause it,and only it gives you more energy which is always usefull.. and that creates a problem with “forced” staples for a build.

lets say we get more utilities per legendary stance. instead of 3 we get 4 or 6. we will still only be able to use 3 per stance and the 3 will be the ones that are most useful. The current neglected stance skills will still be neglected, just replaced by the new ones that are slightly better. Just buff the neglected stance skills instead, even so slightly so people can use it now and then without worrying if they just wasted 10-30 energy on nothing useful at all.

Cooldown on skills prevents possible high damage bursts as seen via thieves that will run you down to 0 energy.. twice for each stance. This will result in you just standing there auto attacking or trying to run away somehow..

You mentioned thieves? Imagine a burst damage thief with no stealth and no initiation regeneration as well as “disabled utility and healing skills for at least 5 seconds when initiation goes down to 0”

Elementalists that are tempests have the ability to overcharge their attunements once they stay in them for a while. Perhaps we get a similar new elite specialization next expansion.
That, or a special core trait from a non specific stance traitline that grants us such effects across all stances. Even something small such as “gain 10 condition every 2 seconds up to 100 condition damage while you are invoking Mallyx”