The State of Downed State

The State of Downed State

in Revenant

Posted by: caerulean.4837


So with these new changes for BWE3 came changes to the displacement mechanic we all came to love. I personally didn’t play too much on Mallyx so I can’t really comment on the changes to UA, but I wanted to start a conversation about the new downed skill.

Forceful Displacement: This skill no longer displaces foes, instead it will now knockback the foe 600 distance.

I completely understand the removal of displacement skills, but is this just a single-target version of the guardian’s downed knockback? I honestly find that a little disappointing even though the knockback is a little bigger. This was an opportunity to change this skill to something more unique or useful than a single target knockback.

A possible suggestion? I saw someone suggest a short shadowstep type skill, which would work amazingly with our 3rd downed skill since it has increased effectiveness based on positioning. Honestly I think this is a fantastic idea and I just wanted to get other people to share their thoughts and ideas. What do you guys think?

The State of Downed State

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


well, i totally agree. it feels more of a place holder than a real rework. but i’m honestly out of cool ideas.. maybe attack some other conditions?

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

The State of Downed State

in Revenant

Posted by: Kronos.2560


I’d be all for a shadowstep skill like thief on downed. It beats the placeholder that is there now.

The State of Downed State

in Revenant

Posted by: moonlightseal.6927


Knockback seems ok. The way it worked before 75% of the time in pvp It would teleport them closer to me guaranteeing the stomp.