Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Joepiehak.9503


(Constructed PvP, Conquest etc.)


I’m a casual Gw2 player trying to get more into PvP and maybe do some rated later mainly playing revenant as it reminds me of my old wow Monk playstyle which I enjoyed very much. Revenant have an awesome taste of gear, have interesting backstory and has so much potential.

But I’m running very much into trouble when I come up against a necromancer, more specifically, a reaper in PvP combat. In a 1 versus 1 I can basically beat anything depending if they’re far above my skill level, even reapers with a bit of luck and if everything falls into place. They seem to always catch me when it’s a "team fight’ though and they give me such a hard time with their high condition damage and chills for my cooldowns.

How do I have to handle them more properly? Any other tips/tricks for revenant PvP?

Thanks in advance!

- Joep.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: messiah.1908


in team fight look for the necro as you can pressure them first
also if you running viper its much easier with resistance
but power can have some trouble but its doable with shiro retreat let them deplete thier LF and come back and attack

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Joepiehak.9503


in team fight look for the necro as you can pressure them first
also if you running viper its much easier with resistance
but power can have some trouble but its doable with shiro retreat let them deplete thier LF and come back and attack

Yes I run power shiro with a tweak: I use hammer in some matches (but when I see 2+ Rangers, Necromancers and sometimes engineer I swap to staff for #4). Yeah retreating is what I’m currently doing but it feels so uncomfortable because I should be in the backline wreaking havoc essentially AOE stunning for 3 seconds and crashing on someone slightly out of position. But Necromancers prevent me completely from doing that.

But back to the retreating part; They’ll likely not follow me leaving my team(mate(s)) behind and ultumately losing a capture point/key position, which is pretty bad.

I often play with 1 or 2 friends. One of them still unsure what spec/proffesion to play. Any advice that can help us advance in ranked/unranked matches? Maybe a good combination with 3 characters involving 1 Dragonhunter, 1 HeraldShiro and the unknown 3rd? Something that (counters*)/cures condition(builds*).

Thanks for the help so far,

- Joep.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: messiah.1908


rev, ele, druid

rev – dmg or condi viper
ele – sustain and support with shouts
druid – point holder

druid puts lot of cc (or engi) so necro cant stand it.
ele heals and put auras, and you do the dmg

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Condi reaper 1v1 is untouchable, unless they just picked up the game.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Demented Yak.6105

Demented Yak.6105

You can’t really beat any tanky condition builds if you’re a power rev, especially reapers.

You really just can’t unless they’re incredibly bad.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Pumpkin.5169


Condi anything will give you a problem as revenant, even more as power Shiro/Glint. Necro is even worse, because they can corrupt your boons and go through your blocks.
If the enemy is a glassy condi, you can try to outburst him with Enchanted Daggers+UA and then buy time for the cooldown again with dodges, evades (Staff 5, Shiro dodge) and your blocks (Staff 3, Shield 5) to do another burst and with luck, kill the enemy before he kills you. As viper Mallyx its simpler, manage your resistance buff and try to kill the enemy before you run out of energy.

Against tanky condi, things get much worse. You will need to literally outplay the opponent. In theory, its basically the same thing. Do your burst, buy time with your blocks/heals/evades/resistance and repeat. Tanky condi is a counter to rev, so you will need to manage your cooldowns really well, use the terrain for you advantage, buy time for your cooldowns or reinforcements to come and such.

Pumpkin – Mag

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


If you equip Mallyx and Corruption traits, you basically become a Necromancer’s worst nightmare: conditions do nothing to you, heal more per condition, and do 3% more damage per condition.

Be wary of boon stripping – while you have tons of access to Resistance, blowing all your Resistance sources at once risks getting all that Resistance duration stripped at once.

Equipping Mallyx and Corruption also kind of necessitates switching out Invocation for Retribution for Stability – because Mallyx has no stun breaks.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Some people are just too obessed with that assassin stance/staff zerk pve crap……makes me cringe seeing some revenants running around in SPvP.

First of all, you can’t faceroll everything with just one build. Especially with Assassin Stance one trick pony lel For mesmers and Necromancers, if you want to 1vs1 them, you’d have to slot Mallyx and get corruption traitline with demonic defiance in t1. And then, even with that slotted, never fight them on a node because despite all that resistance you recieve from Mallyx you’re still vulnerable, pretty much. And god forbid if you run into some experienced Necros, those I only beat with Hammer trying to keep distance as far as possible. Staying on a node is no option till you make sure they are gonna die as soon as you engage.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Acratin.3910


Frankly, I’m finding a sword/axe Herald build to be potent for handling even Reapers. I’m torn between all but Ventari for the other stance, though I’ve been settling mostly on Dwarf. That heal eating conditions is great. Using Corruption/Whatever the dwarf spec I can’t recall the name of helps, particularly considering stability and the increased damage resistance. They’ll keep ticking down, but intelligent use of both Glint and Jalis heals really weakens Condi against you.

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: Booms.3952


Revs actually have a pretty decent matchup for this. On power just use your shiro roll skill (name??) To cleanse off long chills and use infused for heavy bombs. Dodge spam when he’s in staff and block in reaper. Land staff 5 when he has no stab off CD and deeps when he’s using weapon swap (D or sc)

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay

Trouble against Reaper/necromancers (PvP)

in Revenant

Posted by: ZoroDaOtter.3859


Be wary of boon stripping – while you have tons of access to Resistance, blowing all your Resistance sources at once risks getting all that Resistance duration stripped at once.

Pop F2 and the Reaper will have to pop all his signets to get to Resistance unless RNGesus decides to bless him.