Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Krysard.1364


10 seconds cd and give him ’’evades’’ when he doing that and its lasts not 2 seconds but 3 seconds.
Lets take a look…huge damage? Yep, force your enemy waste all dodges/blocks/invuls?Yes.
Follow you even you blinked? Or portalled away ? Yes.
Cannot be blinded/dodged/LoSed ? Yes. (yes, if you stay in range of that skill but would be behind wall he will jump,magic!)
Oh yeah , anyone seen unblockable status in description? I dont.
. So you need 3 seconds block/invul each 10 seconds , sure everyclass have that!
So only 1 way to counterplay that is be somewhere out of range which is not possible with spammable Shiro blink.

Its the only reliable damaging skill a sword rev has, if you could 100% evade it always revs would not do any damage at all


Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


10 seconds cd and give him ’’evades’’ when he doing that and its lasts not 2 seconds but 3 seconds.
Lets take a look…huge damage? Yep, force your enemy waste all dodges/blocks/invuls?Yes.
Follow you even you blinked? Or portalled away ? Yes.
Cannot be blinded/dodged/LoSed ? Yes. (yes, if you stay in range of that skill but would be behind wall he will jump,magic!)
Oh yeah , anyone seen unblockable status in description? I dont.
. So you need 3 seconds block/invul each 10 seconds , sure everyclass have that!
So only 1 way to counterplay that is be somewhere out of range which is not possible with spammable Shiro blink.

Its the only reliable damaging skill a sword rev has, if you could 100% evade it always revs would not do any damage at all

Hammer autos are insane ! Above this i tried to spam blink and 111111(sword) Its work ok because of passive life steal at devastation GM trait, idk who gave that BS to rev its just broken (untill u see condi mesmer ofc)

(edited by Odik.4587)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Hammer is insane now?

Ugh….please don’t give in to pvp crying ANet. Please.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


Hammer is insane now?

Ugh….please don’t give in to pvp crying ANet. Please.

Its does decent damage with quick projectile , its not like OP as hell but i like crits ~2,4k on squishy guys.
(prolly might)

(edited by Odik.4587)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: caerulean.4837


Hammer is insane now?

Ugh….please don’t give in to pvp crying ANet. Please.

Its does decent damage with quick projectile , its not like OP as hell but i like crits ~2,4k on squishy guys.
(prolly might)

Did you just call revenant hammer “quick”? Lol okay.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


I said quick projectile may be? Lol okay ?

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.

UA killed lots of thieves so far, not a problem , same as mesmer untill he ran mass invis ,torch ,decoy . Staff 2 BREAKSTUN ? Oh my how many years are gone and they still think its a breakstun…
About MoD , you rely only on UA when playing revenant ? How about to force him use mantra when you using Shiro stance and breakstun stun and use your precious UA after? Or i have even better idea! DODGE (free stab?) and cast it ? So much problems to get 1 stab stack after dodge and finally cast it… pls
Reapers havnt been problem because of free chill removal , havnt seen power rangers

(edited by Odik.4587)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.

UA killed lots of thieves so far, not a problem , same as mesmer untill he ran mass invis ,torch ,decoy . Staff 2 BREAKSTUN ? Oh my how many years are gone and they still think its a breakstun…
Reapers havnt been problem because of free chill removal , havnt seen power rangers

Thieves can get off really easily if they use shadow shot, headshot and black powder so given they have enough initiative they can cancel UA just by blinds or daze, I also got caught during the initial animation with basilisk venom, the funny thing was it did go off after the effect went off.

Technically Phase Retreat isn’t a stunbreak but well, even if you’re still stunned for 3 seconds, how can you get there fast if you don’t have a gap closer? not everyone has a 1200 range attack for revenant it requires either using Hammer or Phase traversal which is 20 energy IMO I’d rather wait for the mesmer to try and mage a counter than wasting 20 energy I might need to survive, besides if you get off Jade Winds the Revenant more than likely won’t have enough energy to use Phase Traversal.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


You’re fighting the same way a light test dummy golem would fight then, if you’re using a mesmer you have it easy really… just interrupt the revenant, trust me I’ve lost to mesmers this way, they can make you waste energy like no other profession, they can get out of stun with staff 2 (including jade winds), and they can always daze UA if they run MoD, probably the hardest professions for revenant currently are MoD Chronomancers/Mesmers, S/P thief, stun double distance dodge DD well played power Rangers, and Valkyrie Celestial Signet Reapers and from all of those the latter is the hardest match up and even then Mesmers and Reapers have A TON (well mesmer actually has little room) of room to screw up while Revenants are dead if they take bad decisions with their utilities.

UA killed lots of thieves so far, not a problem , same as mesmer untill he ran mass invis ,torch ,decoy . Staff 2 BREAKSTUN ? Oh my how many years are gone and they still think its a breakstun…
Reapers havnt been problem because of free chill removal , havnt seen power rangers

Thieves can get off really easily if they use shadow shot, headshot and black powder so given they have enough initiative they can cancel UA just by blinds or daze, I also got caught during the initial animation with basilisk venom, the funny thing was it did go off after the effect went off.

Technically Phase Retreat isn’t a stunbreak but well, even if you’re still stunned for 3 seconds, how can you get there fast if you don’t have a gap closer? not everyone has a 1200 range attack for revenant it requires either using Hammer or Phase traversal which is 20 energy IMO I’d rather wait for the mesmer to try and mage a counter than wasting 20 energy I might need to survive, besides if you get off Jade Winds the Revenant more than likely won’t have enough energy to use Phase Traversal.

Never used jade winds in duels because its requier 50% energy and mesmer or some1 else probably have a breakstun so decision to use it would be fatal for you(unless u swap on another legend and gain 50% energy ) . Gap closer? 4 axe is free Phase traversal 20 energy its a joke paired with 1 slamming on sword because you do high amount of damage and can use right after that UA .
Blind block only first UA hit ,if thief would spam headshot he will lose all initiative and die to everything else youv got.
No ,seriously, why u defend this broken skill ? You havnt found celestial variation or never used hammer? Or you temped to use 1 skill to win ?

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Never used jade winds in duels because its requier 50% energy and mesmer or some1 else probably have a breakstun so decision to use it would be fatal for you(unless u swap on another legend and gain 50% energy ) . Gap closer? 4 axe is free Phase traversal 20 energy its a joke paired with 1 slamming on sword because you do high amount of damage and can use right after that UA .
Blind block only first UA hit ,if thief would spam headshot he will lose all initiative and die to everything else youv got.
No ,seriously, why u defend this broken skill ? You havnt found celestial variation or never used hammer? Or you temped to use 1 skill to win ?

First off 1v1 can be easily won with certain builds that aren’t viable for group play, being good at 1v1’s doesn’t win games unless there’s a 1v1 mode and I’d rather win matches than win all 1v1’s I’m in and even before you mention it Jade Winds is great for party support and totally required in Stronghold for downing the lord’s break bar, second axe 5 sucks for pvp if you don’t dodge after the giant black rift pops up something’s wrong with your playstyle (same as using Glint’s Elite, if you don’t get off the big blue dragon something’s really wrong) the extra heal on shield is far better than a gap closer, even with all the easy counterplay to crystal hybernation, specially because you can use protection from shield and blind from staff for defense even the sword 4 block is better than a gap closer because it gives you needed survivability, heck the same build I’m talking about would be good enough even if they nerfed Unrelenting Assault Simply put let’s guess the damage gets nerfed to the ground (which doesn’t actually bother me as much as losing the evade), it really doesn’t matter for damage output because you could stack more might and add some extra burning in there with more ease with mace, and just get all of the damage from staff and then the rants and crying would be about mace or staff, simply put I find all this hassle about UA the same as counterplaying elementalists, it requires coordination and experience that’s all, take a look at ESL they restricted elementalists because the only players who knew how to cope with 4 of them were TCG and oRNG and most of the problem arised from vampirism runes not the elementalist stacking.

Go ahead suggest changes but if you’re gonna do that then at least find real solid arguments and solutions that can balance the skill in between all the game modes and don’t just base them around weak arguments like “lol too OP plz nerf ’cuz I no find decent player who can win against me” or “lol too OP I got killed cuz player used sword 3 after my gearshield and elixir s got used up stupid OP class need balance”.

And yes I edited this because a marauder engineer complained about Revenant being OP after burning gear shield on autoattacks and elixir S on the glint elite, the thing is you can’t tell if something is truly overpowered or not until it settles in a metagame enviroment, how do you expect to counter something if you don’t know it’s full power and weakness?

(edited by Rygg.6237)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Pazu.8320


Again, the game should not be balanced over 1v1 pvp. Once you throw even one person (or pet) in there UA’s damage goes down dramatically.

Or at least if they change it, they should change it to what another poster suggested and basically load most of the damage toward the end. That way if someone is not being braindead and is paying attention they can dodge the most damaging portion of the ability. Something like that would at least leave the ability useful in pve. But the ability needs to be strong and it needs that evade. Otherwise it’s useless.

This. It was useless during the last test event. Now it is a solid skill. Backloading has worked for several skills in this game so far (e.g. warrior’s axe auto attack chain), so perhaps could work here too.

On Friday, I was shredding people with this skill. Tonight, it’kitten or miss. Give people time to learn the Revenant’s skillset and know what to expect. It appears OP but only because it is sufficiently strong and still unknown to the general community. Give it some time.

Paul Lukische (ele), Pazu Plus One (ranger), Oh The Pazubilities (mes) et al – Sanctum of Rall
Champion Titles: Legionnaire, Genius, Magus, Paragon, Illusionist, Phantom, Shadow, Ritualist
Spectral Legion [SL] is recruiting! spectrallegion.com

(edited by Pazu.8320)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Yup, I never bothered using it much because without the evade it was more likely to get you killed and its damage made it not worth using. Now it’s actually useful in pve and pvpers want it nerfed because of 1v1 pvp. It’s infuriating.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Odik.4587


it’s the same as counterplaying elementalists – yeah counterplay 4 eles with your experience and coordination without being rekt everywhere .
W/e this BS would be nerfed anyway soon or later . Im sure.
This remind me post from eles , dont nerf us , we are innocent ,its just burning.
I repeat last time : skill cannot be blinded or dodged, on cast and follow everywhere its target with heavy damage and avoid all attacks … lets keep it up to be unique , make sense! Also could be casted on invul targets as guardian focus . This skill underperforming! Lets create thread to buff this because this not oneshotting each target which hit ?

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Yup, I never bothered using it much because without the evade it was more likely to get you killed and its damage made it not worth using. Now it’s actually useful in pve and pvpers want it nerfed because of 1v1 pvp. It’s infuriating.

That’s what bothers me the most and in fact it affects the overall game. PvE content actually challenging ? (Teq, AC back in the Day, Arah back when Lupicus was way more challenging) OMG it’s too hard please make it easier I can’t bother with learning how to evade the important attacks and get better at something I like, a single skill istrong? OMG OP I don’t know how to counter it and I am too lazy to find a way to fight back, the game will always have stronger things than others, heck the problem with eles isn’t only burning, it’s that Ring of fire pairs well with burn stacking and blinding ashes, so it forces you to stay out of it until you can try a burst, get them too low? Vampirism procs and they heal, the counterplay comes from working around Ring of Fire and saving your bursts and interrupts until the Vampirism proc wears off, if you stall the game because you’re foolish enough to stay there and not help your team then you deserve to lose you it’s a matter of brains over brawn, but I guess most people can’t be bothered by that.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Bitoku Kishi.8346

Bitoku Kishi.8346

Don’t nerf Unrelenting Assault, it’s a great fun skill that’s strong but not unstoppable. Honestly I can think of many other attack skills on other classes that are just as good overall. Like people have said, it has a powerful effect but it can be countered many ways in PvP.
And in PvE it’s one of the only heavy hitting dps skills they really have, as well as an important damage mitigation skill for tanking.

(edited by Bitoku Kishi.8346)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Given what other classes are doing, if you are down to crying about UA then you are not prepared. UA is the least of your worries.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


It’s not OP. People just haven’t learned to counter it yet. Its very counterable. It’s failed for me quite a lot because people have learned already how to counter. When they do, it’s not good for the rev. Without the evades revs can be squishy.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


spammable Shiro blink.

This invalidates your entire post

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodama.6453


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Daendur.2357


they could remove the possibility to crit, like thief’s skills… plain base damage.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You have already been told many times how to counter it. I find it funny that double dodge isn’t aloud to be a counter when several other classes have abilities or combos that literally force both dodges out of you. Look at a hammer warrior or Rapid Fire ranger. This isn’t something unique to UA. 2 of the absolute best counters to it are Torment and Confusion. From my experience I take confusion activation ticks with each hit of UA even though I’m not using a new ability. If I receive a bunch of confusion stacks and use UA without noticing I literally kill myself. Same goes for torment.

As other’s have said before IT IS A LEARN TO PLAY ISSUE. This skill can be and does get countered. I’ve lost plenty of 1v1’s on my Rev after extensive play. I’ve even lost to another Rev that wasn’t even using Sword. The TTK in this game is incredibly short yes UA only has a 10sec cd but it only takes 3 to kill the Rev. Bait is UA punish him for using it then kill him before it comes off cd. You know the same way you beat a power ranger using Rapid Fire. If the skill was so overpowered then the class would never lose and I would love to see one person in here say they haven’t lost a single 1v1.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Krysard.1364


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

Blocks, evades, dodges, confusion, auras can mitigate the damage. Also, as said, its the only damaging skill of any sword set and the only reliable damaging skill in overall if rev is using also a staff, so you cant pretend to mitigate all the skill, it will reduce the rev damage to 0…


Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Tora.7214


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You cant have a counter for each and every single UA. Just like you cant have one for each and every single 100b/rapid fire. That would be unfair


Ranger:Gs block, double evade

Guardian: blind,aegis,ring of wardin, double evade

Warrior: shield block, double evade

Thief: sb evade, tripple evade (daredevil), staff evade, stealth, double evade

Engineer: shield block, turrets to divide dmg, double evade

Mesmer: stealth, illusions to reduce dmg, double evade

Elementalist: shock aura on demand, double evade, perma 50% protecction(tempest)

Necromancer: double evade, enter death(reaper) shroud, minions to reduce dmg

There you go short cd methods for each class, if you dont have one on those in your build, then like I say, you cant expect to have a counter for everything in any build.


Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You cant have a counter for each and every single UA. Just like you cant have one for each and every single 100b/rapid fire. That would be unfair


Ranger:Gs block, double evade

Guardian: blind,aegis,ring of wardin, double evade

Warrior: shield block, double evade

Thief: sb evade, tripple evade (daredevil), staff evade, stealth, double evade

Engineer: shield block, turrets to divide dmg, double evade

Mesmer: stealth, illusions to reduce dmg, double evade

Elementalist: shock aura on demand, double evade, perma 50% protecction(tempest)

Necromancer: double evade, enter death(reaper) shroud, minions to reduce dmg

There you go short cd methods for each class, if you dont have one on those in your build, then like I say, you cant expect to have a counter for everything in any build.



Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Ihales.3820


Stealth is nice counter considering revenant has AoE reveal. People just don’t realize how hard you will be able to hit with this attack. Damage is really too high considering it is evade, shadowstep burst skill that follows you now matter how far you get with 10s CD.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodama.6453


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You have already been told many times how to counter it. I find it funny that double dodge isn’t aloud to be a counter when several other classes have abilities or combos that literally force both dodges out of you. Look at a hammer warrior or Rapid Fire ranger. This isn’t something unique to UA. 2 of the absolute best counters to it are Torment and Confusion. From my experience I take confusion activation ticks with each hit of UA even though I’m not using a new ability. If I receive a bunch of confusion stacks and use UA without noticing I literally kill myself. Same goes for torment.

As other’s have said before IT IS A LEARN TO PLAY ISSUE. This skill can be and does get countered. I’ve lost plenty of 1v1’s on my Rev after extensive play. I’ve even lost to another Rev that wasn’t even using Sword. The TTK in this game is incredibly short yes UA only has a 10sec cd but it only takes 3 to kill the Rev. Bait is UA punish him for using it then kill him before it comes off cd. You know the same way you beat a power ranger using Rapid Fire. If the skill was so overpowered then the class would never lose and I would love to see one person in here say they haven’t lost a single 1v1.

I got another opinion about this.
You called hammer warrior and rapid fire of rangers.
Let’s take a look.
All say counters for UA is double dodge, block and evade. But this are counters for almost ALL attacks (block can be negated by unblockables, but if the attack isn’t it is a counter).
These skills will work against rapid fire and hammer warriors too.
But these 2 also have OTHER counters like that.
Hammer warrior: stability, blind, cc, immobilize and kite
rapid fire: breaking line of sight, reflect, projektile blocks

That’s why I think that way. To “counter” UA you have to give up too much, other skills have some extra mechanics to counter them except these which sacrifice very much to be basically invuln.

(edited by Kodama.6453)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Thiefs and mesmer hard counter revenant. Just like other professios hardcounter thief and mesmer (although last one is in very strong position atm).

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Raven.9603


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You cant have a counter for each and every single UA. Just like you cant have one for each and every single 100b/rapid fire. That would be unfair

There you go short cd methods for each class, if you dont have one on those in your build, then like I say, you cant expect to have a counter for everything in any build.


double dodge is not a counter. no ability in the game requires double dodge to counter, except maybe UA. double dodging is not a reasonable counter its a dumb play.

Ranger:Gs block, double evade
—GS block only blocks one melee hit, then cancels for an interrupt (that will miss, because of Rev evade during UA). So ranger still eats 6 hits. 1h sword is a counter if the ranger uses both #2 and #3.

Guardian: blind,aegis,ring of wardin, double evade
—blind and aegis each stop 1 hit. thats mitagation for a multihit skill, not a counter. Ring of warding has no effect on UA.

Warrior: shield block, double evade
—shield block is ignored when paired with phase traversal. with phase traversal, shield block IS a counter for warriors.

Thief: sb evade, tripple evade (daredevil), staff evade, stealth, double evade
—the only evade long enough to counter this is pistol whip. again, double/triple dodge to blow all your endurance is not a counter. The only thief stealth that works against UA is from utilities (very long cooldowns), since weapon skills cant hit during UA and combos are too slow for UA.

Engineer: shield block, turrets to divide dmg, double evade
—shield has no effect on UA. Gear Shield (kit) does, but is nullified (again) by phase traversal). Turrets dividing damage is mitagation, not a counter.

Mesmer: stealth, illusions to reduce dmg, double evade
—torch is a counter. illusions are a mitagation.

Elementalist: shock aura on demand, double evade, perma 50% protecction(tempest)
—shock aura IS a great counter. it is not available on demand, it has a 25sec cd and air can have a 10sec lockout. Protection is not a counter, its mitagation.

Necromancer: double evade, enter death(reaper) shroud, minions to reduce dmg
—minions and shroud are not counters, they are mitagation.

—The point is, UA should be interruptable like almost everything else in the game. The few other evade-while-dpsing skills root the person in place, which mean they can be avoided with a single dodge. UA, if left untouched, will be the only weaponskill in the game with so few counters.

Good ideas have included : making the damage ramp up towards the end. This is doesnt help counter it, but it makes mitagation of the end more of a reasonable strategy. Removing half the evade : would still be a long 1sec evade skill for rev, but allows a period where the skill can be countered by opponents.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Mournilg.4870


What if the “wind up” move could dodged at least. It would give one simple way to avoid the skill.
If you dodge the first windup move, then UA fails. After all, the cd is low and it’s the only skill really dangerous on a sword/x revenant.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Cylokin.2560


it’s the only skill really dangerous on a sword/x revenant.

This is the problem, if they nerf the skill into the ground, Sword becomes pretty much useless.

What if the “wind up” move could dodged at least. It would give one simple way to avoid the skill.

I thought it already works like this?! I had the skill fail so many times, though it was because of the dodge.

All in all, it is far from “massively OP”, just give it time for people to learn playing against it a little bit and then come back to it.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Well actually unrelenting assault and heralt aren’t op, strong surely but don’t op. Have you try reaper spec? The spec is far more destructive than herald, when you go in reaper shroud it’as almost your dead. I have playing more than 70 unranked pvp match with heralt this week end, and i don’t always reach top score in pvp. With reaper it’s far more easy, i have play something like 15 or 20 matchs with and 80% i’m on top score. Reaper, or at least really shroud, is really more op than revenant and kill revenant with burning stacks, conditions that revenant with shiro/glint can’t do nothing against.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Krysard.1364


it’s the only skill really dangerous on a sword/x revenant.

Thats why its strong, and hard to avoid. Cause is the only way a rev is going to kill you. People say double dodge isnt a counter, but I think yes it is, cause theres no other skill in the whole sword/x set that you need to avoid in order to mitigate damage


Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Amins.3710


What I find to be the single most effective way to kill a Rev is to let them UA you and then just retreat into the middle of your group while they’re in thier UA Chain….

Barrels of laughter as your group collapses on them when they re-appear 1200 Range away from their own group. lol

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

(edited by Amins.3710)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You cant have a counter for each and every single UA. Just like you cant have one for each and every single 100b/rapid fire. That would be unfair


Ranger:Gs block, double evade

Guardian: blind,aegis,ring of wardin, double evade

Warrior: shield block, double evade

Thief: sb evade, tripple evade (daredevil), staff evade, stealth, double evade

Engineer: shield block, turrets to divide dmg, double evade

Mesmer: stealth, illusions to reduce dmg, double evade

Elementalist: shock aura on demand, double evade, perma 50% protecction(tempest)

Necromancer: double evade, enter death(reaper) shroud, minions to reduce dmg

There you go short cd methods for each class, if you dont have one on those in your build, then like I say, you cant expect to have a counter for everything in any build.


this is actually one of the worst responses ive ever seen. I dont think UA is is OP, but after reading this, I kinda do. You have to do ALL Of that you avoid one attack with a 3 sec evade on a 10s cd and have to deal with one of, if not the, highest AA after?

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: arnitheking.8427


I will only comment on the complaint hat I hear all the time in map chat without even having read the whole thread: “Revs will follow you everywhere when you use this skill, even when you port away, this is op”

yeah except that once you get used to it you will wait for the ability to end before your port away, I mean srsly if you can’t control your thinking patterns in a “panic situation” that tell you to port away as far as possible because that’s just what you’re used to be doing when you take dmg as a thief or a mesmer, then you need to revise your strategy.

It still is op though, dont get me wrong, I think the fact that there is no “low -cd” option to get away from it or just stop the ability is annoying. I think they should make it stunbreakable even if it isnt a stun AND also focus most of the dmg on the last hit as suggested before to reward people who dodge at the right moment. Increasing the cd to 15 secs would be fair too, it would encourage weapon swapping and it would balance this ability a bit more

I think the “port-following”-ability or just being hooked to your target in general is very strong but it’s also a very nice mechanic to add to the game. This is a very nice way to counter those annoying runaway builds and it’s easy to simply NOT port when the rev uses this ability on you. Also, PLEASE dont remove the “mesmer portal highjacking”, its the only counter to mesmer port and it’s extremely fun to do.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Totally disagree on increasing the cd. Not necessary at all.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Also, PLEASE dont remove the “mesmer portal highjacking”, its the only counter to mesmer port and it’s extremely fun to do.

LOL, sounds like a great way to setup a revenant for an ambush, with the rest of the group waiting at the other end of the portal.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


You still should be getting out of the 1v1 mentality…I don’t believe any of the skills in this game are balanced for 1v1, as they shouldn’t be(even though you end up in a lot of 1v1 fights, that isn’t the philosophy[IMO], or you can keep arguing until you’re blue in the face that UA is OP in 1v1(which should be irrelevant).

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


This is a L2P issue really.

Most people will rather have something nerfed than actually L2P and level up their game, do a research about countering and so on. Like actually put an effort into it.

If you guys keep saying it is a L2P issue, then pls TELL us how to counter it. You can only interrupt it before the attack began, because after you are dodging each cc an enemy is throwing against you. If you blind the skill before it gets used, just 1 of the 7 hits will fail, the other 6 will hit you. You can’t use AoE damage like against a backstab thief, because you are evading the whole time.

If there is any real counter (and it isn’t a counter to use a invuln skill with 60s cd against a skill with 10s cd), please tell us! Block does work but has mostly much larger cd as UA too. Some professions don’t have any blocks (just like necromancer for example).

You cant have a counter for each and every single UA. Just like you cant have one for each and every single 100b/rapid fire. That would be unfair


Ranger:Gs block, double evade

Guardian: blind,aegis,ring of wardin, double evade

Warrior: shield block, double evade

Thief: sb evade, tripple evade (daredevil), staff evade, stealth, double evade

Engineer: shield block, turrets to divide dmg, double evade

Mesmer: stealth, illusions to reduce dmg, double evade

Elementalist: shock aura on demand, double evade, perma 50% protecction(tempest)

Necromancer: double evade, enter death(reaper) shroud, minions to reduce dmg

There you go short cd methods for each class, if you dont have one on those in your build, then like I say, you cant expect to have a counter for everything in any build.


this is actually one of the worst responses ive ever seen. I dont think UA is is OP, but after reading this, I kinda do. You have to do ALL Of that you avoid one attack with a 3 sec evade on a 10s cd and have to deal with one of, if not the, highest AA after?

No one said you have to do all that. He was listing options

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Seriously… all this over an ability that has less DPS than sword auto attack + impossible odds?

It’s a shadowstep + blurred frenzy with a larger radius, 1 less attack, less damage per hit, and a longer specced cooldown. OMG NERF!

The ability shadow steps and then does an AE … so after the shadow step you could just move out of range of it via teleport, RTL, double dodge, ect.

Or you could just stand near other people and all the attacks will be split between you.

Mesmer could just spam blurred frenzy every time to negate it … or just turn invisible.
Thief will just evade or stealth ignore it.
Ele: Static Field, Unstead Ground, ect
ect, ect, ect …

Screw it, I’m done … I don’t know if you are just too lazy or too incompetent to figure this out on your own.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Raven.9603


The ability shadow steps and then does an AE … so after the shadow step you could just move out of range of it via teleport, RTL, double dodge, ect.

thats not actually how it works. if you start it on someone and they blink, mes portal or shadow step away, you go with them, no matter how far. hopefully thats just a bug…

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Happens with other teleporting attacks as well, or did. I believe there is a grace period while it trys to sync positions on the server where it can still change the location. On my thief it can happen, or did, on steal for example.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Tora.7214


Seriously… all this over an ability that has less DPS than sword auto attack + impossible odds?

It’s a shadowstep + blurred frenzy with a larger radius, 1 less attack, less damage per hit, and a longer specced cooldown. OMG NERF!

The ability shadow steps and then does an AE … so after the shadow step you could just move out of range of it via teleport, RTL, double dodge, ect.

Or you could just stand near other people and all the attacks will be split between you.

Mesmer could just spam blurred frenzy every time to negate it … or just turn invisible.
Thief will just evade or stealth ignore it.
Ele: Static Field, Unstead Ground, ect
ect, ect, ect …

Screw it, I’m done … I don’t know if you are just too lazy or too incompetent to figure this out on your own.

mesmer wouldnt even need to dodge at all, just have 3 clones out and will barely do dmg

and once chronomancer comes out they will laught at UA

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

Double dodges are not a counter, as it requires you to blow your defenses to dodge one skill on a ten second cooldown and even then you get hit a few times, and it’s your only option. Very few blocks or invulnerabilities last long enough to stop it and the skills that do last long enough typically have too long of a cooldown to stop it often enough.
Even if you do use them you’re left with nothing to stop other skills. There is no way to fully stop it more than once, which is too much for a skill that can hit for so much damage. There is no other skill in the game that cannot be kited, evades, AND deals lots of damage on only a 10 second cooldown. Similar skills don’t have such a huge variety of functions and have more ways to counter them (such as reflecting Ranger LB #2). For comparison, Mesmer Sword #2 is similar to this, but for that you can just walk away if you want, whereas this skill cannot be kited.
Having allies is not a counter, as it means the Revenant cannot be beaten outside of team fights, so you have to just give up if everyone else is busy. Team fights are not all there is to PvP.
And if sword is useless without this skill then… Buff the other skills? If this is the only reason to use sword then obviously the weapon is poorly designed. Move the damage to other skills, like the #2.
Personally I suggest only making it follow foes for a maximum of 300 units. It forces the foe to play intelligently and get away when using it, while still leaving you with an advantage (forcing the enemy out of position and off point OR taking lots of damage). Another option is to front load the damage, to make it more reasonable to stop.


(edited by The Wizland.8435)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


You have more defense than dodges. If you don’t then that’s a problem with your build not UA or revenant. If you choose to go glass cannon then you must live with the consequences.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Double dodges are not a counter, as it requires you to blow your defenses to dodge one skill on a ten second cooldown and even then you get hit a few times, and it’s your only option. Very few blocks or invulnerabilities last long enough to stop it and the skills that do last long enough typically have too long of a cooldown to stop it often enough.
Even if you do use them you’re left with nothing to stop other skills. There is no way to fully stop it more than once, which is too much for a skill that can hit for so much damage. There is no other skill in the game that cannot be kited, evades, AND deals lots of damage on only a 10 second cooldown. Similar skills don’t have such a huge variety of functions and have more ways to counter them (such as reflecting Ranger LB #2). For comparison, Mesmer Sword #2 is similar to this, but for that you can just walk away if you want, whereas this skill cannot be kited.
Having allies is not a counter, as it means the Revenant cannot be beaten outside of team fights, so you have to just give up if everyone else is busy. Team fights are not all there is to PvP.
And if sword is useless without this skill then… Buff the other skills? If this is the only reason to use sword then obviously the weapon is poorly designed. Move the damage to other skills, like the #2.
Personally I suggest only making it follow foes for a maximum of 300 units. It forces the foe to play intelligently and get away when using it, while still leaving you with an advantage (forcing the enemy out of position and off point OR taking lots of damage). Another option is to front load the damage, to make it more reasonable to stop.

Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling. Also where BF counts as a single attack, UA counts as 7 separate attacks meaning things like Fire Aura, Chaos Shield, and Confusion are extremely dangerous.

You are complaining about a spell effect … if it just teleported the Rev to your position and did the blurred frenzy animation it would be the same kitten thing.

Also, the game isn’t balanced for 1v1, so you can throw out that entire arguement.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling.

I don’t think it does less damage or scales worse, but I could be wrong.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling.

I don’t think it does less damage or scales worse, but I could be wrong.

Tell tbat to GW2Wiki

Blurred Frenzy
Damage (8x): 808 (2.400 multiplier)
Number of Targets: 3 (Max of 24 Hits)
Range: 130

Unrelenting Assault
Damage: 202 (0.715 multiplier)
Number of Hits: 7
Range: 450

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.