Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


The nerfs to Mallyx seem unreasonably harsh. UA was so apocalyptically overpowered that I can see why it had to take a hit, but the proposed change seems nigh useless. Perhaps it could instead be something like ‘inflict fear on foes where you land and create a field that torments foes that enter or leave its area’ and have it inflict more torment on entering than leaving so it can still attempt to force people out of its area with an effect that has much higher counterplay and at least strongly discourage people from trying to get back in.

EtD basically just lost its condi copying and got nothing in return. It needs something new for sure.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: ChrisG.1703


The nerfs to Mallyx seem unreasonably harsh. UA was so apocalyptically overpowered that I can see why it had to take a hit, but the proposed change seems nigh useless. Perhaps it could instead be something like ‘inflict fear on foes where you land and create a field that torments foes that enter or leave its area’ and have it inflict more torment on entering than leaving so it can still attempt to force people out of its area with an effect that has much higher counterplay and at least strongly discourage people from trying to get back in.

EtD basically just lost its condi copying and got nothing in return. It needs something new for sure.

I agree, some type of fear or knock back to get people out of the circle would salvage the ability.

EtD without copying conditions is definitely not worth the upkeep cost.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Wow, you’ve pretty much destroyed mallyx, nerfs were needed but you’ve taken away much of what made the stance fun to play.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I’m happy with the changes and most of them were justified.

Keep up the good work Roy

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


add me to the pile of “you destroyed mallyx”

give back the condition copy pulse!

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


I also don’t really agree with adding cooldowns to lots of skills because of how strong they are when used back to back. I think if you’re willing to limit yourself to autoattacks for 10 seconds just so you can cast jade wind twice you’re probably not coming out ahead.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Wow, you’ve pretty much destroyed mallyx, nerfs were needed but you’ve taken away much of what made the stance fund to play.


Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Aight since now i have more time i’m reading again this changes and commenting one by one with attention.

Here we have some polish changes for the profession. It was brought up on the forum as a suggestion to have a custom dodge FX and that got added as a direct result.

  • Added an effect to dodging.
  • Added underwater versions of the downed skills.
  • Added a hand glow when invoking legendary centaur stance.

Unfortunately, the displace mechanic was interacting poorly in the game as a whole. It was causing undesired behavior with NPCs and pathing, its strength varied by game mode, it was very disorienting to the receiving foe and other issues as well. We made the decision to remove displace and change the skills which had it on them. In this case we changed it to a knockback because it was similar functionality.

  • Forceful Displacement: This skill no longer displaces foes, instead it will now knockback the foe 600 distance.

I understand the issues on displacement, it was a out-of-the-family CC totally un-counterable. Totally fine with the KB on downed#2. Also dodge fluff yay! \ o /

For sword, there were some minor tweaks. Precision Strike was made a whirl finisher because it made sense as your character is spinning around, plus the skill needed a bit of help. Unrelenting Assault was a bit strong after the last set of changes so I slightly increased the recharge to have a lower window between evade times.

  • Precision Strike: This skill is now a whirl finisher.
  • Unrelenting Assault: Increased the recharge from 10 seconds to 12 seconds. Fixed a bug so that this skill will more report damage as a multi-hit skill allowing it to stack up damage per target rather than displaying each instance of damage individually.

Perfect tweaks, little nerf to UA, little boost to PS. Can’t ask for anything better.

In staff the changes were mostly about the flow of play. It felt awkward to have to stand still to cast Renewing Wave so I changed out the animation to one that would work while moving to keep this weapon more mobile feeling. Debilitating Slam had a long cast time for a skill which is used for an interrupt so I went ahead and shortened that down to so it could be used as a more reactionary skill.

  • Warding Rift: Fixed a bug where this skill could be cancel-casted to gain the benefit of the block without going on full recharge.
  • Renewing Wave: Changed the animation on this skill so it can be used while moving. It retained the same 1 second cast time.
  • Debilitating Slam: Decreased the cast time from 1 second to 0.25 seconds.

RW NEEDED the root gone, nice change! Also thanks for DS..i actually never used that actively because of the huge cast time. Only place was on big wind-up. Now is much more fluid. Awesome here too!

We were trying out defiance bars on player skills in a few places, but it didn’t really work out. Defiance bar is balanced around being on creatures which left some pieces of it feeling awkward for players. It also had essentially a duplicate functionality to stability. In the end we felt like it didn’t play well on player skills so we removed all player defiance bars.

  • Envoy of Exuberance: Decreased the energy cost from 15 to 10. Fixed a bug so that this skill will properly heal at the target location instead of around you.
  • Crystal Hibernation: Removed the defiance bar. This skill will now block attacks for the duration while regenerating health. Lowered recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

Both changes are good, i’m glad to backed of from BBars, they are a nightmare to balance on players between all game modes. EoE energy cost is good, I’d rather have a longer protection tho, but happy. CH is a much better place now: unblockable skills are a way better counter than a random blind and now i’ll use it with WAY less fear. I’m still not keen to the point-capture prevention. It’s not THAT powerful to have such drawback, since you are also rooted too! My direct coparison is ElixirS on engi where you are completely invulnerable (and you can trait to remove a condi) and you can run around. Not fair imho.

Legendary Assassin Stance
Jade Winds was a bit too strong being able to cast it back to back if you stored up the energy. This skill got a short recharge to limit being able to chain it back to back with itself. You may notice we have some this with a few skills so pressing one skill multiple times wouldn’t be encouraged and allow for a breathing room for your foes.

  • Jade Winds: Added a 5 second recharge.

I totally understand and agree that back to back skills that gives CC can’t be allowed (still thief can spam daze on pistol#4 tho…) but it makes me a bit sad since this disrupts the class mechanic. Main point of energy management is that you do not have CDs, and we already have them on weapons and heals. It seems to me a somewhat easy/fast fix to the problem.
I thought of a cool way to manage it (debuff to add 50% cost if you spam skill) but after longer thinking, it’s not that good. So, for now, let’s keep it this way. But if this covers more than 50% of the skills, why not put CD on everything at this point? this would lead to more defined and powerful elites. I know is sorta late for such a big change, but is worth consideration, Roy!

Legendary Centaur Stance
Here I made some changes to the cast time. Now all utility skills are instant, only the heal and the elite have a cast time. The elite has also been lowered in cast time as well as decreased energy cost.

  • Naturalistic Harmony. Decreased the energy cost from 25 to 20.
  • Purifying Essence: This skill is now instant cast. Decreased the energy cost from 35 to 30 and added a 5 second recharge.
  • Energy Expulsion: This skill is now a blast finisher and reduced the cast time from 2 seconds to 1 second. Decreased the energy cost from 50 to 35.

Much needed changes: same as Jalis the cast times and costs was what gave an overall clunkyness to the legend. I’ll repeat again: summon and disrupt will still make it clunky.
You reworked other mechanic, why not this one too? Keep elite cd+heal orbs, autosummon on legend swap, use the mechanic of Shift+Mouse right to toggle the autofollow with no effect nor cost but on skill activation retain the current effect (and toggle off the follow, unless re-toggled). This is the only way it will work good.

Legendary Demon Stance
In this stance we had a bit of a bigger change happen. Demon Stance was in an awkward place because it was mechanically cool when you looked at it in a vacuum, but when you were put around other players there was this point of tension which was created. When using demon stance you wanted to manage your conditions and try to keep certain amounts on yourself to empower your skills.

Though, allies directly impacted this play style. While you were around allies, especially players running support, it created tension and frustration between the two players. You wouldn’t want to be near these other players that removed conditions from you as it weakened your skills. This isn’t a tension or frustration that we wanted to create between allies so I moved this stance away from focusing on scaling effectiveness based on your personal conditions. As such, the self-conditions didn’t make sense anymore as you had less reason to utilize these so they were removed. Similar to Forceful Displacement, the displace was removed on unyielding anguish and the skill was re-designed a bit.

  • Empowering Misery: Removed the self-applied weakness. Increased the base heal by 40% and decreased the heal per condition by 40%.
  • Pain Absorption. Removed the self-applied blind.
  • Banish Enchantment: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you.
  • Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been re-worked. This skill will now leap to the target location creating a dark field which chills for 1 second and torments for 4 seconds per pulse. The field lasts for 4 seconds and pulses every 1 second. Added a 10 second recharge.
  • Embrace the Darkness: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes.

This hurted me badly. (“what is love?” Q_Q).
As said previously, displacement had to go, i understand, but now what is UA? Is joke of what was before. It NEED a CC attached, so since it also has now a CD put a aoe knockback on landing or fear, seriously, I won’t ever spend energy on that, like EVER.
While i’m sad we lost the cool condition management playstyle i understand the difficulty with all the condi-clense (still was good in 1v1 situation), BUT why change heal that much? that skill had a good skill cap to be used at right time, now is more a generic, flat skill. And why on earth we lost condi-copypasterino on EtD? WUT? it’s not even a clense, and copied just for a set duration. this was unnecessary and harsh. It already was insanely costy, 10% stat do not justify that. Either put codi-copypasterino back, or cut at LEAST 1 pip of upkeep cost. I’d prefer the first, otherwise what’s the point of PA?

EDIT: after seeing the corruption changes i see a pattern. I’m ok with the copypasterino gone but then without excepion we need the upkeep set to 7 or 6, we lost already a huge chunk of utility, the cost is just too much.

Also if you do not trait for resistence is a “i wanna dye melted by conditions” button. I think the nerfs/reworks here was seriously too harsh and the whole legend lost all his feel, for a flat condi-oriented legend. RIP.

Legendary Dwarf Stance
A lot of you thought Forced Engagement was too high of a cost for a single target control skill, and I agree! But, I can’t allow you to use it back to back or else it creates bad chain controlling situations so there is an added recharge as well.

  • Forced Engagement: Increased the recharge from 3 seconds to 5 seconds and lowered the energy cost from 50 to 35.

First time i totally missed this (see my first comment). Perfect change, finally!

In herald overall I think it played out fairly well, but there was a few small tweaks I wanted to make. Shared Empowerment was slightly under-tuned compared to other similar traits. Gaze of Darkness bypassed defenses like dodging which wasn’t intended.

  • Shared Empowerment: Increased the might duration from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Facet of Nature: This is now useable underwater.
  • Gaze of Darkness: Fixed a bug so that this can be properly avoiding using things such as your dodge.

Herald was almost perfect, the buff on Shared Empowerment just adds more importance to the group might role, and i’m SO happy with it.

In the corruption specialization, there were a few traits which needed some tweaks in power to be competitive options. As an example revenant did not have many options to apply poison, but had the trait Venom Enhancement which increased poison duration so I thought it made sense to also apply poison itself.

  • Pulsating Pestilence: Increased the trigger chance from 15% to 25%.
  • Replenishing Despair: Increased the base heal by 300% and added a 1 second internal cool-down.
  • Venom Enhancement: This trait will now apply poison for 5 seconds with a 20 second recharge when you apply torment as well as increasing poison duration.

If you have remove condi-copipasterino on EtD to move it to Pulsating Pestilence I don’t know how to feel. When it was on the elite at least i had a choice to activate it, now it competes with 2 really great traits and I do not see me taking this that much often, but hey, maybe i just have to try it out. Let you know next BWE.

EDIT: if you decided to move this functionality entirely on this trait than the CD has to be lowered to 10s. Still imho is not good, because those passive traits take away from active counterplay like activating EtD, now this trait might trigger when have a couple of iffy condis and be on cd when i get condispiked…..

Didn’t felt any need of poison overall, but a little buff is always welcome, and at least now VE has more sense as trait

In this specialization, I addressed an issue a lot of you brought up in feedback which I thought made a lot of sense. Basically you all said the profession stat buffs like empower are generally in master tier and ferocious strikes was just a weaker trait. So I went ahead and switched the position of both of these traits.

  • Assassin’s Presence: This trait has been moved to master tier replacing the place of Ferocious Strikes.
  • Ferocious Strikes: This trait has been moved to adept tier replacing the place of Assassin’s Presence.

Much need swap. TY!

In the master tier for this line there were two traits based around incoming control effects, which made little sense and ended up fighting with each other. I went ahead and merged these two traits together creating room for a new trait which I added as the master tier needed a trait to help support the tank feel of retribution.

  • Eye for an Eye: The Redeeming Protection trait has been merged with this one. When Eye for an Eye triggers, you will also gain protection for 5 seconds.
  • Redeeming Protection: This trait has been merged with Eye for an Eye.
  • Dwarven Battle Training: This is a new master tier trait replacing redeeming protection. This trait provides a 25% chance on hit to weaken foes for 4 seconds with a 10 second recharge and decreases weakness’s effectiveness on you by 50%.

Can’t recall a suggestion on this but either case, it is just good. Before retaliation on dodge was almost a must, but now the competition is great. The new trait too, is really cool and i see using it a lot especially in pvp.

Summarizing i see almost good things and i have to compliment Roy for the AMAZING work and open minded talk: you ain’t our boy for nothing . I’m still have my jimmies rustled about the Mallyx rework, but i reserve my final verdict after next BWE.

EDIT: typos and formatting

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

(edited by Gaaroth.2567)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


  • Unrelenting Assault: Increased the recharge from 10 seconds to 12 seconds. Fixed a bug so that this skill will more report damage as a multi-hit skill allowing it to stack up damage per target rather than displaying each instance of damage individually.

Well, I guess that’s honest. But does it have the wall bug fixed?

  • Crystal Hibernation: Removed the defiance bar. This skill will now block attacks for the duration while regenerating health. Lowered recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

Great news. But still lock in place? This way sword#4 is just plain superior since you can walck around and even counterattack.

Here I made some changes to the cast time. Now all utility skills are instant, only the heal and the elite have a cast time. The elite has also been lowered in cast time as well as decreased energy cost.

  • Naturalistic Harmony. Decreased the energy cost from 25 to 20.
  • Purifying Essence: This skill is now instant cast. Decreased the energy cost from 35 to 30 and added a 5 second recharge.
  • Energy Expulsion: This skill is now a blast finisher and reduced the cast time from 2 seconds to 1 second. Decreased the energy cost from 50 to 35.


Legendary Demon Stance
In this stance we had a bit of a bigger change happen. Demon Stance was in an awkward place because it was mechanically cool when you looked at it in a vacuum, but when you were put around other players there was this point of tension which was created. When using demon stance you wanted to manage your conditions and try to keep certain amounts on yourself to empower your skills.

Though, allies directly impacted this play style. While you were around allies, especially players running support, it created tension and frustration between the two players. You wouldn’t want to be near these other players that removed conditions from you as it weakened your skills. This isn’t a tension or frustration that we wanted to create between allies so I moved this stance away from focusing on scaling effectiveness based on your personal conditions. As such, the self-conditions didn’t make sense anymore as you had less reason to utilize these so they were removed. Similar to Forceful Displacement, the displace was removed on unyielding anguish and the skill was re-designed a bit.

  • Empowering Misery: Removed the self-applied weakness. Increased the base heal by 40% and decreased the heal per condition by 40%.
  • Pain Absorption. Removed the self-applied blind.
  • Banish Enchantment: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you.
  • Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been re-worked. This skill will now leap to the target location creating a dark field which chills for 1 second and torments for 4 seconds per pulse. The field lasts for 4 seconds and pulses every 1 second. Added a 10 second recharge.
  • Embrace the Darkness: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes.

YES (except anguish. cd reduction please?)

Legendary Dwarf Stance
A lot of you thought Forced Engagement was too high of a cost for a single target control skill, and I agree! But, I can’t allow you to use it back to back or else it creates bad chain controlling situations so there is an added recharge as well.

  • Forced Engagement: Increased the recharge from 3 seconds to 5 seconds and lowered the energy cost from 50 to 35.


In the corruption specialization, there were a few traits which needed some tweaks in power to be competitive options. As an example revenant did not have many options to apply poison, but had the trait Venom Enhancement which increased poison duration so I thought it made sense to also apply poison itself.

  • Pulsating Pestilence: Increased the trigger chance from 15% to 25%.
  • Replenishing Despair: Increased the base heal by 300% and added a 1 second internal cool-down.
  • Venom Enhancement: This trait will now apply poison for 5 seconds with a 20 second recharge when you apply torment as well as increasing poison duration.

In the master tier for this line there were two traits based around incoming control effects, which made little sense and ended up fighting with each other. I went ahead and merged these two traits together creating room for a new trait which I added as the master tier needed a trait to help support the tank feel of retribution.

  • Eye for an Eye: The Redeeming Protection trait has been merged with this one. When Eye for an Eye triggers, you will also gain protection for 5 seconds.
  • Redeeming Protection: This trait has been merged with Eye for an Eye.
  • Dwarven Battle Training: This is a new master tier trait replacing redeeming protection. This trait provides a 25% chance on hit to weaken foes for 4 seconds with a 10 second recharge and decreases weakness’s effectiveness on you by 50%.

It’s going to be hard to choose now. I may be rerolling Mallyx+Glint to get condi resistance. Replenishing Despair looks pretty darn useful.

Still I notice the problem with Mallyx and Corruption.
We can swap in Mallyx freely as the other legend, since Corruption has a gamechanging trait, adding Resistance to every Mallyx skill.
However I admit it’s less useful now that they don’t add condi to you anymore.

Also no word on the most hated revenant bug: walls.
Did you manage to fix Rotating Hammers and Unrelenting Assault? Or is it working as intended?

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: kankanKk.2748


any chance to switch Nefarious Momentum and Vicious Lacerations?
You nerf sword because we cant get both sword trait.
These are no choose between 10% damage / 10% critical damage.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Embrace the Darkness is the absolute retaliation skill against condition users, thus making it elite worthy. But the removal of copying conditions from this skill makes you wonder why you would ever toggles it. If you’re concerned with fighting against your own teammate’s cleansing then why would you toggle on this elite in the first place? Please give players some room for various playstyles as oppose to parentally funnel us down into something that is no longer Mallyx. The key commercial thing you guys promised was Mallyx able to copy your own conditions onto other.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Embrace the Darkness is the absolute retaliation skill against condition users, thus making it elite worthy. But the removal of copying conditions from this skill makes you wonder why you would ever toggles it. If you’re concerned with fighting against your own teammate’s cleansing then why would you toggle on this elite in the first place? Please give players some room for various playstyles as oppose to parentally funnel us down into something that is no longer Mallyx. The key commercial thing you guys promised was Mallyx able to copy your own conditions onto other.

apparently the same functionality is now empowered by Pulsating Pestilence since now it copies all conditions on 50% (being) hit chance. You have to trait for hit but still good (even with CD)

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

(edited by Gaaroth.2567)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Embrace the Darkness is the absolute retaliation skill against condition users, thus making it elite worthy. But the removal of copying conditions from this skill makes you wonder why you would ever toggles it. If you’re concerned with fighting against your own teammate’s cleansing then why would you toggle on this elite in the first place? Please give players some room for various playstyles as oppose to parentally funnel us down into something that is no longer Mallyx. The key commercial thing you guys promised was Mallyx able to copy your own conditions onto other.

apparently the same functionality is now epowered byt Pulsating Pestilence since now it copies all conditions on 50% (being) hit chance. You have to trait for hit but still good (even with CD)

On hit effects with ICD longer than 5s are in general terrible and unpredictable. They may work on occassion, but can go off copying couple stacks of vulnerability. Without more control over it and no self-conditions, I’d rate this Grandmaster as worse or on par with Necromancer’s Curses adept which triggers Plague Signet on crit (more controlable if you run no precision and Intelligence sigil instead).

There’s a reason why most Revenants I talked to used Diabolic Inferno (after it got fixed).

The strenght of EtD was situational (mostly because of Demonic Defiance triggering only on initial cast), but sometimes extremaly handy with copying control conditions you could apply first to yourself only to pulse them around to everyone.

I hope that old Mallyx is still there, somewhere, in files.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Embrace the Darkness is the absolute retaliation skill against condition users, thus making it elite worthy. But the removal of copying conditions from this skill makes you wonder why you would ever toggles it. If you’re concerned with fighting against your own teammate’s cleansing then why would you toggle on this elite in the first place? Please give players some room for various playstyles as oppose to parentally funnel us down into something that is no longer Mallyx. The key commercial thing you guys promised was Mallyx able to copy your own conditions onto other.

apparently the same functionality is now epowered byt Pulsating Pestilence since now it copies all conditions on 50% (being) hit chance. You have to trait for hit but still good (even with CD)

On hit effects with ICD longer than 5s are in general terrible and unpredictable. They may work on occassion, but can go off copying couple stacks of vulnerability. Without more control over it and no self-conditions, I’d rate this Grandmaster as worse or on par with Necromancer’s Curses adept which triggers Plague Signet on crit (more controlable if you run no precision and Intelligence sigil instead).

There’s a reason why most Revenants I talked to used Diabolic Inferno (after it got fixed).

The strenght of EtD was situational (mostly because of Demonic Defiance triggering only on initial cast), but sometimes extremaly handy with copying control conditions you could apply first to yourself only to pulse them around to everyone.

I hope that old Mallyx is still there, somewhere, in files.

yes actually on second tought is bad since you can’t time the copy at the right moment :|

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Mallyx changes are horrible. Pretty much lost all the fun. I’m talking about the condi changes not the displace one (the field pulsing condis is actually a great change).

What’s the point of pulling condis from allies on to you now?

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: LeviQuiteQuirky.6892


Doing a little review assuming all skills/ traits that have been changed, the mechanics that have been changed are the only ones mentioned by Roy (e.g. Banish Enchantment: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you. This still removes up to 2 boons

Disclaimer – I haven’t played the beta or Guild wars 2 through beta. I have though, seen probably every English Youtube video on the Revenant and have also been glued to the forums absorbing everything I can on what looks to be a very promising future main profession for me.

Review Key:

+ = Agree with change
- = Disagree with change
/ = Needs a better understanding of why the change happened in the direction it did.

Changes review:


Overall happy with this section and probably a little overexcited to see a small change in the way dodging looks on Rev. +


• Forceful Displacement: This skill no longer displaces foes, instead it will now knockback the foe 600 distance.

After seeing videos I saw that the Revenant was much harder to “stomp” than other professions. This change seems like a well needed balance decision +


Didn’t notice the Bug on Unrelenting Assault through videos. Happy it is removed as that’s how I though it should have worked anyway. The recharge nerf I feel was needed as it did look like the Revenant had too much “invuln” time with a dps weapon.

• Precision Strike: This skill is now a whirl finisher. +
• Unrelenting Assault: Increased the recharge from 10 seconds to 12 seconds. Fixed a bug so that this skill will more report damage as a multi-hit skill allowing it to stack up damage per target rather than displaying each instance of damage individually. +


Changes well needed in my opinion. +


I’m happy that defiance has been removed from Crystal Hibernation as being immobile with defiance looked bad from what I saw (especially with the 25vuln if broken).

Comparing the Shield number 5 skill to Warrior and Guardian though…with the 20 sec cooldown and healing a well as blocking, although still Immobile during casting, I feel this is far superior to their skills (even with Warriors traiting to buff shield). Feels unblanced across professions.

• Envoy of Exuberance: Decreased the energy cost from 15 to 10. Fixed a bug so that this skill will properly heal at the target location instead of around you. +
• Crystal Hibernation: Removed the defiance bar. This skill will now block attacks for the duration while regenerating health. Lowered recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. /

Legendary Assassin Stance

Change was needed +

Legendary Centaur Stance

These changes make this stance far more viable for use. (Wouldn’t even have considered the Stance without these changes). +

Legendary Demon Stance

These changes I agree with. They make the Stance viable most of the time now (especially in condi cleansing parties), instead of good some of the time then crippled by your stance/ trait choices at other times.

Unyielding Anguish was nerfed, but rightly so. Although I would have love to have used it, that thing was just completely overpowered and you all know it especially in PvP.

The changes to Embrace The Darkness had to happen to compensate for all the other changes. If there wasn’t any other changes I’d be up in arms about this

• Empowering Misery: Removed the self-applied weakness. Increased the base heal by 40% and decreased the heal per condition by 40%. +
• Pain Absorption. Removed the self-applied blind. +
• Banish Enchantment: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you. +
• Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been re-worked. This skill will now leap to the target location creating a dark field which chills for 1 second and torments for 4 seconds per pulse. The field lasts for 4 seconds and pulses every 1 second. Added a 10 second recharge. +
• Embrace the Darkness: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes. +

Legendary Dwarf Stance

Nice balance change

• Forced Engagement: Increased the recharge from 3 seconds to 5 seconds and lowered the energy cost from 50 to 35. +


Waiting to see Shared Empowerment’s changes in action.

• Shared Empowerment: Increased the might duration from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. +
• Facet of Nature: This is now useable underwater. +
• Gaze of Darkness: Fixed a bug so that this can be properly avoiding using things such as your dodge +


All needed improvements.

Not certain if Replenishing Despair is any good with all the other changes implemented. Feel free to debate on this one as I’m not too sure.

• Pulsating Pestilence: Increased the trigger chance from 15% to 25%. +
• Replenishing Despair: Increased the base heal by 300% and added a 1 second internal cool-down. +
•Venom Enhancement: This trait will now apply poison for 5 seconds with a 20 second recharge when you apply torment as well as increasing poison duration. +


Not sure about this change as I never really looked at this trait line. I’m assuming it’s just to help open up build diversity. Feel free to inform me

• Assassin’s Presence: This trait has been moved to master tier replacing the place of Ferocious Strikes. /
• Ferocious Strikes: This trait has been moved to adept tier replacing the place of Assassin’s Presence. /


Well needed trait merge. Love the new Trait

• Eye for an Eye: The Redeeming Protection trait has been merged with this one. When Eye for an Eye triggers, you will also gain protection for 5 seconds. +
• Redeeming Protection: This trait has been merged with Eye for an Eye. +
• Dwarven Battle Training: This is a new master tier trait replacing redeeming protection. This trait provides a 25% chance on hit to weaken foes for 4 seconds with a 10 second recharge and decreases weakness’s effectiveness on you by 50%. +

Overall happy with everything. I feel it opens up chances for more build diversity, and group-party matchups without teammates indirectly hindering your build when trying to do the exact opposite for others. +

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469



Now I will speak truth.

Ship Mallyx as it was BWE2 with changing UA to knockback out of area rather than displace

I believe you’re making a mistake. Changing whole Legend and specialization line so badly, essentially removing whole core idea, could work two months ago when we first saw and played the preview. Now, in my opinion, it’s just too late.

At current state of information, half of the Corruption Specialization lacks synergy, has traits that no longer fit or were indirectly nerfed/lost purpose. Legend itself is bare bones with no flesh, still having some basic tools, but no bite, no idea, no depth or risk/reward.

Unless you’re, right now, working on completly different core idea you have for this branch of Revenant, please revert Mallyx. It may not be perfect in every aspect, but it works and has that idea behind it, something that makes it fun and different from other.

I’m sure that we all can come up with solution for the problem of AoE cleansing and Mallyx. But don’t destroy what your players loved about the profession, don’t reduce it to just Shiro/Glint everything.


[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


• Crystal Hibernation: Removed the defiance bar. This skill will now block attacks for the duration while regenerating health. Lowered recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. /

• Embrace the Darkness: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes. +


Not sure about this change as I never really looked at this trait line. I’m assuming it’s just to help open up build diversity. Feel free to inform me

• Assassin’s Presence: This trait has been moved to master tier replacing the place of Ferocious Strikes. /
• Ferocious Strikes: This trait has been moved to adept tier replacing the place of Assassin’s Presence. /

1) Breakbar was silly and easily breaked with random soft cc like blinding… a suicide button skill. Now the block is good, is counterable with unblockable skills but still roots and prevent point capture. This was much needed

2)EtD is not good now, the skill was costy even with condition copypasterino, now the cost is not worth: make the torment stack 2×8s or cut at least a pip of upkeep cost, or, well, give us the cindi-copy back! :|
UA also need a CC or it will pidgeonhole the whole legend to condi dealer…

3) This was asked loudly because Assassin’s Presence is too good to pass on, so you’ll never take something nice like Rapid Lacerations in adept tier. Ferocious Strikes is good too but you do not always DualWield and even if, you might want to take said Rapid Laceration instead of it, and here the competition is fair.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567



Now I will speak truth.

Ship Mallyx as it was BWE2 with changing UA to knockback out of area rather than displace

I believe you’re making a mistake. Changing whole Legend and specialization line so badly, essentially removing whole core idea, could work two months ago when we first saw and played the preview. Now, in my opinion, it’s just too late.

At current state of information, half of the Corruption Specialization lacks synergy, has traits that no longer fit or were indirectly nerfed/lost purpose. Legend itself is bare bones with no flesh, still having some basic tools, but no bite, no idea, no depth or risk/reward.

Unless you’re, right now, working on completly different core idea you have for this branch of Revenant, please revert Mallyx. It may not be perfect in every aspect, but it works and has that idea behind it, something that makes it fun and different from other.

I’m sure that we all can come up with solution for the problem of AoE cleansing and Mallyx. But don’t destroy what your players loved about the profession, don’t reduce it to just Shiro/Glint everything.



Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Guguwars.4263


Please, revert Mallyx elite skill to the former iteration, revenants should have skills in relation to the legends they are channeling right?
Don’t start pretending Mallyx was only good at being a beast stat-wise and applied (a meager 1 stack) torment on players…

The whole thing about him was you were supposed to avoid using hexes or conditions against him, unless you wanted him to be über-strong.

If you’re worried about the “copy to foes” ability of this elite, at least, make something about making this skill being stronger the more conditions are applied to the revenant.

Something like
- major bonus to stats for each condition OR
- Copy all condi to foes on hit (better than being copy on a zone) OR
- auto-converts condi to boons during duration

That skill should still be elite-feeling, not some stupidly skill that feels like a trait or something…

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Really loving the changes to Ventari, you gave it exactly what was needed to make it decent and reduce all that clunkiness. Feel sorry for fans of Mallyx though; that legend got dumbed down (and possibly gutted) pretty hard. :>

A suggestion for what could’ve been done to prevent the allied cleansing issue. Perhaps each condition could apply a stack of a “ghost condition” for the same duration as the condition. The ghost condition stack wouldn’t do anything besides being there to be counted for the benefit of conditions on the user.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I’ll be honest. Mallyx was very unique, but it didn’t feel as fun to play with as I was originally expecting. Making it simpler and more straightforward is, IMO, a good decision. HOWEVER, I agree that it lost a bit too much of its flavor. I would personally like to see more spreading and corrupting, even if not done in the same way than before.

Pulsating Pestilence needs an added trigger, I think. It should only trigger at 3+ conditions on you, or else it’s going to be randomly wasted.

Devastation’s switch is very interesting, but I wonder, aren’t Ferocious Strikes and the sword trait almost fighting for the same spot now? They are pretty much slightly different variations of + damage, except one is broader while the other only affects swords. Seems uninspired to me. In my opinion, the ferocity trait on dual wielding should be kept, and Vicious Lacerations changed to something different.

I still have my doubts on Shared Empowerment usefulness, but glad to see a buff.

The recharges are a good thing. Revenant is not a thief, it was meant to have CDs + energy costs since the beginning. And that’s what’s happening.

I also have a few questions:
Is sword’s AA animation still being worked on?
Does shield’s 5 skill still have that drawback?

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: SnowCow.5914


Please consider reverting Embrace the Darkness to what it was before. It’s one of the biggest reasons to take or Glint or Shiro when playing a dps build. I agree with most people on how gutted it is now.

Can’t win team fight’s without me; can’t hold points without me. #BunkerGuardLife

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Tasao.4623


Love the Mallyx changes. Never liked the self-condi spam, but I did enjoy Mallyx more than Shiro, Ventari, or Jalis by far anyhow.

I’m very skeptical about the poison trait, though. Poison does really poor damage and from what I recall, Rev only applies poison on the last hit of the mace auto chain, and only for about 3 seconds at a time. I don’t see how that 3 second poison tab and 6 seconds of poison every 20 seconds are going to be remotely competitive.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Greek.4396


Roy needs to reimburse me for all the Gold I spent making the frostfang legendary for my Condi Rev.

GG Game.

Server – Blackgate | Rev Main
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Mizuira.8245


I’m really against most of the mallyx changes.

Changes on elite skill is not bad but with this legend we had a unique playstyle where people had to understand the mechanic and deal with it… Now we have a boring condi spam like other professions.

RIP Great Demon Mallyx

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Kaligos.7285


Legendary Demon Stance
In this stance we had a bit of a bigger change happen. Demon Stance was in an awkward place because it was mechanically cool when you looked at it in a vacuum, but when you were put around other players there was this point of tension which was created. When using demon stance you wanted to manage your conditions and try to keep certain amounts on yourself to empower your skills.

Though, allies directly impacted this play style. While you were around allies, especially players running support, it created tension and frustration between the two players. You wouldn’t want to be near these other players that removed conditions from you as it weakened your skills. This isn’t a tension or frustration that we wanted to create between allies so I moved this stance away from focusing on scaling effectiveness based on your personal conditions. As such, the self-conditions didn’t make sense anymore as you had less reason to utilize these so they were removed. Similar to Forceful Displacement, the displace was removed on unyielding anguish and the skill was re-designed a bit.

  • Empowering Misery: Removed the self-applied weakness. Increased the base heal by 40% and decreased the heal per condition by 40%.
  • Pain Absorption. Removed the self-applied blind.
  • Banish Enchantment: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you.
  • Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been re-worked. This skill will now leap to the target location creating a dark field which chills for 1 second and torments for 4 seconds per pulse. The field lasts for 4 seconds and pulses every 1 second. Added a 10 second recharge.
  • Embrace the Darkness: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes.

TBH, you swung the nerfhammer a bit too hard at poor little Mallyx. While I agree mostly with all the other changes, such as Staff 4 not rooting you anymore, the changes on Mallyx are a bit too harsh for my taste.

The displacement on Unyielding Anguish was pretty OP and a bit broken, that’s what I agree with. But making it a field, which can be avoided pretty easily by dodging it, isn’t what I want to spend 35 energy for.

Pain Absorption got indirectly nerfed through the remove of pulsing conditions to enemies with Embrace the Darkness. Seriously, unless you’re running around with more than 20k health and spamming all the other demon stance skills to get your 6 secs of resistance to survive the self-inflicted condi burst, who wants to suck up the conditions your teammates receive?

Banish Enchantment is fine as it is. No critism here. Although I want 1, maybe 2 more confusion stacks to punish the enemy more for having so many boons. (I’m looking at you, my fellow guards and elementalists :P)

Empowering Misery didn’t get nerfed at all as some people think. While the heal per condition is 40% less now, the base heal is 40% more, which results in a base heal of 4648 HP (3320 before that) + 588 HP (980 before that) per condition. So, 12k heals are still possible.

Embrace the Darkness, the elite skill that made condi revenant so much fun, now nerfed to oblivion. Taking away the condition copy, a 10% stat boost and 1 pulsing stack of torment don’t justify the hefty upkeep of 8 energy per second. This skill made the revenant unique in handling conditions and it makes me so sad that it got changed like this. Q.Q

“Sharpen your blades and guard your vitals! I’m back!” – Rytlock Brimstone

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I really agree that Mallyx elite should still copy conditions to its enemies. In fact, after reading everyone’s comments, I’m totally convinced of that.

I mean, mallyx STILL has resistance. Mallyx STILL absorbs conditions from its allies. And Revenant is STILL weak to conditions overall. The synergy is still there!

Spreading them to enemies was really, really lovely. It was unique, flavorful and gave us a way to handle conditions while still preserving our weakness to them. “We die to conditions easily, but if you spam them to me, you’ll die with me!” How cool is that?

I do agree with Roy’s comments on how the self-condi concept worked poorly with allies, and I definitely understand that it is no longer Mallyx main theme, but condi-spreading should still be a viable secondary theme/ subplaystyle, in the sense that the elite skill should still retain its copy effect.

Besides, without it, the elite is boring. Torment spreading is cool, but not cool enough by itself. 10% stat boost was always boring to me. But condi spreading? That was so exciting! Any player would look at that and ask to themselves “how many cool things can I do with it?”, even in solo PvE content.

Please, bring back the old Pain Absorption + Embrace the Darkness combo. Even without self-conditions, players will still love the old elite’s functionality. Even without self-conditions, there’s still enough synergy there.

Outside of that, I’m totally fine with Mallyx “simpler” playstyle. In fact, I prefer it that way. Self-condis were an interesting concept but it was weird in real-time and even worse in general pve, imo, so the new version is more straightfoward useful/ effective/ to the point. I just don’t want to see condi-transfers to go away from the elite. The new Mallyx still has the tools for it to work, the elite would still be useful beyond that, and it would grealy help to retain Mallyx unique identity after the removal of the self-condi concept.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Terra.8571



  • Mallyx: Massive nerfs (especially to the elite)
  • Shiro: No real change – minor buff to 2 and slight nerf to UA.
  • Jalis: No real change – some energy reduced (on taunt skill)
  • Ventari: Minor buffs – removed cast times but if you didn’t like Ventari before, no reason to change to it now
  • Herald: Minor buffs (might stacking improved), shield skills buffed

Overall – If you didn;t play Mallyx/x for PvP/WvW then no real changes. Otherwise, RIP Mallyx.

Personally, pretty disappointed by Mallyx changes for PvP. With regards to PvE, still no reason to role Jalis/ Ventari over shiro unless the raid content is drastically different to current PvE.

I’m glad Roy you’ve kept us informed but still frustrated that you went an gutted a spec which needed tweakening, not whole scale changes. EtD is nigh on useless now – most people used the condi transfer for enemy condis not their own. And then with the Ventari “changes” which are more adjustments than changes. Overall, a sad bunny.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Bean Muncher.5197

Bean Muncher.5197

First of all, let me say that I’m very glad to see the displacement go. A pulsing AoE area denial skill was just too good when used right, and too obnoxious when used wrong. Imagine a a revenant basically Point Blank Shotting everything in PvE! People would be begging for you to bring your bearbow instead!

Also, I agree that the old style of Mallyx (absorbing condis to become stronger) was interesting and unique, but impossible to balance for all game modes. You did not only have friction with other Mallyx revs, but with every condi cleanser in general. I agree with reworking the playstyle.

That being said, Mallyx needs something more now.

Condi transferring, while similar to the Necro, would still be an offensive way to counter condis, so I believe it would be a healthy substitute. Embrace the Darkness is an obvious choice for this one.

Unyielding Anguish getting a pulsing chill seems out of place to me. First, I would like to see this skill to become about as strong in terms of Toment application as before; I suggest increasing the Torment per pulse (4 pulses) to 6 seconds (it could inflict 6 stacks for 5 seconds before).
Second, I suggest giving it back some of the AoE CC flavor it had before, only to make it optional. Sometimes, you want to keep your opponent near to burst it down. In PvE, this is often the case. My suggestion would be to add a second skill to detonate the field, pushing back foes standing in it.
Third, while the current chilling field requires the hefty cooldown, I believe my iteration would allow the cooldown to be reduced to 5 seconds, or maybe even removed.

And finally, while I’m unsure how it would have to be balanced, I want to throw it out there that it would be quite unique to make Mallyx skills become stronger if your target has a lot of condis instead of you.

P.S.: Roy, although the Mallyx changes need work, you’re definitely still our boy. Every other change seems great to me!

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Crystal Hibernation is the big question here. Block, so you get conditions now?
It seems a weaker version of Sword#4, just longer but blocks you in place.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Crystal Hibernation is the big question here. Block, so you get conditions now?
It seems a weaker version of Sword#4, just longer but blocks you in place.

It still regenerates health.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Uete.3805


First of all: I (and probably most Rev gruppies in here) can’t thank Roy enough for all the effort he’s put into the profession and want to tell him that I (hopefully we) are glad he’s so active and hears to our feedback.

However… I’m jumping in the “Don’t change ma Mallyx!” bandwagon. I main Necro and loved playing with the “original” legend iteration. There are plenty of other ways it could have been changed and, while I agree that we need to test it first before judging it, I can’t stop thinking it might be too late to overhaul how the whole legend worked and what it made Mallyx so awesome. I’m hoping some more changes are made to it (either to go back to the previous iteration or to make it more unique), especially for EtD, which right now would be quite lackluster for an Elite skill…

In this post (and others) there were several propositions to maintain Mallyx’s originality and theme while making it more useful overall and, particularly, in groups:

· Obtain a charge each time you condition yourself (for some amount of time) to trigger (or count towards) the better effects for legend skills tied to the number of conditions on you, or make it so that depending on the number of charges EtD pulses some number of random conditions.
· Don’t self-corrupt but make EtD affect enemy conditions (more stacks?, more length?, more dangerous?, no cleansing?) while making UA transfer conditions (from Pain absorption?) or directly merge banish enchantment with the leap and create a completely new skill for UA?

I don’t know, I liked the riskier feeling of good old Mallyx and would like to see it pushed a little further than the vanilla BWE3 iteration we’ve been presented with.

Sorry if it’s been sort of a harsh post. Long live the Legendary Demon Stance!

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Viron.8024


Noooooo Roy! Why such a harsh treatment for Mallyx?
I get that the condi cleanse would weaken the build in some instances like dungeons, but does every build need to be applicable to every game type? I’d hope not, Mallyx was amazing for WvW roaming as well as PvP, confronting enemies who can inflict conditions in the jungle was also fun since Mallyx was so great at dealing with such stuff.
Taking away the core of what makes the Legendary Demon Stance good is not something I’m happy with, from what I can see a lot of people agree, I hope our feedback will be heard.

Also, great work on the other changes, really looking forward to seeing how they feel in action!

Tempus edax rerum.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Linfang.1087


I did not get much time to try pvp/wvw yet alone see what was the beef on Mallyx, and I guess based on the patch notes I will never find out.

From just reading the change in shield I liked the concept of defiance, but I completely understand it’s complications and it was best to remove it over all. I don’t think the game is ready for defiance on players just yet, maybe next expansion? My Rev will likely use the shield more than any other profession I play that has a shield, even though my guardian is giving me the finger as I type this.

I know Roy is reading all these feeling the heat from the “nerfs” but you guys have to realize: New profession. New expansion. If you have to put things on the butcher block, do it during beta and not after release.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Scott.7163


Like many others, the changes to Mallyx has ruined that stance for me, especially the elite. You’ve gutted it because you think people can’t co-ordinate, which if they can’t they SHOULD be punished, it’s a team game, work as a team.

By the same logic you should be changing Necromancer corruptions skills.

Everything else was spot on.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


I know Roy is reading all these feeling the heat from the “nerfs” but you guys have to realize: New profession. New expansion. If you have to put things on the butcher block, do it during beta and not after release.

I still hope we can get a compromise with anet about the Mallyx elite skill.

If the self-condi concept was not working well enough and had to be butched, so be it. But the elite should still transfer conditions to enemies. Many reasons have been give for this: to preserve some of mallyx unique flavor, to justify the elite’s cost, and also because there’s still enough synergy left with the toolkit to make it work and it’s just plain fun and exciting.

It’s also quite a simple change, because it only requires to revert back a single effect from a single skill, and not the entirety of the changes done to the legend.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: ZDragon.3046


Single handedly ruined Mallyx stance.

Its value is pretty much trashed now. 1 torment for 6 seconds won’t amount to anything for the energy cost of the skill. At this point Roy you should just do what others have been suggesting if you plan to gut demon stance this way. Take its resistance and share it with other stances or give other stances condition removal. Mallyx is not viable with these changes. Too little benifit for such big changes made here.

Unyielding Anguish
Added a cooldown (that needs to go away or the energy cost needs to be droped to like 15 energy) and removed the displacement (I understand this but for what it got in its place not worth it) for a 1 second chill and same torment it already had.

Embrace the darkness no longer copies conditions?

who made that choice and why?
Its one of the few skills that has no explnation as to why it got stripped the way it did and when it got stripped it got no new effect to it. The torment was pretty much already there. The energy cost didnt go down and the 10% bonus was already there. Can you tell us why this was changed?
1 torment stack is not worth the upkeep of this skill Im going to need you to add some conditions to this or increase the number of torment stacks appied per second to make this of any value. Now that Mallyx no longer has a displacement it needs something to make itself viable. You need to give embrace the darkness stablity or make one of the other skills a break stun.

I guess we will see nothing but Glint and shrio now…. ;/ shiiiighhhhh

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: ZDragon.3046


Like many others, the changes to Mallyx has ruined that stance for me, especially the elite. You’ve gutted it because you think people can’t co-ordinate, which if they can’t they SHOULD be punished, it’s a team game, work as a team.

By the same logic you should be changing Necromancer corruptions skills.

Everything else was spot on.


Mallyx got kitten d and meanwhile necromancer sits there with butt loads of corruption skills no one’s ever gonna use (But that’s Robert’s department)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


I guess we will see nothing but Glint and shrio now…. ;/ shiiiighhhhh

This is what frustrates me the most. I was almost the only Revenant using mallyx/glint (at least for the ones I encountered in my play time). Not only did it make me feel unique, it fit my playstyle and I was completely decimating all those other shiro revenants. Now my absolute favorite playstyle is gone, I had already bough some tormented weapon skins to go with Mallyx. Everyone’s gonna be running the same crap simply because it’s the only viable one. I wouldn’t run Mallyx anymore like this.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Ice.5162


Here’s a proposition: Disable condition removal from allies while under the Mallyx legend, tension solved. =) I agree it really ruins the uniqueness of the stance, it just seems like another condition spammer spec…

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


To reiterate my own thoughts as well as the thoughts of others:

1. Energy Balance vs Cooldowns: Do we need more cooldowns? I thought the entire point of the class was to use energy balancing ala thief’s initiative. I understand the differences, but it feels like it defeats the entire purpose by adding more cooldown.

If spamming skills is an issue, as someone else suggested, why don’t you add an escalating cost? For example every time certain skills are used, it gets, for example, a +10 or +15 energy cost on its next use, and every second that extra cost decreases by one? Except for upkeep spells, perhaps, give THEM a cooldown.

As a side note, I thought it might be amusing to make the dwarf taunt an upkeepable spell, but with a really high upkeep, pulsing 1 second of taunt per second

2. Displacement: It was a really cool effect, really cool. But if its causing problems that arent easily solved, I guess we have to lose it – with the caveat that if someone figures out how to solve the issue that would be really awesome

3. Embrace the Darkness: I really don’t understand the problem here, for a couple reasons. First of all, any necro that goes heavily into the corruption line of skills will have the exact same problem, as they would most likely use condi transfer skills to continue the pain. Second of all, besides the self inflicted conditions, we also have pain absorption, which will likewise be adding conditions to us: without condi removal, we need more resistance, but with condi copying it made it a very satifying if risky experience. I really think this was just fine as is.

But if you just believe you CAN’T keep the previous iteration, at least consider doing something else to make it more unique. I’ve made a couple suggestions, which may well not be viable, but something.

4. Banish Enchantments: If i’m reading this correctly, banish enchantments ALREADY got 3 stacks of confusion flat; so you just took out the bonus confusion and the self applied condition. That seems odd, and a bit of a nerf overall. But why don’t you have it remove ALL boons and convert each boon into a bonus stack of confusion? After all, it wouldnt be a lot different from the necro’s Corrupt Boon with the caveat that you get a lot more nasty confusion stacks, but at the expense of one condition more easily removed than the potential heavy collection of conditions that the necro corrupt boon does?

5. Overall I think the rest of the changes were fine and reasonable.

As a side note, although I love torment, I worry that its too focused on that one condition, making it easily cleansable. With the previous iteration of Embrace the Darkness they were able to “spread some love” the way necromancers could, albeit in a different way. Turning it into another source of torment concerns me that it will be too easily circumvented when classes have access to many effects that only remove one condition, which is much more common than the “remove tons of conditions” effect.

That being said, I suppose if they are constantly inflicting torment with their AA, then maybe its fine. I don’t know yet. Its probably ok for pve, its pvp and wvw where this might be a problem.

I’l reserve final judgement for BWE3, but obviously i’m in the “don’t nerf mallyx this way!” camp

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Here’s a proposition: Disable condition removal from allies while under the Mallyx legend, tension solved. =) I agree it really ruins the uniqueness of the stance, it just seems like another condition spammer spec…

I don’t think thats something thats easily programmed in.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


And as a side note, if someone is feeling tension over having their self condis removed, they don’t have to play mallyx, any more than I have to play a corruption necro.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Hm. What if with Embrace the Darkness, it maintained its copy ability… and also triggered on condi removal, perhaps with a slightly higher duration then? For example, copy conditions for 3 second duration… when a condition is removed, copy it to a nearby foe for 5 seconds instead as its getting removed? Or maybe “when a condition is removed off you, inflict torment on your foe” as an addition to the condi copying? Makes EtD more powerful, but it would resolve the “tension” between groups then somewhat.

I dunno, just throwing out ideas :P

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


4. Banish Enchantments: If i’m reading this correctly, banish enchantments ALREADY got 3 stacks of confusion flat; so you just took out the bonus confusion and the self applied condition. That seems odd, and a bit of a nerf overall. But why don’t you have it remove ALL boons and convert each boon into a bonus stack of confusion? After all, it wouldnt be a lot different from the necro’s Corrupt Boon with the caveat that you get a lot more nasty confusion stacks, but at the expense of one condition more easily removed than the potential heavy collection of conditions that the necro corrupt boon does?

Before was 2 stacks for 6s + 2stack 6s if you had 3+ conditions
Now is 3 so a guaranteed +50% confusion stacks, on top of 2 boons removal

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Gav.1425


Displacements were so key considering they worked like teleports —> IE on people stability. I’m still sad to see it trash canned.

IMO, go back to old Mallyx and do smaller tweaks. Don’t lose sight of your original intentions. You were adding something truly new to the game and while bugs like the downed skill are probably a nightmare to fix, Mallyx was truly an innovation we had never seen before. That’s rare and special in MMOs today.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Felix Carter.4672

Felix Carter.4672

Legendary Demon Stance didn’t need to be so drastically changed. It now no longer seems “corrupting” and interesting.

A simple solution would be to disable the ability of Allies to cure conditions from you while in Legendary Demon Stance. Whenever a condition would be removed, instead provide a boon like Resistance.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Loex.5104


Rest in Darkness Mallyx – old friend

Roy im disappointed in the case of Mallyx

Instead of fixing the functionality of the great idea you decided to remove it and make Mallyx a Jalis with a dark theme and problems like infinite condis that Mallyx can take by his Party are still untouched and AtD is just a joke now

Roy PLEASE reconsider Mallyx in total- the base idea is still great it was just not implemented well enough.

The base problems were a) lack of ways to get rid of conditions and b) problems due to condi clean by party members – both features could be addressed without nerfing the hell out of Mallyx (now he is just not interesting anymore)

I also understand the remove of the displacement but this was the greatest defiance breaker ingame – please give it back .. Make it knockdown or whatever but the idea of a AoE CC canon should stay :/

We know you can do this !! Please don’t give up Mallyx

(edited by Loex.5104)

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950



Sword – good
Staff – good
Shield – great


Jade Winds – bit bad (it already costs 50e) Storing energy means giving up on energy, skill usage, legend swapping. That is cost in itself. I understand CD though and it’s not terrible so all in all I will live.

Ventari was very energy hungry and now it will be better.

Naturalistic Harmony – great

Purifying Essence – good, would be good if not limited by CD but 5s is livable (10 would be really bad as it would start eroding the theme of the class.) Instant cast is superb and cost reduction is good as well.

Energy Expulsion – great butn with daze talent I feel you may slap CD on it later on :S

Mallyx has been basically gutted alive. In current form I don’t even want to slot it. 2 skills gutted and 1 straight out nerfed.

Empowering Misery – meh, is not so empowering anymore. Don’t really like the change but will see next BWE

Banish Enchantment – Bad. Kinda bugger because now it’s 3 and that’s it. Previously it could go to 6 if conditions were met and 3 like that. The way I see it is straight out nerf

Unyielding Anguish – VERY BAD. It got a nerf in strength due to displacement (that’s ok) it got a nerf in usability (10s CD) it got a nerf thematically (because CD & energy cost) it got a huge nerf (bad) because it has no cc now (not even knockback). The skill has been gutted. Too many nerfs at the same time. CD, CC removal. If you have to put CD on it then make it 5 seconds and reduce energy cost a bit. 10 seconds is slowly going into the realm of (why have energy if we have cooldowns). At certain point people will just want skills they can slot in and out if they got cooldowns anyway and basically come down to the illusion of choice. This is now a skill I don’t even want. At all. Might as well remove it and make something else.

Embrace the Darkness – the skill has been gutted. whole flavour has been removed. Now it’s a simple torment + stat increase. So interesting. So when will you reduce upkeep ?


Forced Engagement – It’s good I guess. 2s oncrease (worth 10 energy) and 15 energy cost reduction.


QOL stuff.


Pulsating Pestilence – Still won’t be picked too much.

Replenishing Despair – in low frequency condition income this is a buff, otherwise it’s a nerf (due to ICD). Still not an interesting option.

Venom Enhancements – Meh. 5s poison that becomes 7,5s. It’s only somewhat good for healing reduction and nothing else. It still isn’t damage option for us.


Bit moving around small QOL stuff. All in all okish.


Eye for an Eye – VERY BAD. Because the way I see it we get protection (5s) and taunt on kitten ICD. I’d rather keep my Prot on CC with ICD 5s. This is straight out nerf. Basically nerfing redeeming protection by giving it kitten ICD instead of 5s and making a tiny buff to EfaE by giving it prot. Dislike this change a lot.

Dwarven Battle Training – Good. This on the other hand I like. But how does it reduce effectiveness? Duration? %fumble? Both?


why does it censor kitten (45 seconds)

(edited by Killyox.3950)