Ventari bunker meta

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


From my second match with it in Ranked gold 3:


Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


Rev is too vulnerable to cc to be a bunker. You won the match but they still were able to kill you 3 times.

Anyway, Guardian was my main for 3+ years and I never played bunker Guardian despite how effective was sometimes because how boring that playstyle was, so now that moved to Rev God forgive me to play something remotely close to be like a healbot. I’ll chose to lose every match uselessly dying duelling Mesmers and Warriors than sitting in a point bunkering and yawning.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Died 3 times that game due to 3v2’s and 3v1’s against condi necro, power mesmer, and warriors. Surprised I didn’t die more often.

The last game I came off of got me 830k healing. Call the playstyle boring but it’s actually really fun. One of the most unique builds I’ve tried out.

I thought I was vulnerable to CC as well, but you can move the tablet around (in other words you can use every skill from it) while CC’D, isn’t that amazing? CC practically has zero effect on you, although it does affect weapon skills which are fairly important.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Lalainnia.3598


Grats op that’s truly awesome and nice to see. Something I personally noticed that helped dealing with constant cc for myself was switching out jalis for glint.

I personally run mace instead of sword as sword feels weak to me without ferocity plus mace gives a 3 possible blast finisher along with poison on auto for downed cleaving if needed. I take invocation for the instant stun break on legend swap coupled with jalis inspiring reinforcement with enhanced bulwark and leadership runes for something upwards to like 7-9 secs of stability with multiple stacks if used with facet of nature.

Jalis as a whole really helps to deal with heavy pressure vs many things especially thieves with vengeful hammers, the taunt is extremely powerful as a support option or great for helping teammates secure kills most of all my favorite is the elite skill that is amazing when going for a rez or engaging teamfights. The only thing i really found myself missing by swapping out glint was the reveal and better uptime on the hearald master trait. With the addition of alacrity the tablet auto summoning on swap and great utility cost reductions rev is a serious contender in the support roles for spvp I feel.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Madara.7435


I thought I was vulnerable to CC as well, but you can move the tablet around (in other words you can use every skill from it) while CC’D, isn’t that amazing? CC practically has zero effect on you, although it does affect weapon skills which are fairly important.

Really? This IS amazing! I didn’t know that. Thats pretty crazy, not just for pvp. I’m not sure if this is intended
Care to let us look at the build you used? Running Retribution over Invocation, or is the stunbreak more important to you? The Healing numbers do look promising.


Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

I thought I was vulnerable to CC as well, but you can move the tablet around (in other words you can use every skill from it) while CC’D, isn’t that amazing? CC practically has zero effect on you, although it does affect weapon skills which are fairly important.

Really? This IS amazing! I didn’t know that. Thats pretty crazy, not just for pvp. I’m not sure if this is intended
Care to let us look at the build you used? Running Retribution over Invocation, or is the stunbreak more important to you? The Healing numbers do look promising.

Inb4n…fix I mean.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Here’s proof that Ventari is amazing:

I lost that game because someone left before the match even started.


Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


I tried Ventari rev the other day and wasn’t very successful, however, I don’t think this is due to the build, it’s probably because I’m not used to this kind of play style.

My build was slightly different to yours Abelisk, but I had the same amulet + rune. After looking at your traits, I realised I could have traited better. So I’m gonna give your version a shot.

The biggest problem with the build is condi pressure. In that one match I had no success in, there were 2 necros and 1 mesmer applying ridiculous amounts of condi that I couldn’t cleanse on demand. Purifying essence is too expensive to spam and the condi was just too frequent. Also, condi cleanse on dodge was just that little bit more helpful.

Anyway, maybe if I kited around I could have supported my team better instead of just camping the node and dying to condi burst.

But I’m actually excited to give this a proper go and see where it takes me. Thanks for sharing your success with us.

Should I be looking at dealing as much damage as possible even though it is basically non-existent or do you specifically just stand back and focus on healing everyone?
How do you deal with being focused in big team fights? Kiting thieves isn’t easy.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Thieves will be your toughest matchups via power but they can be stalemated for a very long time (1v1 that is)

Utilize your blocks and evades a lot. Alacrity improves the CD recharge on them.

A very important tip is to heal yourself while blocking or evading.

To deal with condi bombs you first must expose yourself to them and figure out who is dealing what condis.

To make it easier, immediately switch to Glint and use Infuse Light to convert condis to health.

Save energy up against encounters with the aforementioned condi dealers. Use energy on purifying essence and renewing wave used in protective solace. Kite often. Run around enemies, through them, and make your kiting patterns random.

I don’t focus on damage but I focus on CC. I only apply CC if my allies are all high in health points. Staff 5 can be used whenever, though.

Time your condi cleanses for condi bursts. Although there aren’t too many, your massive heals can greatly weaken the effect of condis.

If I’m focused in teamfights I try to use blocks and evades very often, all the while moving my Tablet to heal myself and allies around me. Alacrity increases the recharge on blocks.

Infuse Glint in glint stance has a 30 second CD but I suspect alacrity affects it! If you run out of blocks and evades on Ventari swap to Glint for that huge panic heal. Upon switching to Glint you should have most blocks and heals replenished.

You really do just need to get used to it. Try sticking in Ventari most of the time and use Glint occasionally.

I posted an in-depth guide to my build here:

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


so the bunker healer build works as well in 5v5 pvp as it does in WvW then? can anyone test how valuable it is in raids? in addition to the spike healing you can improve the dps by alacrity the ele’s

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


You know… when a bunker build is succefull in PvP, it usually don’t last long before entering into the nerf zone. Most likely, after what’s been said in this thread, we will see a patch making the revenant unable to use ventari’s skills when CCed.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Lalainnia.3598


In all honesty if they do nerf something on ventari which they might before next season not sure its prob going to be the protection uptime its insanely high add in a support tempest and u can do some silly things together.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


Right, so I’ve been playing ventari rev. Holy Crap!! This is amazing. Do take into account that I’ve been playing unranked. I have yet to see how this build performs in plat divison, so until then I will just sit back and enjoy this while it lasts? I’m waiting for anet to nerf this now :P

Here is one of the best matches I’ve had so far:

In this one, I was contesting skyhammer against 2 necros solo for a good amount of time.


Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


So here is my match history.

That one was defeat was well… kittened team mates, what can I say? We were getting outrotated by thieves and the whole team camped mid. Smh.


Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Mikhail.4961


This is really interesting. Just a question though: is Glint a necessity for this build? I know, I know, dumb question: Glint > all, but I have to ask, since you spend most time in Ventari stance anyway.

Any class is easy to play, but not as easy to master. So sod off, warrior-haters.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


This is really interesting. Just a question though: is Glint a necessity for this build? I know, I know, dumb question: Glint > all, but I have to ask, since you spend most time in Ventari stance anyway.

Glint makes the most sense for this build. Jalis is a bit better now but the energy costs are just too kitten high. Mallyx is pretty much only used in WvW because of the condition cancer.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


This is really interesting. Just a question though: is Glint a necessity for this build? I know, I know, dumb question: Glint > all, but I have to ask, since you spend most time in Ventari stance anyway.

Yes, I believe Glint makes the kit overall a lot better. It adds utility and strong cc for when your team needs extra offence. It’s very useful for disrupting enemy rez, blinding, revealing. Let’s not forget infuse light – the one skill that makes you immortal for 3 seconds in case you get focused.

I’ve been playing ranked matches and it seems people are now targeting me a lot more, causing me to rely on Glint way more than I did in unranked matches.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Rangerdeity.5847


This is really interesting. Just a question though: is Glint a necessity for this build? I know, I know, dumb question: Glint > all, but I have to ask, since you spend most time in Ventari stance anyway.

Yes, I believe Glint makes the kit overall a lot better. It adds utility and strong cc for when your team needs extra offence. It’s very useful for disrupting enemy rez, blinding, revealing. Let’s not forget infuse light – the one skill that makes you immortal for 3 seconds in case you get focused.

I’ve been playing ranked matches and it seems people are now targeting me a lot more, causing me to rely on Glint way more than I did in unranked matches.

Salvation is the only mandatory trait line for healer rev. But glint is the best compliment trait line. Also it helps shield skills which pair well with ventari. But no not nessecary. And kitten staigt ranked targets the ventari weilder you can full heal team mates every 2 seconds

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


This is really interesting. Just a question though: is Glint a necessity for this build? I know, I know, dumb question: Glint > all, but I have to ask, since you spend most time in Ventari stance anyway.

I tried out Shiro, but the extra evades didn’t help enough. The heal is crappy and the elite is expensive. It’s only advantage is being able to teleport into a fight more quickly. Glint provides boons to allies and the elite is cheap and has more use than the Shiro one. With Glint, you have more chances against excessive conditions as well, and you can’t go wrong with AoE regeneration that can tick up to 500 on allies.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Been playing around with ventari last week, figured it lacks stability and stun breakers. Once you switch to it you lose both mobility and become vulnerable to any kind of CC.
Very interesting attempt Anet, probably very loved by blob-material revenants but that’s not most of us like about revenant (or used to). Gonna push GW2 away from my deskotop again I guess.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Ventari could be a thing in PvP if it had some stability or stunbreak.

The biggest counter to Ventari however is hybrid sources of damage. You are fine facing just direct damage or just condition damage most of the time and can sustain, because you’re spending your Energy on either Natural Harmony or Purifying Essence. Problems start when you have to face both condition and power damage at the same time, because you don’t have energy for both Essence and Harmony.

That’s the main difference between Ventari and shout-based healers/bunkers like Tempest. They apply defense, healing and cleanse at once with one button, you have these three things on separate skills that cost energy. It’s the good design though.

Other than that, requested green outline for allies to see Tablet’s range and/or bump to 300 radius for Harmony and Purifying Essence at least would make Ventari feel so much better.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Hybrid damage is an issue especially with Necros and Thieves, but you can still utilize blocks and evades, as well as Infuse Light beforehand. It isn’t completely unkillable but has high survival in the right hands

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


So I’ve been playing ranked a few more times and I’ve started to notice quite a few flaws. Some which people have already mentioned.

When I was playing ranked, I didn’t really keep in mind that much the fact that people who play are mostly casuals and not skilled players (filthy casuals!). There is a massive difference in quality of games at plat compared to unranked. Granted, this is obvious.

Anyway, as other people have pointed out, ventari is especially vulnerable to all forms off cc. When you’re being heavily focused, let’s face it, there basically isn’t much you can do… yeah sure its nice to have that 3 second infuse light, but when you are getting so heavily focused, like me in most matches, I can’t even pull it off because of all the daze/cc going. It’s just… pretty much impossible.
If I try to kite, they will basically chase me down and there is only so much I can do to stall them. Basically, I will eventually die and then my team will be outnumbered. So that’s the first major flaw.

Secondly, being a healer is great for keeping your team alive, but sometimes it’s almost inevitable. Team mates who are getting focused really hard will inevitably fall as they attempt to kite around while I clumsily chuck my tablet from place to place trying to desperately heal them. As soon as they fall, I can try to rez them, which gives me and the downed ally 2 seconds of infused light. Good players can counter this easily. Also, after those 2 seconds there isn’t much that I can really do, sadly. So most times they usually end up dying.

Third, being a ventari healer GREATLY, and I mean GREATLY limits what I can do in the map. I’m slow and clunky, and due to my non-existent damage, there’s not much I can do in terms of rotations. Say for example, if my team is all close and I’m mid. There’s two 2 enemies at mid and they manage to take the cap somehow. Now, there’s literally nothing I can do in that situation. It’s a huge pitfall, I could try and rush far but I would be chased down and unable to take the cap.

Ventari’s huge pitfall is the inability to adapt to most situations. Being a dedicated healer, I am not versatile. I am only limited to defending points and healing team mates. This is useless in high level matches because your enemies will simply outsmart your build and outrotate you. Simple as that. I have poor mobility, no damage, and very little self sustain.

High skilled necro’s and condi warriors kitten all over you because they can apply ridiculous amounts of pressure alone.

I felt useless in some matches, because I couldn’t do much in terms of rotations.

For these reasons I believe Ventari rev will never be meta.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


Don’t get me wrong though. Ventari is tons of fun to play in unranked. But then that’s because it’s literally like playing in Bronze. People play like bots, so I guess you could play anything you wish like trap thief and still get a win streak going.
However, give that trap thief a shot in ranked play and you would get shrek’d, son.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Your problems exist in all support classes except Druid. Tempest has slower rotations than Ventari, Tempest can’t make allies unkillable, and Tempests can’t do anything while they’re CC’d and have Obsidian Flesh drained out. However you can use your tablet while CC’d which is a huge bonus.

Also, I hope you know that Ranked as it is right now is broken. I had a bronze player in my group twice in a row (I’m in gold) so yah :p

I was in a game the other day where someone explained my team how to win by capping points. Couldn’t believe it.

(edited by Abelisk.4527)

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


I hear what you’re saying, and I agree that Tempest is somewhat similar in its role, but the major advantage is that it actually deals damage. It can be a lot more helpful in situations where all you need is to burst down the enemy.

Being able to heal while CC is nice, so that’s one thing I like about rev. But that’s pretty much the only true good thing it offers, imo.

I don’t know about your ranked matches, but in mine I’m constantly up against players in my similar level (platinum) and players in the leaderboard. When I played in gold I did also get matched with bronze players.

It’s a whole different ball game going from gold to platinum. People usually know how to play and how to counter.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: Abelisk.4527


Hmm. I’ve played Tempest support with over 600 games this season, and I feel like it just doesn’t have enough group heals, but it’s nice for damage I agree. I mean I ran D/W and my highest healing got up to 1.3million, but I felt D/F lacked “something”. Maybe I just sucked with it. Nevertheless I had great success with D/W because I knew how to kite and combo heals with LF.

I’ve been in Platinum 2 for a brief moment before other people running ele forced me to swap to classes I sucked as. Additionally I stopped caring about Ranked and fell to Gold.

I feel like there is potential with Ventari, especially if you’re supporting good players that know what they’re doing. With the right rotations etc I think Alacrity uptime and huge heals will benefit.

Try running Invocation instead of Retribution and trait up for high outgoing heals and let me know how it works.

Ventari bunker meta

in Revenant

Posted by: messiah.1908


this is how you play versus condi team

pretty much easy and also good to rip off boons in team fight when you dont take any focus. use PA on the right time so you will get longer resistance time to help you rebuild energy back. be careful from necros rip boons

against low condi team use this
good condi handling if not beeing burst with it. condi reduced dmg if you handle your nrg right with elite.
at the start give swiftness with 2 blast. and on point give stability to your team
taunt used only to secure stomp and if enemy is being focus by your team.
VH is good in team fight to gain hp back and when you CC to help a little.
Rogd is great with comms as the initial strike you can give 50% dmg reduction to your team for 5 sec.
BT trait is good when facing a melee class as the blind negate so much dmg off you.

the problem with rev healbot / bunker is when the enemy team realize it and focus you are dead as you just cant out heal the focus dmg. and you just dont have good escape abilities.
so you need good team or move yourself in team fight and not solo.