So…after dabling with Ventari in PvP, I would like to throw in my 2 cents on how Ventari can be improved.
The legendary centaur stance (reffered to as Ventari from here on now) as it is right now is decent at defending/caping points due to Protective Solace,which if managed properly can prove more usefull than a Guardian’s Sanctuary Consecration for protecting againts projectile based pressure.
The main problem with Ventari is that once you switch to it you are commited to it and left vulnerable to…..anything really, you can’t defend againts AA’s and other damage sources due to the lack of a competent burst heal and no stun break.
What I would recomend is to redesign Ventari to ocupy the role of both a bunker (defined for pve as:the player tasked with creating a safe spot during an aoe kitten storm and for pvp as the guy who defends a capture point) and a sustain healer. In order to achieve this goal,the following changes must be made.
Healing Skill(s)
Project Tranquility – should have the effect of the Nourishing Root from salvation integrated in it and then all numbers related to healing (direct heal and regeneration) buffed.
Ventari’s Will – set the range 1200 for better manuverability
Utility skills – general note for all utilities. Increase the radius for all utilities listed bellow somewhere between 360 & 600. 240 is a joke and Appril fools pasted a long time ago.
Protective Solace – maybe set the upkeep to -7.
Natural Harmony – this skill made me lose more matches than I care to recall due to the delay and low healling. I would keep all effects,but rework this to a channeled spell similar to Protective Solace with an upkeep of – 5 and have it also generate a water combo field . The delay between each heal would be the same delay you guys used for the Enginer’s Water turret heal ,which by the way does more healing than this.
Diminish Harmony – disables Natural Harmony in the same manner Diminish Solace disables Protective Solace
Purifying essence – have it give Stability per condition instead of Healing per Condition, breaks stun and make it usable while stuned.
Elite Skill
Energy Expulsion – needs to heal more on explosion.
Salvation tree line…or skill line…whatever man
Disarming Riposte – good,leave it as it is…
Nourishing Roots – removed from tree. Reason:it’s effects are integrated within Project Tranquility. Replaced with Adamant Conviction – Ventari’s will now knockback enemies in a radius of 360 for 2 seconds. Cooldown, 15 seconds (to prevent abuse)
Blinding Truths – good,leave it as it is…
Tranquil Ballance – gets replaced by Act with Wisdom, whenever the revenant applies Regeneration to an ally,that ally gains a buff called, The right to grow which reduces the durations of conditions and stuns by 15% for 3 seconds. (does not stack)
Hardened Foundation – replaced by Everlasting Foundation, gain vitality based on toughness (Toughness to Vitality ration is 7%) and swaps places with Tranquil Benediction
Tranquil Benediction – its good, leave it as it is
Eluding Nullification – good,leave it as it is
Invoking Harmony is replaced by Ventari’s Embrace – after you invoke a legend, grant allies within a 240 radius Ventari’s Embrace which increases the amount of healing received by 20% and lasts for 2 seconds.
Serene Rejuvenation – swaps places with Selfless Amplicifation/Selfless Sacrifice, but now Gives the Serene Rejuvenation buff which increases the amount of healing received by 2 seconds to whomever grabs a healing orb (the ones made by the staff). Stacks in intesity, up to 6.
Selfless Amplification – is replaced by Selfless Sacrifice- when downed leave behind 3 healing orbs (yeah the ones from staff) and 3 energy fragments
Natural Abbundance – Create 2 energy fragments around ventari’s tablet when using Project Tranquility, Ventari’s Will, Purifing Essence, Diminish Solace,Diminish Harmony and Energy Explusion. When using Protective Solace and Natural Harmony an energy fragment will be spawned once every 3 seconds.
Momentary Pacification – good as it is.
Proposed fighting style with Ventari
Stay as close to the tablet as humanly possible. Manage your upkeep and cooldowns carefully. Natural Harmony is more of a sustain healing themed ability rather than a bunker themed ability. Use Energy Expulsion when you don’t need projectile defence/condi cleanse+stab and swap to different legend. If your damage rotation hasn’t finished the enemy off…pray for reinforncement…or that A Net figures out a way to make the tablet stay after you swap legends.
Unlike engis and guardians you need a partener to help you defend,but unlike engis and guardians you have low cost on demand barriers and healing springs,with combo fields. When you’re energy bar hits 0 and the enemy is alive and kicking…it’s gg.
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)