Every beta weekend I have spent a chunk of time trying to work out a way to play Ventari that will be fun and engaging. I’ve tried different combinations of weapons and traits, different gear sets, etc. etc. because I really love the idea of Ventari and I enjoy playing support-based healing characters. At this point though it feels like there’s nothing but my stubborn determination to keep me playing it. It’s not rewarding for open world play, it feels cumbersome and largely disabled (and disabling) 80% of the time.
Running around in the open world obviously means running across distances on the map. On a Revenant with Ventari, that means one of three things: 1) either you don’t have the tablet out, in which case you don’t have access to any utility skills; 2) you do have the tablet out, in which case you’re in the unenviable position of effectively having to ground target your own movement in chunks of <1500; or 3) …you just aren’t actually in legendary centaur stance at all while running around.
IMO, having to make that choice of either not having access to any utility skills or having to effectively ground target your own movement is a major impediment to enjoyable use of Ventari in the open world.
As a fix, I would suggest that the legendary centaur stance utility skills toggle to a different effect when the tablet is not out rather than simply being grayed out completely. For example one of them could grant swiftness (perhaps only to oneself) when the tablet is not in the world; let another one blind nearby foes. These need not be really major effects, but they ought to be something, not just grayed out all the time.
Also, as things stand now, we have the rather bizarre situation where a healing spec on the Revenant, in a game where every class has the ability to self-heal, actually lacks an initial self-heal!
In order to heal oneself with Ventari, you have to project the tablet into the world and then use Natural Harmony with its 2 second delay. Considering that running around in centaur stance is so hugely de-incentivized by all the utility skills being grayed out, in practice you probably have to 1) switch TO centaur stance, THEN 2) project the tablet into the world, and 3) use Natural Harmony. That’s more cumbersome than anything any other class needs to do to heal itself.
Projecting the tablet into the world simply ought to have an initial self heal.
I don’t think it’s any coincidence that with every passing beta weekend there are less tablets around. People try it out and move on and I think that’s a reflection of the fact that it just isn’t fun. Playing it with Herald absolutely does help address some of these issues, but if an elite spec is necessary to make another spec functional then that ought to indicate that there’s a flaw. The Ventari legend ought to be fun and playable even without playing Herald and right now it’s just not.
I think all of these issues with Ventari are compounded by the fact that healing is simply not rewarded in the game right now. Game rewards scale off of damage. (I’d love to see participation in events be calculated off either damage or healing as a way to reward playing healers, but that’s another topic.) But it’s exactly because healing is so unrewarded that Ventari deserves some functional utility skills to make it worth playing in the open world.