[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


I made a video with some of the good fights from the weekend roaming in T3 NA. Here is the video . Apologies for the green bar at the bottom, and the video flickering and shooting itself back a few seconds, the original output was in .fiv and I had to convert to .mp4 to edit and it caused a number of headaches for me. To the point of which I gave up and just put the video up as is. Hopefully it doesn’t annoy people too much. (And sorry about repeating a song in there, while trying to fix the editing it happened and now I’m being lazy and not changing it.)

All my thoughts are generally based on small group WvW roaming.

Quick thoughts on the class overall:
-It appears to have really come together, some excellent damage ability while having ACTIVE defensive abilities instead of the passive abilities that are so common in the game.
-Playing mainly burst focused and the class does a very good job with mobility and the ability to survive (though once cds are down its a little rough)
-Conditions will be a problem (and this is good), especially when using a burst build. IMO its good to have a weakness like this.

Quick thoughts on skills:
-SoTM could really use the Warrior GS3 treatment. No whether this requires a damage reduction or what, but currently it feels a tad clunky though extremely effective if done right. *This is probably the change I feel the least strongly about, I had a lot of fun landing the current “skill shot” version of the skill.
-Axe 5: Evaluate how you can make this skill work on terrain that isn’t perfectly flat. I love using the skill since it also has a small skill shot feel to it, but missing out on it because there was a rock or slight z axis change is frustrating.
-UA changes seem to be good, though I might personally think about toning down the might stacking associated with the skill itself, whether its stacks or duration.
-Shiro heal. Make this skill instant, for such a small heal having the cast time can really interrupt the flow of combat and cost you dearly. Plus an instant cast would synergize well with UA.
-Phase Traversal should get a cd on use, somewhere between 3-5s, with 5s being the better number. Currently nothing can outrun a revenant in shiro and this isn’t a healthy addition to the game. Adding a cooldown will reduce its effectiveness at long range escapes and engages while keeping the feel of the skill.
-Glint Heal, allow for the first activation to be instant (like very facet) and then make the actual burst heal aspect 0.25s cast time. Currently its more or less a get out of jail free card for revenant. Either they heal full or they effectively have that entire span of time to counter pressure or run away with no fear of getting bursted. This effect working through CC simply doesn’t promote skilled play imo. A short cast time would benefit skilled players while keeping it from being viewed as too strong (which it is currently imo).
-Gaze of Darkness is an excellent ability currently, though I’m a little hesitant to have the reveal included to the effect. Sure the radius isn’t huge, but unlike other skills which reveal, this effect is AoE (perfect for SR) and has a short CD and has the additional effect of fury and blindness. Either removing the reveal aspect, or instead of making it kitten reveal making it into 2s or 3s would be more appropriate.
-Shield 5 should be able to be used while moving (thus fixing the trait associated with it). Such a change might require a longer CD and a change in the heal amount (maybe 2/3 what it is currently) but at the moment taking the trait especially can be a death sentence in anything other than a 1v1.

Feel free to add your own thoughts about the video (again apologies about the editing) and the class.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

(edited by Helly.2597)

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Well, you can’t even outrun a warrior, thief, mesmer. At least the revenant will spend an absurd amount of energy in the process. Shiro is MEANT to stick on you. Where’s the balance? He won’t easily get away (unless you have nother target around, but you aren’t exactly getting away from harm this way :-D).
I’m not super fun of a CD, but if we must have it 2s is already more than enough, considering all.

You run a burst build, fragile, with ha heal in shiro that is more a damage boost than a real heal. Glint is what will save you. It’s a unique skill and has a MASSIVE counterplay, you can stop attacking and the rev is screwed. In order to do that i agree it should have a better tell.

There are others reveals in game that are stronger. Engi on is on a targeted area, willingly. This is a not so big area around the rev. I find it balanced.

Now what surprised me is that you wanted to nerf 2 fine skills but then wanted to buff and already very powerful one. If shield#5 allowed to move would be brokenly OP.
Root is the price we pay for a blocking, almost second heal skill.
What could couse some love is shield#4, with a blast finisher for example.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


You can out run all of the classes you listed very easily with shiro. I didn’t put the clips in the video but nothing can escape or catch with phase traversal as it is currently. Adding a cooldown wouldn’t hurt the ability to stick in combat that much but it will hurt the ability to run away so quickly or catch so easily.

Why is it appropriate for glint to be instant and shiro not? Swap the cast times and it’ll be better. You claim shiro would add too much burst, but it’s really not an enormous amount (though it is not totally nothing), due to the icd on the shard hits.

As for the glint heal, it’s not appropriate to have the ability be considerably better than defiant stance due to the lack of a cast time. If Anet hadn’t had that precedent in the game one could make the argument but as is it just seems overtuned to have it be 0 cast time.

The engi reveal requires an elite slot to be used and has a cast time. Currently the revenant ability has no cast time breaks stun and blinds while revealing. No reason to have so many powerful aspects in one ability. Either reduce the reveal duration or remove it. 25% uptime on reveal is a lot for such an ability.

Shield 5 is acceptable as is. The main complaint is with the trait activation and how it uses a skill that roots you in place. For a game that promotes such movement a root like that can easily kill you.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


My rev will be an ele killer since I detest 90% of people playing the class. Soon as theyhit30% they go full kitten and run to heal. I will chase them down strip their booms and watch them die.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: wolfpaq.7354


-Phase Traversal should get a cd on use, somewhere between 3-5s, with 5s being the better number. Currently nothing can outrun a revenant in shiro and this isn’t a healthy addition to the game.

This is nonsense for several reasons.

1) It already effectively has an 4 second cooldown due to the energy cost. Longer if you do anything other than auto attack while chasing.

2) There’s nothing unhealthy about a class being good at chasing – there are already plenty of classes who excel at it.

3) Phase Traversal requires a target so anyone who can drop target (such as thieves or mesmers with stealth) can get away just fine. I’m also fairly certain that a GS/ S/W perma swiftness warrior could outdistance you as well seeing as you have no access to swiftness in shiro stance.

4) Phase Traversal requires flat ground and line of sight to work at all, so even if you can’t stealth there are ways to avoid it.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


This is nonsense for several reasons.

1) It already effectively has an 4 second cooldown due to the energy cost. Longer if you do anything other than auto attack while chasing.

2) There’s nothing unhealthy about a class being good at chasing – there are already plenty of classes who excel at it.

3) Phase Traversal requires a target so anyone who can drop target (such as thieves or mesmers with stealth) can get away just fine. I’m also fairly certain that a GS/ S/W perma swiftness warrior could outdistance you as well seeing as you have no access to swiftness in shiro stance.

4) Phase Traversal requires flat ground and line of sight to work at all, so even if you can’t stealth there are ways to avoid it.

There is something unhealthy about the ability to move 2400+ range extremely quickly. And you don’t need to stay in shiro once you catch them, just swap legends and boom you’re in business to do whatever you want.

A gs/sw warrior can eventually get away maybe. But with offhand axe and UA you can burst him while keeping up with him. But you’re also comparing a build that is designed almost entirely for running away to just an added bonus to the build. Also you probably have 1+ minutes of swiftness from facets anyways.

How often are thieves gonna be stealthing when they see you at 2400 range?

And phase traversal does not require either of the things you mention there. It works like thief infiltrator signet which can go through los and breaks the z axis.

What makes it so powerful is the use in disengages as well. Keep targeting random creatures further away from you and it’s easy to outrun anyways. The cd would prevent this from being as prevalent which is good.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


No, do not remove or nerf the revealed on facet of darkness. I refuse to accept this as long as it’s possible for a single mesmer to perma stealth in Stonemist castle and waste 10 minutes of everyone’s lives chasing him down.
It’s amazing how for months people cried about perma stealth thieves and now they gave it to mesmers who HAVE AN ABILITY THAT CAN PORTAL 20 FRIGGIN PEOPLE inside any keep they happen to be in, with no risk of being caught.

Let’s look at the current skills that apply revealed:
Dragonhunter’s trap that you have to trigger and continuously stand on to reveal.
Revenant’s facet of darkness which has a mease 240 radious around yourself. This one’s esentially only ever useful for shadow refuge, as anyone in stealth within 240 radius of you is gonna be a thief that will already have shadowstepped to you and backstabbed you.
Ranger’s “sick ’em” shout that requires a target. Good luck targetting the mesmer in the split second they’re visible between mass invis and the prestige.

Seriously, a perma stealth thief was an annoyance, that could maybe eventually kill you.
A perma stealth mesmer is an outright broken trump card that can flip stonemist castle without wasting any siege.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


No, do not remove or nerf the revealed on facet of darkness. I refuse to accept this as long as it’s possible for a single mesmer to perma stealth in Stonemist castle and waste 10 minutes of everyone’s lives chasing him down.
It’s amazing how for months people cried about perma stealth thieves and now they gave it to mesmers who HAVE AN ABILITY THAT CAN PORTAL 20 FRIGGIN PEOPLE inside any keep they happen to be in, with no risk of being caught.

Let’s look at the current skills that apply revealed:
Dragonhunter’s trap that you have to trigger and continuously stand on to reveal.
Revenant’s facet of darkness which has a mease 240 radious around yourself. This one’s esentially only ever useful for shadow refuge, as anyone in stealth within 240 radius of you is gonna be a thief that will already have shadowstepped to you and backstabbed you.
Ranger’s “sick ’em” shout that requires a target. Good luck targetting the mesmer in the split second they’re visible between mass invis and the prestige.

Seriously, a perma stealth thief was an annoyance, that could maybe eventually kill you.
A perma stealth mesmer is an outright broken trump card that can flip stonemist castle without wasting any siege.

What mesmer is going to let you get into range? Gaze into Darkness only hurts thieves, a class that is already hurting. You’re trying to justify no change to an ability because of something that the ability is barely useful for anyways.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


No, do not remove or nerf the revealed on facet of darkness. I refuse to accept this as long as it’s possible for a single mesmer to perma stealth in Stonemist castle and waste 10 minutes of everyone’s lives chasing him down.
It’s amazing how for months people cried about perma stealth thieves and now they gave it to mesmers who HAVE AN ABILITY THAT CAN PORTAL 20 FRIGGIN PEOPLE inside any keep they happen to be in, with no risk of being caught.

Let’s look at the current skills that apply revealed:
Dragonhunter’s trap that you have to trigger and continuously stand on to reveal.
Revenant’s facet of darkness which has a mease 240 radious around yourself. This one’s esentially only ever useful for shadow refuge, as anyone in stealth within 240 radius of you is gonna be a thief that will already have shadowstepped to you and backstabbed you.
Ranger’s “sick ’em” shout that requires a target. Good luck targetting the mesmer in the split second they’re visible between mass invis and the prestige.

Seriously, a perma stealth thief was an annoyance, that could maybe eventually kill you.
A perma stealth mesmer is an outright broken trump card that can flip stonemist castle without wasting any siege.

What mesmer is going to let you get into range? Gaze into Darkness only hurts thieves, a class that is already hurting. You’re trying to justify no change to an ability because of something that the ability is barely useful for anyways.

Yes I know it’s not useful against mesmer, but what I’m trying to say is there needs to be more counters to stealth, not less.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


Yes I know it’s not useful against mesmer, but what I’m trying to say is there needs to be more counters to stealth, not less.

Not really. Stealth prior to June 23rd patch was in a good place. Perma stealth thieves can’t do anything at all really. What got out of balanced was the PU buff (should have no duration increase). Now is this a stealth issue or a mesmer issue? It sounds like a mesmer issue.

Stealth is not too difficult to counter when it comes to thieves. Interrupting their combo through the blind field isn’t difficult and AoE still destroys them since their burst is done in melee. SR also is a good example of how long duration stealth should be, have an opportunity for counter play which in the case of SR is cleave/knocking out. The PU buff and ability to trait this line without losing out on any of their damage traits makes mesmer out of balance when it comes to WvW. I wouldn’t say this is a stealth issue but a mesmer issue instead.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Yes I know it’s not useful against mesmer, but what I’m trying to say is there needs to be more counters to stealth, not less.

Not really. Stealth prior to June 23rd patch was in a good place. Perma stealth thieves can’t do anything at all really. What got out of balanced was the PU buff (should have no duration increase). Now is this a stealth issue or a mesmer issue? It sounds like a mesmer issue.

Stealth is not too difficult to counter when it comes to thieves. Interrupting their combo through the blind field isn’t difficult and AoE still destroys them since their burst is done in melee. SR also is a good example of how long duration stealth should be, have an opportunity for counter play which in the case of SR is cleave/knocking out. The PU buff and ability to trait this line without losing out on any of their damage traits makes mesmer out of balance when it comes to WvW. I wouldn’t say this is a stealth issue but a mesmer issue instead.

Well yes I agree with you there, it IS defintely a mesmer issue. The problem is that they seem to be okay with mesmer doing that. It’s specially out of whack when you factor in the portal.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: wolfpaq.7354


It works like thief infiltrator signet which can go through los and breaks the z axis.

A lot of what you wrote in your response to me is wrong, but I thought I’d just stick this because it is objectively and egregiously wrong, so much so that I feel you are intentionally spreading misinformation.

When you try to shadowstep to a target on a different level (zaxis) than you, you get the following message:

“No valid path to target”

And the skill does not work. That’s the case for every shadowstep/blink currently in the game, as well as Phase Traversal. It does not “break the z-axis” and it is a definitely something that can be used in WvW and sPvP to escape a shiro revenant.

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


A lot of what you wrote in your response to me is wrong, but I thought I’d just stick this because it is objectively and egregiously wrong, so much so that I feel you are intentionally spreading misinformation.

When you try to shadowstep to a target on a different level (zaxis) than you, you get the following message:

“No valid path to target”

And the skill does not work. That’s the case for every shadowstep/blink currently in the game, as well as Phase Traversal. It does not “break the z-axis” and it is a definitely something that can be used in WvW and sPvP to escape a shiro revenant.

You’re coming across very aggressively here. Claiming I am "spreading misinformation
deliberately. You are saying that the “No valid path to target” message does something it does not do. There are still a huge number of altitude changes that can be shadowstepped without any issue. What you are talking about is where those shadowsteps fail, which is where they always have.

Next time I log onto GW2 I will make a special video just for you showcasing that you are incorrect about everything you just posted. I really shouldn’t have to do this, but your blatant lack of knowledge of the game mechanics that you are attempting to discuss makes this very difficult for me to get my point across.

Here is the reference post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/On-Shadowsteps-and-No-Valid-Path

Notice he mentions one such z-axis port in his very post, Khylo clocktower port up to the roof. Also note he mentions they did not change shadowsteps with this change, but instead simply changed the “No valid path to target” from being hidden to actually showing up and causing the skill not to activate.

This is not from my channel, but should illustrate what we are talking about here.

You can see Caed uses steal to go up in altitude (T2 to T3 on Foefire Mid) as well as does it without any direct LoS of the target.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

(edited by Helly.2597)

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Exactly and mesmers and guardians have sumilar skills with same effect.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


Exactly and mesmers and guardians have sumilar skills with same effect.

Yup there are numerous examples of it in game. I don’t think that is a bad part of the skill. It adds another level and gives melee players ways to punish people who are up on a ledge above them.

Just frustrating to be called out as a liar and claimed to be spreading misinformation deliberately despite actually being correct about the mechanic in question.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Engis never spread lies

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[Video] Burst Revenant Gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Helly.2597


Engis never spread lies

We’re an honest folk.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer