Voice of channeling Glint

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: szshou.2193


Can we talk about this for a second? Am I the only one that’s bothered by the awful voice-acting (or lack thereof) in the strange gurgling screech that you hear when channeling Glint? I remember glint’s voice from guild wars 1 and i do realize she’s meant to sound like a withered old lady but I don’t think it was a good idea to put that climax-esque cry in while channeling her. It seems very out of place and awkward. Maybe if she spoke some dialogue while channeling like Shiro does (“I demand you release me”, “Together we have no equal”, etc.) it would be a bit more fitting. Glint seems to me like a harbinger of wisdom and compassion, so a primal warcry does not fit at all. Plus it’s kittening creepy.

[eN] midline rallybot

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: darkprecure.6129


I agree about the Warcry being unfitting and awkward, but she also has her own lines, like Shiro. (“It has been too long, allow me to act.” (Quite Common), “Our Moment has finally come” (had it only once in 200+ attempts to get different Lines) and another one (was too surprised to hear something new and didn’t remember it…). Maybe there are still more Lines.)

(edited by darkprecure.6129)

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


“Behold! Dragon and Hero together!” is my favorite.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


“Behold! Dragon and Hero together!” is my favorite.

Yes, that one is awesome. I don’t feel the voice actress is terrible at all, her voice sounds very fitting for Glint. The warcry does sound like what the voice actress for Glint in GW1 would sound like. However, we never heard Glint do a warcry in GW1. I believe that is why her yell sounds so foreign to us.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Mercurias.1826


I like it. It helps reinforce how very alien Glint was to the races she allied with. She was from another species, another age, and was corrupted by an Elder Dragon on top of it all. She only began to grow fond of other races by literally reading their minds. I LIKE Glin’s voice and her war cries. They’re the best ones. They just aren’t macho.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Bhima.9518


The VO work with Glint’s dialogue is great and I enjoy it. The grunts though, they sound like a dragon that just woke up and had their first bowel movement in a thousand years.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Thermaltron.6829


Please just replace old women grunts with, you know, dragon roars.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Mercurias.1826


Please just replace old women grunts with, you know, dragon roars.

Now I’m so amused by people being uncomfortable that I want it to stay as is even more. Revenant’s secret drawback: you feel really weird about your character hearing his grandmother’s voice every time he uses the powers of his ghost dragon legend. XD

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Glint is older as humanity itself. And i think dragons dont have a human voice. They chose to sound like this in yourhead.
Btw i like glints voice. I laugh a lot

Just the WvW

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Drennon.7190




Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: MakubeC.3026


“Behold! Dragon and Hero together!!!"
I’ve never lost a match after hearing this. I love it.

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Ahh the old woman baking cookies.

Funny, I thought Glint to be a bit more hardened from her centuries of servitude.

And Shiro should be fighting us the whole way.

To say nothing of the demon. Why would he help?

They went too soft on all of them.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Timston.1976


For some reason idk why, whenever I switch to glint some old woman has an orgasm and really inturrupts my gameplay. Weird coincidence eh?

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

Voice of channeling Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: reapex.8546


For some reason idk why, whenever I switch to glint some old woman has an orgasm and really inturrupts my gameplay. Weird coincidence eh?

u need help xD