Weapons and Utility Swaping

Weapons and Utility Swaping

in Revenant

Posted by: Gany.1793


I understand about wanting to only have a single weapon set with the Revenant. It definatly has a thematically balancing effect. The only problem I see it that it is way too limiting in build choices. The Revenant has far fewer choices than other classes, since all of the “Utility” (re: 6-0) skillls are pre selected with the choice of the Legend, meaning we can only choose one weapon, but can swap to setups of utilities, were as other classes the reverse is true.

The problem with, IMHO, comes with the fact that the Revenant’s weapon skills have no variance of anykind, and thus the choices available feel far more restrictive.

I think giving the Rev a weapon swap would definately help, but in honesty I don’t see that as the better choice on how to fix this issue.

Currently, the weapons are essentially legend based. You don’t have to run Ventari with the Staff, but in all honesty, weather you run Jalis, Shiro, or anyone else, if you do it with the Staff, you are also accessing Ventari at the same time. Staff/Jalis is, in essence, Ventari/Jalis, just as Mace-Axe/Jalis, is the same as Mallyx/Jalis.

While this may seem an interesting cross point, I think it is actually limiting.
The thematic connections can certainly remain in the way that they annimate, and some of the effects, but I feel that the weapons have gone to far in this currently. The clearest example is the staff. So much of the staff skills are given to healing to prove that it is Ventari’s staff, that it lacks, IMHO, any real focus as an actual weapon. Even with elementalist’s water magic, the different weapons are weapons primarily, and serve their linked function second. Water is weaker in its attacks cause it also heals, but it is still a viable damage.

Of course, in Elementalist, you can change into water and then change out again. With the Rev, can change into Ventari and out again, but choosing the staff, means that is all you get as your weapon. Having weapons with single dedicated points of efffect, (DPS, CC, Heal) is, I suggest, the main problem with the weapons for this class. The dedicated points of effect should be based in the utilites, which can be switched, while the weapons should have more of a basic weapon focus, the difference between the weapon sets being more about the weapon…..such as a staff blow to the head will cause confusion, while an axe chop will bleed.

Or something like that.



Weapons and Utility Swaping

in Revenant

Posted by: Gany.1793


OK…I’m responding first to my own post…seems wrong, but as I thoght of it, I think i came to a better, quicker explaination.

The issue I’m talking about is Choices.

There are so few choices you can make to customize the revenant. All other classes have at least 6 choices they can make (one weapon set and 5 skills). The revenant has only 3 (one weapon set and two utilities sets). The numbers may not seem like much, but for 5 of those 6, other classes can choice from a great many options, creating a highly customized selection of the utility skills. Revanants can’t. Revenants can only choose premade sets.

If the weapons were more weapon oriented, I think that would help, but the real problem is the premade sets. I think we need to have more choices to customize the legends.



Weapons and Utility Swaping

in Revenant

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


I’ll say this again here. I would love to see something similar to what elementalist has where each weapon skill changes based on the invocation currently in use. I don’t care for the mechanic you pointed out where the weapon skills of each weapon are obviously tied to a particular invocation.

Weapons and Utility Swaping

in Revenant

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


Let me clarify my last post.

I can see, from a lore perspective, the desire to have iconic weapons for each of the invocations. I can also see why the invocations swapping the utility skills and having a fixed set of skills fits the theme as well. I guess the concern I’m seeing surveying the posts is that the builds for revenant are going to have a stronger meta that can’t be deviated from, limiting build options. I’m not sure what could be done to fix this and maintain the theme of the class.

Weapons and Utility Swaping

in Revenant

Posted by: Fiddle Irk.9710

Fiddle Irk.9710

I’d like to see swapping Legends alter the weapon skills themselves as well as the utility. Would be a possible solution to the grief over lacking weapon swap AND give the potential to adapt to different situations, as in range battle vs close quarters. Example: Hammer skills while channeling Jalis are melee and cc/protective, mid-ranged and supportive when channeling Ventari, mid- ranged and conditional when channeling Malyx, Long ranged and offensive when channeling “Shiro” ext.