What's the return for being weak to condi?

What's the return for being weak to condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057



Somehow it was decided years ago that Revenant is supposed to be designed as “weak to conditions”.

And that’s currently a fact. We have 2 condi cleanses, 1 from a trait, the other one on a legend, and Resistance on Mallyx builds (that also needs to be traited).

So what do we get in return?
Are we the best supporters? Are we the best dps? Are we the the one jack of all trade class?

Because it seems to me that classes like Guardian, expecially with the Firebrand, can do way more damage (maybe Firebrand will be nerfed, but I doubt it), can cleanse and CONVERT tons of conditions, with almost no cooldown, in an area and so on.

Also the jack of all trade things doesn’t add up, since Elite specs, BY DESIGN, give classes things that they were not capable before (like support for Necros, condi damage for Guardian, and so on).

The huge weakness to conditions for Revenant basically prevents this class from being effective in PvP and WvW (also now there will be TONS of boonstrip from other elite specs, so gg), so the return should be huge, right?

A glass cannon is made of glass, but is at least a cannon.

What's the return for being weak to condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: ScottBroChill.3254


we get the opportunity to switch from one set of useless utilities to another useless set of utilities.

What's the return for being weak to condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


we get the opportunity to switch from one set of useless utilities to another useless set of utilities.

The drawback for having 2 sets of ability is that we can’t change them or mix them. And also energy cost.

And by the way, the Elementalist can swap between 4 sets of utilities (now 16? with Weaver), yet they have TONS of condi cleanse, WAY MORE damage than us (without giving up cleanses), WAY MORE condi damage, more ranged damage, and more survivability, better in PvP (over-centralizing) and WvW.
So what’s their drawback for having 4 attunements?

What's the return for being weak to condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: SappFire.5793


we get the opportunity to switch from one set of useless utilities to another useless set of utilities.

The drawback for having 2 sets of ability is that we can’t change them or mix them. And also energy cost.

And by the way, the Elementalist can swap between 4 sets of utilities (now 16? with Weaver), yet they have TONS of condi cleanse, WAY MORE damage than us (without giving up cleanses), WAY MORE condi damage, more ranged damage, and more survivability, better in PvP (over-centralizing) and WvW.
So what’s their drawback for having 4 attunements?

Lol, its easy. No weapon swap, that we have!

What's the return for being weak to condi?

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


But they have conjured weapons for that, as it was stated many times by the devs.

Initially the Revenant was very strong, so they added the condition drawback. Now after 2 years of nerfs and the condi output of basically every class, it makes no sense anymore.