Which ascended stat combination

Which ascended stat combination

in Revenant

Posted by: igneous.8153



I haven’t played GW2 in a little over a year, and with HoT release I’ve finally found myself getting drawn into the game once more.

So I’ve decided to go all-in and I’m going to be crafting my first-ever set of ascended gear for my Revenant. I was wondering which stat combination to go with if I’ll mostly be doing PvE (fractals, raids, dungeons), and some occasional WvW.

Are berserker’s still the best all-around combination, or should I perhaps go with soldier’s? And should I then get all items with the same stat combo, or combine?

Which ascended stat combination

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567



The reply is really vast to cover in a post, but from your OP i can give a couple of good advices.

First of all, the stats on ascended gear can be switched in the mystic forge (loosing the upgrades already put in that piece). The only real, major, cost is the EXOTIC insigna of the new stat combo that is thrown with it.
So you can start with a combo and change it later.

Since you are coming back oyu probably want to take sometime to get good again at all the mechanics and since the new zones are kinda harder than core tyria, i’d suggest for your first set Soldier stat with fury runes to cover the prec/ferocity loss.
The overall cost is in the “cheap” tail of the craft and once you get better you can swap out.
Soldier’s is also a standard choice for WvW.

For wep/trinkets i’d say to stick to Beserker’s: trinkets are basically “free” since you you get them with tokens (laurels, fractals, guild comandations) except the backpack and ascended weapon crafting is not that bloody expensive, even tho you probably have some ascended chest dropped? (remember you can change stats )

I guess it’s all, hope it was helpful!

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Which ascended stat combination

in Revenant

Posted by: Velho.7123


Berserker+Scholar/Strength runes so you feel the kind of damage you can do (spoilers: huge) and already start getting used to your active defenses.

Those are your sword’s evade and block, hammer’s projectile defense, Shiro’s evade, Mallyx’s Resistance, Jalis’ hammers and Elite, Ventari’s bubble and Glint’s Infuse Light and a few others you might find.

Matt [LOD]
Guardian main since launch

(edited by Velho.7123)

Which ascended stat combination

in Revenant

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


you don’t need to use all Zerk gear, with invocation and glint, you have by default almost 80% crit chance with just a couple of +prec trinkets.

Focus on getting more power/ferocity/vita/toughness. I use a mix of Valk and Knights armor, with zerk only coming from my weapons and my rings.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que