If you play all of the other classes you get a really good feel for this game. It’s all about fast paced combat, possibly having up to 20 skills on cooldown simultaneously in some cases. Having to know your class really well, weapon swapping, skill swapping, kit swapping, knowing when to remove conditions etc…
But the Revenent does none of that. If you play him after you’ve played all the other classes you will realize how Half- kitten d he was done. His weapon skills are clunky, in some situations killing yourself if you use them, or they get stuck on stairs and don’t even hit your target. Your skills are already picked for you giving you no class diversity at all. Where most every other class in the game can have on one skill bar a damage immunity, condition removal and a speed/escape tool, the Revenants skills are already picked for you when you pick your Legendary to summon. At least 1 of the skills on every bar are almost never used making you wonder why they even put them there.
The Revanent also has to deal with huge energy draining skills, cooldowns, AND huge energy costs on attacks. No other class in the game has to try so hard to NOT use skills. Everyone else can spam attacks to their little hearts content. But not the Revenant. He can swap to a Legendary, block…. then wait 3 or 4 seconds before he can do ANYTHING else cause he’s out of energy already! I mean if the Thief had to deal with this load of crap there’d be 100 threads a day complaining about it.
Compared to every other class in the game the Revenant is complete garbage. His skills are slow to use, don’t do much burst damage, all his condition skills are melee and he is nearly always first focus in pvp cause he is so easy to kill compared to every other class out there.
In PvP every class also gets some way to freely stomp their targets without worry of being feared or tossed or pushed. The Revenant can’t do this utterly destroying any hopes he might have of stomping people in PvP which is a HUGE detriment.
So why do I love him?
For that simple reason he is the most completely garbage class in the game. It’s obvious Arenanet doesn’t give a crap about this profession when you use your Hammer 2 skill and watch it hit a stair, get stuck, and not hit your target which is 10 feet in front of you.
I love playing the most kitten class in the game because it provides that extra challenge! You know for a FACT if you get your kitten handed to you in PvP by a Hammer Rev that you are utterly and complete trash and have no business even playing the game at that point. It’s like beating all your friends in Street Fighter with Dan. Super troll mode engaged!
Honestly it got really boring playing my Engineer in PvP. I felt like God running around burning everyone, having 3 block skills, pulling people from 1200 range into my turrets and smacking em with crowbars, shrinking and running off from bad engagements, or popping stealth potions and surprising the enemy as I toss a zillion grenades and apply 20+ stacks of vulnerability on an entire team. I mean that is just too kitten easy.
The Revenant is GREAT fun for those bored with playing Guardians that can drag you into traps, dealing 20k+ damage in under a second. Revenant has to earn his kills! No cheap tricks, no single attacking to apply 30k burn damage, no hitting one button to gain an entire new full bar of health like a Necro. Nuh-uh, nope. You wanna get kills in PvP you gotta EARN THEM!
And that’s why I love the Revenant!
Oh I forgot to mention that while every class seems to enjoy some way of reliably removing conditions the Revenant doesn’t get to do that unless he specializes in Healing or Conditions! When I saw this I thought it was a complete joke lol. If someone lands some conditions on you, you can’t just press a button and turn all conditions to boons like a Guardian nope nope, you may as well just lay down and die.
Making it just that much more fun when you successfully 1on1 a condi Engi or Necro!
(edited by Captain Obvious.6951)