WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

Hi Gang,

Looking at gearing my rev for WvW front line for boon sharing and resistance spam. I followed Metabattle’s guide but the toughness seems a little low for a front line build.


There is the build based on what Metabattle lists. Is this good gearing or should I take a different path?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Zilvereen.2091


boon sharing = +concentration
frontline = +vitality +toughness

so I dont rly see any room left for power-precision-ferocity to make you effective at frontline cleaving. You can just go for Minstrel’s stats(healing,toughness,vitality,concen) and play Mallyx stance for resistance sharing and switch to ventari stance when needed for healing support.

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

boon sharing = +concentration
frontline = +vitality +toughness

so I dont rly see any room left for power-precision-ferocity to make you effective at frontline cleaving. You can just go for Minstrel’s stats(healing,toughness,vitality,concen) and play Mallyx stance for resistance sharing and switch to ventari stance when needed for healing support.

The build I posted is directly from Metabattle where it’s rated as meta for front line sustain. Why is the build ranked as “meta” if the gear should actually be different?

Just trying to understand here. I think 2 soldier stat earrings are not enough toughness considering the rest is pretty much glass except for vitality. But the build is rated as part of the meta so………..

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

boon sharing = +concentration
frontline = +vitality +toughness

so I dont rly see any room left for power-precision-ferocity to make you effective at frontline cleaving. You can just go for Minstrel’s stats(healing,toughness,vitality,concen) and play Mallyx stance for resistance sharing and switch to ventari stance when needed for healing support.

Also there is a build posted that does exactly what you say. I’m wanting a front line sustain build which is what I posted from Metabattle.

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


If you don’t feel comfortable with the armor, you can always take soldier rings. I have 2.8k armor/22.6k health and feel plenty tanky even without Retribution. If you’re in a group that can provide you offensive boons and swiftness, you can also opt for Dwarf over Dragon.

Since you’re going for damage, take Swift Termination. You have like 2 1/2 CC moves in the whole build and the chances that taking off an extra stack of stability is going to matter is probably nil. Not to mention you have to save your juice for resistance.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Playing a FL full minstrel, full melee healbot rev atm; Ventari + Mallyx.

Works well in an ORGANISED guild group setting where you have RELIABLE guards for stab… if you were trying to play this pugging… you’re probably gonna get boon stripped, condi bombed and CC chained to death unless you’re on point with positioning/know your limits. In small scale this build can shine unless you get hard focused/locked down.

Not that I’ve ever been fond of using the rev section on Metabattle let alone copy paste – I prefer to make my own builds, but that mara’s looks risky… when I first started out with my intention of being resist-spam bot I was running full wanderer’s (basically oldschool PVT but with boon duration) and even then getting spiked hurts a lot, couldn’t imagine what the scenario had been if I were clad in mara’s… probably dead in seconds.

Those comments were made practically a year ago… I doubt the build is out dated but I’m inclined to believe it works best in an organised setting where you’ve got people covering you for stab and heals.

I still have my rev with full wanderer’s on it, can’t remember the dmg output but I was okay with solid 3k+ hits – the purpose wasn’t dmg but it helped. I much prefer playing healbot rev – that ventari alacrity on siege is not to be underestimated either.

If you’re looking to gear yourself for boon sharing and resistance spam then I’d recommend the full wanderer’s approach. At least then you can take a few hits and still deal dmg.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Zilvereen.2091


The build I posted is directly from Metabattle where it’s rated as meta for front line sustain. Why is the build ranked as “meta” if the gear should actually be different?

Just trying to understand here. I think 2 soldier stat earrings are not enough toughness considering the rest is pretty much glass except for vitality. But the build is rated as part of the meta so………..

You mentioned “resistance spamming” on your first post. Pain Absorption already costs too much energy and has short duration leaving you no space to use hammer’s damagin skills so the power-precision-ferocity on the gear doesnt rly help. Hammer dmg-dealer is one thing (and doesnt even need to be front line , hammer has good range) and frontline-sustain-supporter is another.

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

Playing a FL full minstrel, full melee healbot rev atm; Ventari + Mallyx.

Works well in an ORGANISED guild group setting where you have RELIABLE guards for stab… if you were trying to play this pugging… you’re probably gonna get boon stripped, condi bombed and CC chained to death unless you’re on point with positioning/know your limits. In small scale this build can shine unless you get hard focused/locked down.

Not that I’ve ever been fond of using the rev section on Metabattle let alone copy paste – I prefer to make my own builds, but that mara’s looks risky… when I first started out with my intention of being resist-spam bot I was running full wanderer’s (basically oldschool PVT but with boon duration) and even then getting spiked hurts a lot, couldn’t imagine what the scenario had been if I were clad in mara’s… probably dead in seconds.

Those comments were made practically a year ago… I doubt the build is out dated but I’m inclined to believe it works best in an organised setting where you’ve got people covering you for stab and heals.

I still have my rev with full wanderer’s on it, can’t remember the dmg output but I was okay with solid 3k+ hits – the purpose wasn’t dmg but it helped. I much prefer playing healbot rev – that ventari alacrity on siege is not to be underestimated either.

If you’re looking to gear yourself for boon sharing and resistance spam then I’d recommend the full wanderer’s approach. At least then you can take a few hits and still deal dmg.

If you have any questions feel free to let me know.

Thanks but not the play style I’m looking for. I don’t like full support roles and not what I was looking for.

Thanks for the advice on the gearing!

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

The build I posted is directly from Metabattle where it’s rated as meta for front line sustain. Why is the build ranked as “meta” if the gear should actually be different?

Just trying to understand here. I think 2 soldier stat earrings are not enough toughness considering the rest is pretty much glass except for vitality. But the build is rated as part of the meta so………..

You mentioned “resistance spamming” on your first post. Pain Absorption already costs too much energy and has short duration leaving you no space to use hammer’s damagin skills so the power-precision-ferocity on the gear doesnt rly help. Hammer dmg-dealer is one thing (and doesnt even need to be front line , hammer has good range) and frontline-sustain-supporter is another.


Read under usage.

Here is a clip:

“Mallyx (Legendary Demon Stance)

Use Pain Absorption Pain Absorption to absorb conditions from your team and give resistance.

Keep an eye on your parties conditions using Party View as opposed to Squad View. Save your energy until allies have conditions that need removal, rather than casting preemptively.

Pain Absorption Pain Absorption breaks stuns and pays the energy cost at the start of the cast but only gives Resistance Resistance and pulls conditions at the end of the cast. Be careful to avoid interrupts.

Banish Enchantment Banish Enchantment hits up to five targets in a line, try to save it to remove critical boons such as Stability Stability and Resistance Resistance.

Increase the healing of Empowering Misery Empowering Misery by first using Pain Absorption Pain Absorption to pull conditions to yourself."

Once again that is from the Metabattle Front Line Sustain build rated 98 of 100 and updated 37 days ago.

If your going to reply please make sure it’s an informed response and not out pulled out of your hat. Your not helping when your explanation is tota

Now the question is who’s right and who’s wrong?


Is the back line hammer build I believe your mentioning. 2 different roles….2 different builds.

I asked for and quoted a front line build.

(edited by Magical Things.8465)

WvW Front Line Sustain Build???

in Revenant

Posted by: Magical Things.8465

Magical Things.8465

If you don’t feel comfortable with the armor, you can always take soldier rings. I have 2.8k armor/22.6k health and feel plenty tanky even without Retribution. If you’re in a group that can provide you offensive boons and swiftness, you can also opt for Dwarf over Dragon.

Since you’re going for damage, take Swift Termination. You have like 2 1/2 CC moves in the whole build and the chances that taking off an extra stack of stability is going to matter is probably nil. Not to mention you have to save your juice for resistance.

Thank you! I think your the only one who understood my post.