WvW builds.
I run full zerker on my rev with ret/dev/herald. Just like the PvP build except the damage is much more awesome because of ascended gear.
yeah.. i wanted to ask same question actually. well i run the same build like in pvp. herald/retri/devast. sword+shield / staff. but im having problems in wvw i just dont understand. i run almost full zerker. just abit of vitality bonuses. and outcome is totally different then in pvp. i get killed so quickly. and against someone like condi mesmer or condi revenant i dont have a chance in 1v1s. wuts the problem maybe anyone has an idea? isit because im not fully ascended? nor im really pushing the stats on top foods? or maybe i should try sword/shield + hammer? staff never really looked fun to me but so far staff really offers some extra survivability. in PvP with equivalent builds/ similar stats im quite okey. but in WvW its totally different story. any suggestions? what may be the problem?
@Dave. Well I understand where you’re coming from with different outcomes in WvW vs pvp but the problem seems to be a bit more on the skill side for you.(Not sounding condescending its just how it sounds.) Sw/Sh + Staff is always my setup when running solo or in small man groups. Sometimes I do Sw/Sw just to be silly. Now on to the issue of you getting killed quickly. Condi pressure when really destroy a power rev if you eat their burst and dont try to cleanse yourself.(Staff 4/Legend swap if running invocation). If you are fighting something like the Chronophantasma mesmers(http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Chronophantasma_Shatter) the best way to deal with their burst is shield 5. Once that’s over try to land sword 2 and 3(w/ enchanted daggers). That build is usually pretty squishy so if you block against the burst and pressure them equally in return you can usually down them before they get another burst off. Now when fighting a mallyx revenant the biggest thing you have to pay attention to is confusion stacks. If a revenant spams banish enchantment on you try to cleanse it once you see 9-12 stacks of confusion on your bar. The confusion won’t deal much damage if you clean it quick enough. Once that’s done then you will have your window of opportunity to spike them down. Spam your AA and use 2/3 when its available. Also be sure to block their Sword 3 with shield 5.
Hammer rev
yeah.. i wanted to ask same question actually. well i run the same build like in pvp. herald/retri/devast. sword+shield / staff. but im having problems in wvw i just dont understand. i run almost full zerker. just abit of vitality bonuses. and outcome is totally different then in pvp. i get killed so quickly. and against someone like condi mesmer or condi revenant i dont have a chance in 1v1s. wuts the problem maybe anyone has an idea? isit because im not fully ascended? nor im really pushing the stats on top foods? or maybe i should try sword/shield + hammer? staff never really looked fun to me but so far staff really offers some extra survivability. in PvP with equivalent builds/ similar stats im quite okey. but in WvW its totally different story. any suggestions? what may be the problem?
You shouldn’t be running full zerker unless spamming hammer bolt + CoR
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer
Hammer rev is he’s running in a team or zerg. Try running hammer solo and see how far it gets you vs using a staff.
You can actually do just fine running solo with hammer. Srsly.
Id go as far as to say that hammer is even the better 1vX weapon, less defense, but higher kill/cleave potential.
Hammer rev is he’s running in a team or zerg. Try running hammer solo and see how far it gets you vs using a staff
If you are running a burst build (like i do), hammer is the superior option. Staff is a liability if you are squishy, because your damage (which forces the opponent into defense) is your sustain. On staff you have your 2 sec. block and then you are dead. No counterpressure while evading (like Sword 3), no counterpressure while kiting (like Sword 2).
With hammer
-you can keep up pressure with skill 1+2 (+Riposting Shadows),
-you have a 1 1/4 sec. evade + massive aoe dmg. (8 sec. cooldown!)
-projectile block is often usefull while kiting with Reposting Shadows
-skill 5 will never hit anyone, but it’s good for creating a nice 2 sec. area of denial
And since we are talking about WvW:
Try to clear a camp with Hammer+Sword/X and then try it with Staff+Sword/X! ;-)
I do. Everyday. I’ve ran into multi revenants who run hammer + Sword/sw or sh. Everytime they bring the hammer out I swap right to my staff and just beat them down. Hammer is by far the easiest thing to fight against. Plus always making sure to /laugh at my opponent after I stomp his corpse.
If I see a rev using hammer, I always think to myself, “oh look.. a free kill”
If I see a rev using hammer, I always think to myself, “oh look.. a free kill”
Funny, always thinking the same about staff revs in wvw.
Hammer rev isn’t half as bad as people think in 1v1 against some classes/builds. I do agree that staff is stronger in 1v1 overall, tho.
But in a 2vX situation, hammer only gets stronger and stronger as more people join the fight. A hammer rev doesn’t need to fight a zerg to be more efficient than a staff. In WvW, of course.
One thing i didnt see being mentioned is the map.
Revenant always favors fights in small spaces where targets cannot move freely to their hearts content as you need to be up the face of your target while you fight and you’ve got an energy mechanic that is way too precious to waste on catching up a low-health target be it with Surge of The Mists or Shiro’s superspeed/quickness.
I am yet to try Rev in WvW with its full potential but one things i noticed in PVP is that i can succesfully 1vX in those maps mostly because the opposite team has to stay in capture points all the while fighting you.
So they are at a disadvantage in PVP,but WvW?
The whole map is at your service,enemy will retreat to heal or just boot it and you will be forced to stay in their faces as you manage to…well…not die by other classes superior ranged firepower if they try to kite you.
The issue you face is a change of atmosphere,you will have to adapt and overcome.
In 1vx fights, be it PvP or WvW, I’ve found that low HP opponents tend to disengage, separating themselves from their friends. Phase Traversal is my go-to finisher in those scenarios as you quite often get a quiet moment to yourself with your prey.