Your experiences in PvP

Your experiences in PvP

in Revenant

Posted by: nacario.9417


Once Im done with HoT zones itll be time to step into PvP, but I was wondering if anyone here would like to share their experiences so far with builds.

Im thinking a power rev with marauder amu, hoelbrak, shiro/herald, sw/s & hammer. Ret, deva, herald. A bruiser/mid&home support (or dueler?). With that build Im guessing ill be a bit limited when it comes to condis, only having infused light really to pop vs bomb/burn.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Your experiences in PvP

in Revenant

Posted by: Demented Yak.6105

Demented Yak.6105

I’m running hammer, sword + shield with Shiro (sometimes Jalis)/Glint and invoc/retri/herald. Marauder, Hoelbrak, energy, fire and strength sigils.

So far I’m doing pretty well – a bit better than I usually do on my staff ele but a little bit worse than I do on my condi engi. It’s very fun.

You really have to save your dodges. It won’t do to use them against power builds if a minute later a necromancer comes along and condi bombs you because like you said, you only have infuse light to save you otherwise.

Your experiences in PvP

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyrus.4105


Been goofing around with a couple of different builds. I’ve yet to find one that I haven’t had fun with, although some are much more capable than others.

I’m just a sword-fiend though, so I’m sticking with my own version of the Shiro Power that I’ve used since BWE2.

Cyrus Neveris – Watchers of the Vale [WoV]

Your experiences in PvP

in Revenant

Posted by: Terimac.5871


sword + shield + hammer.

Using celestial and trying out different runes. With 40% fury from herald it really gives the class lots of options.

Your experiences in PvP

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirk.3086


All good revenant, what i looked at pvp was herald + shiro (one with jalis).