coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Was messing around with Coalescence of Ruin while running berserker amulet. The skill itself has a sweetspot where you can hit twice at the joining point of the third and second waves of the attack.

If you hit and crit with both on zerker amulet against low armor targets, you’re looking at 8-9k damage.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: DocZed.6973


I’ve had an enemy run from the secod explosion into the third before, but that was during the HoT stress test with Celestial gear.
Even then the numbers for CoR were kinda nice.

All 9 classes leveled and geared to 80!
Remnants of Hope [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: D best.3547

D best.3547

If you can consistently find this sweet spot you can do as much damage as a lava font every 3 seconds. Only problem is it will be out of range to stack might with a PS warrior.

Sea of Sorrows
Champion Paragon

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: Stinja.9612


It’s slightly longer than inspiring reinforcement for 1 of the double hits dont remember if you can do it in 2 places.

I may be harsh but i care deeply about the game.
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coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: Maxodon.5243


I also noticed that sweet spot when I was playing around with hammer on revenant for the first time and think it has to do something with the way cascading skills are designed, to hit such a sweet spot the enemy must stand between 2 impacts so both of them hit him.
This means hammer 2 has 2 sweet spots, but the last one is stronger since the impact damage increases based on the distance.
This also means that every other cascading skill probably has a number of sweet spots equal to the number of impacts it causes minus one, I think during the previous beta weekend I also got this to work with mace 3 which is a cascading skill too.

Against enemies with bigger hitboxes it might be possible to hit with multiple impacts without even finding one of the sweet spots or hit with more than 2 impacts if the enemy is big enough.

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Btw. Cruel Repercussions proc + Coalescence + EtD is glorious.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

coalescence of ruin has a sweet spot

in Revenant

Posted by: Stinja.9612


Found a highlight of the first sweet spot 17 seconds in for visual aid. Ignore den unless you want to hear some airplane noises from a grown man.

I may be harsh but i care deeply about the game.
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