deleted my 80 rev

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: robert.3475


did any one else?the newest profession just alittile over 5 months old and all we get is nerfs no skill reworks nothing .no ty toon deleted maybe even game

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Okay, goodbye
Hope you fill the space with better class that suits you

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Cracklerjack.4895


That was really dumb…hopefully you don’t make those kinds of rash decisions in real life.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Standard “can i haz ur stuff?” is standard

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Syktek.7912


You people cry so hard you make EVE Online’s Goon Swarm look like men.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: ThrottleFox.2735


I’ll just sit my over there beside my thief, I main guardian anyway. Rev is still fun, just need to tinker it a little more I think

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Let’s face it guys! Roy Cronacher has designed the class but he has do his job: marketing and selling the class for HOT launch. Now he is gone and we only have the balance team for making a beta class to balanced class (upping and changing traits, skills, legends). Let’s face it this is barelly never going to happen. Better have to go on another class who is more balanced and entertained coz revenant is never going to be complete.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


When you remake the exact same Revenant you just deleted, it’ll be a Revenant by name and nature.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Drayos.8759


did any one else?the newest profession just alittile over 5 months old and all we get is nerfs no skill reworks nothing .no ty toon deleted maybe even game

Pretty foolish if u ask me then again u sound like a Fotm bandwagon reroller, the proffession was released underpowered it got 3 pages odd of buffing it was overpowered as hell on its release and was left overpowered til now, i will explaib why.

Its top dps specc and condi specc consisted of its tanky elite traitline meaning it was pulling more sustain with its maximizing dps, u are ment to Lose sustain to gain damage thats balance u loss ground in one place and put that somewhere else.

Its evade frames were too high and miles ahead of any other plate proffession, it needed to be cut down the revenant had too many mechanics baby sitting the player and giving them huge rewards for absolutely minimal risk.

The damage distribution was insane to have that much damage in its auto attacks, it needed to be changed for the sake of any depth in the proffession it was faceroll easy and gave you a too tier proffession for no skill level at all.

The insta stability was cancer to the game no one should have perma stability built into their proffession thats just absolutely ridiculous, its good that tehy aee finally removing it from the game.

The shield nerfs were too much and imho they shouldnt of lost as much auto attack damage as they did i feel 40% was too much with the sustain nerfs i feel 8% should have been removed from each swing as the sustain nerfs would have covered the rest

However revenant will remain meta, more so then thief because thief still die instantly to AoE still provide fery little for the team and only good for decapping or +1ing i still wreck them with my rev

Differenfe is rev got harder to play with these changes and dont have the overpowered safety net that carried u fotm bandwagoners through season 1

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


lol why would people delete level 80 toons? Dont you know its the “circle of life”. what is underpowered now will be OP at some point? I certainly did not delete my level 80 war and thief when they were underpowered last season.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Limberneck.4702


lol why would people delete level 80 toons? Dont you know its the “circle of life”. what is underpowered now will be OP at some point? I certainly did not delete my level 80 war and thief when they were underpowered last season.

QQ is not a new concept, there will always be people with zero self control.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Boreal.9826


Wow, what a baby. Nerfs suck, but anyone who thinks Rev is kitten now should play other classes once again to gain a perspective.

My Rev isn’t even Herald yet, and I’m finding him fun to play and overall very strong…

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: lighter.2708


Wow, what a baby. Nerfs suck, but anyone who thinks Rev is kitten now should play other classes once again to gain a better perspective.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Kirk.3086


Rev is not best condi dmg. Only against DS foes (enemies with down syndrome), whom can’t run away from fire (why we don’t see playable ventary or enj with med kit? Cos you all time should spam, wasting you ability to attack or defend. Demon with mace do same thing. And his condies can be really easy transfers back to him with necromant. And wasting all energy to removing/applying conditions – too dangerous. Anyone else can easy use all his abilities at one moment, but Rev can’t, cos has cd and energy. So much people play herald, cos free energy abilities and spamable weapon ability). Demon confusion cost too much (but remove 2 boons, so ok), you should spend all you energy for 9 stacks with no any defence.
Torment doesn’t look great, cos you should all time stack it.
For example – necros, thieves, druids, engines, warriors, Dh can stack all theirs condies for 3-4 attacks, or chrono, that can do anything and his condies would be stacked by illusions.
Like a dmg rev too sqush. Yes, he has aoe stun, aoe daze, but can’t protect himself against stuns or condies (demon resist easy can be removed with 1 rune). But you can’t do anything against fous of 2 bodies (now, without warrior amulet, cos stand much time into control).
Rev really too unbalanced now. With tankometa he was not such bad, cos can survive into control with warrior amulet. But now – too squishy for that.

It’s funny, but enj now more unkillable to condies, then rev. Easy can make support build, that can clean all condies from me every 2-4 seconds, except demon, who sleep into stuns too much time and need 4 allies around him for every second resist.

Wow, what a baby. Nerfs suck, but anyone who thinks Rev is kitten now should play other classes once again to gain a better perspective.

With condy meta rev really sucks. It’s his real weakness. Thieves or chrono/Dh/druid/necromant can easy kill you at 1 vs 2 (with warrior amulet could survive one against 2 foes, but now – can’t, too low hp bar). Cos 10 stucks of bleeding, 6 stucks of poison/burning/confusion just usial reality from 1 person for 2-3 seconds…

(edited by Kirk.3086)

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: midnight tea.3681

midnight tea.3681

Deleting a level 80 char in this game is not anywhere near as bold as it used to be deleting level 50-60 char in vanilla Everquest or World of Warcraft.

One scroll + a bunch of tomes + a quick shopping trip = you’re back

Don’t even need ascended gear, just slap on a bunch of orange 80’s and you’re golden for a long while. Unless you were a doofus and deleted some valuable account bound stuff in the process, but if you did that you have no one to blame but yourself.

tl;dr — deleting your max level character is not a statement in this game.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Deleting a level 80 char in this game is not anywhere near as bold as it used to be deleting level 50-60 char in vanilla Everquest or World of Warcraft.

One scroll + a bunch of tomes + a quick shopping trip = you’re back

Don’t even need ascended gear, just slap on a bunch of orange 80’s and you’re golden for a long while. Unless you were a doofus and deleted some valuable account bound stuff in the process, but if you did that you have no one to blame but yourself.

tl;dr — deleting your max level character is not a statement in this game.

Sure isn’t, but you do lose out on all that time your character had towards the next birthday gift. Longterm, it has an even more sever effect reward wise.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: midnight tea.3681

midnight tea.3681

Sure isn’t, but you do lose out on all that time your character had towards the next birthday gift. Longterm, it has an even more sever effect reward wise.

Super true. Getting instant ownership of the most expensive dyes in the game just absolutely made me happy, as a filthy casual who cares about collecting stuff like that.

Though specifically in the OP’s case, they at most lost a few months since HoT’s release.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Rome.7124


lol why would people delete level 80 toons? Dont you know its the “circle of life”. what is underpowered now will be OP at some point? I certainly did not delete my level 80 war and thief when they were underpowered last season.

not all classes are made the same nor perceived the same by Anet and the PvP community. Both warrior and thief class have been in meta longer than quite a few other classes.

deleted my 80 rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


lol why would people delete level 80 toons? Dont you know its the “circle of life”. what is underpowered now will be OP at some point? I certainly did not delete my level 80 war and thief when they were underpowered last season.

not all classes are made the same nor perceived the same by Anet and the PvP community. Both warrior and thief class have been in meta longer than quite a few other classes.

I actually got my thief to level 80 after HOT release (so when it was complete cr8p in pvp) i liked playing something different and it was fun in HoT maps.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "