feed back on revenant
I feel the Rev is a bit lack luster in my opinion. I’d like to see some changes to them as well. Either different weapons, weapon swapping, or just more skills. Currently I seem to like the Staff, but even that feels lacking.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
Just finished skimming some other comments about the beta weekend.
I have to say a lot of people are on point, and to sum it up: The Rev profession seems to be a jack of all trades and master at none. They can do physical damage, tank, heal, condition damage, range, melee, crowd control, and combo finish. But they aren’t good at any of it.These classes were never appealing from what I’ve seem, but I’m okay with having one in Guild Wars 2. With the only condition being if they can break the meta. This profession will not see daylight in the Meta as it stands now.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
The Revenant still feels beta. It’s weapon skills feels clunky, the resource incomplete and the utilities WAY to mechanic based.
Not to mention the traits still feel behind in design compared to the other 8 classes.
Thumbs down. Needs more mechanic simplification, trait building and smoothness.
I think the traits are to specific. I don’t think they should be “when switching into X legend you get X effect” because that takes way to much space in traits. I think they should be more general, when switching into A legend get X effect" but make it so one trait line is giving boons, healing, conditions, damage, crowd control. So this way out of the three trait lines you could trait into legends, or not. They do feel very very beta like but I feel, or maybe hope that it is an old version of Revenant.
Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
No reason to use Rev over another class, even Necro…. and that says a lot.
I don’t dislike the class; I am just still trying to figure out what sets it apart from all the others.
What does the Revenant class offer that cannot be done by an existing class? (Though I REALLY love that cyclone of hammers skill. That is SO much fun!)
Maybe it’s an off-tank? I will have to explore this further
BTW: that default fem armor set? BADKITTEN!!!! I love it
Not only does it look great, it looks like you could actually fight in it, instead of most of the other heavy armor sets, which look like they’ve completely sacrificed mobility.
Some things that I’m curious on and will make a difference on my thoughts.
1. Will there be more skills released for the legends? I mean at this point having the utility skills locked into just a few skills and weapon swap locked into one weapon makes the play depend on which legends you pick. And the skills that are selected seem to be best fit for the hammer or ranged weapon. I say hammer because that is the only true ranged weapon we have at this point.
2. How many more legends will be released? I’m just curious as to how many you see being released. It seems that your trying to release one per trait line thus far. I would hope a few more but wonder if there is any thoughts on this yet?
3. What exactly is the reason for no weapon swap? At this point in time it dosn’t make sense to me.
<edit>4. What weapons will be added to the revenant? Are they already known or still in the works?So these are the main questions I have at this time.
Some thoughts for the Jalis the healing is a bit low for a tanky class and as stated the elite is far to long to cast to be useful. The chain has a very short duration so has slightly less use at this point. I seen no traits that really help manage damage more then healing small amounts.. I would have expected protection and toughness to be something for a tanky class. Also I did not notice traits to increase duration of skills
I felt like I could not get close as it is more I hurt them and myself at the same time. Not to mention some of the skills work better at a distance. And some times the unyielding anguish did not send the creatures away as it should and left them at the center of the skill. I was not really happy with the heal as how i see it I’m in a bad situation when I hit a heal, if the heal leaves me in a worst position then it isn’t worth using. So just like consume conditions from the necromancers I feel that this heal is to much of a double edge sword. If this is the corruption line I’d like to see more about improving conditions more then specifying a condition limiting it further. Alot of skills do not have poison making it less usable trait. Some people may not use the demon form even so the traits for the corruption line did not appeal to me and others i spoke with.
I liked the skills I feel this one was the most thought out of the skills. And the trait line seems to actually work out for the most part it dose not cry you have to use a staff but it does add boost for the use of it. The only thing about this is that I find I need to stay at ranged when using the tablet to heal others. And since I can’t really tank I rarely would use the staff since it is a up close weapon. but like the skills thus far. I can’t tell though if the elite skill actually does damage to those around the tablet when it explodes though.
Staff, Nice skills wish I felt more comfortable to using it but it is either survive and have bad damage or die but do ok damage. The number 2 skill requires that you time it for when a creature is doing a skill and you have to quickly hit it. So takes a bit of timing.
fun skills and work well, just like the staff though you need to be able to stay alive to use it. This can be great fun. I am still looking through it and may have to find a better way to play with it but so far like the skills
axe fun skills again same as the mace
hammer in my opinion a great weapon decent damage, not great but best weapon in my opinion. It seems many of the skills for the legends was worked around the hammer.
traits. I really am still exploring them. Some of the traits seem underwhelming and to specific to be useful in most cases. I think salvation and retribution have the best uses thus far. invocation I’m exploring but corruption I’m a bit disappointed in and needs to be spiced up a little.
The orb that is created from invocation sounds fun but seems to be to small to notice in most cases.
well that is day 2 thoughts.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
I must say that over all the revenant will be fun. I’ve already noted most of what I think needs to change. Though a few more ideas I’ve recently had.
Weapon swaps You could possibly add a weapon kit skill or two for each of the legends. A ranged and a melee type. This would offer a new weapon type to the legend for while you are playing that legend. Much like a kit from the engineer. Make it something cool like a whip for the demon, or a pole arm or javelin something that is not normally used in the game. This would also make it so that if your main weapon is a ranged your good to go if your main hand is a melee and you need range you can swap to the kit weapon for the legend.
I also have to say that more utility skills for the legends is a must. There are simply no way we can create an effective build if you chose all our skills for us. This also would mean that you can have a weapon that is more revenant style and then be able to channel a legends weapon as well.
Utility skills. I do hope we get more for each legend I mean everybody’s play style is different and it seems more that the build is already decided before we get a chance to swap things around at this point. Yes I know it isn’t finished And we don’t know yet. but utility skills play a major role in building your character. And there are so many things that the utility skills help to balance out the weakness of your builds. Revenant being able to switch between two legends to change their utility may be nice but does not help if we can not customize the utility skills to help provide a play style that works for us. That said I have two thoughts. one legends get more skills that can be swapped around. or maybe there is a pool of skills that we can swap into the legends if we so choose. I wouldn’t mind a little of both.
Perhaps add some energy management traits and skills as well that help build energy or reduces the cost of said energy.