is revenant viable after the buffs?

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: Axl.8924


I was talking to a guy in mists after i was talking about asking for necro buffs and he was saying that revenants are still underpowered.He was talking about how you can remove 2 conditions, so i decided to come here and ask and see if any veteran revenant players could answer:

Are Revenants viable? What currently is the issue that makes them unviable?

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: allias.1420


Revenants are definitely viable. Are they easy to play? Definitely not. It takes a lot of practice to be good at playing it and its a steep learning curve when first starting out. Most people dismiss it as underpowered because they aren’t great for solo queue. In organized team fights is where they shine the most. If you can communicate and co-ordinate combos with your team well, that’s where Revenant can truly be a beast.

When it comes to solo play, you can’t really communicate with your team. Let’s say for example a warrior has gone to your close and you’ve just respawned. You can’t contest it because warrior is your hard counter. The same thing goes for pretty much most classes. Basically, revenant is pretty poor at duelling, so you are limited to ganking and sticking close to team fights.

A warrior is incredibly versatile as opposed to revenant though, he’s a great dueller and team fighter as well. Furthermore, it’s a hell of a lot easier to learn it and play.

There are other reasons, it also depends on the enemy comp. Your friend is right in the sense that revs have very little condi cleanse, and so naturally struggle against any kind of condi pressure. I wouldn’t play rev in a match, if say, the enemy comp consisted of necro, mesmer and condi war and thief. You’re just asking to get recked.

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


As i have perceived it after the buff.
PvP yes, if you are skilled playing rev, specially bunker after buffs.
PvE as support yes otherwise not really IMHO.
Its still buggy and not very user friendly with double restrictions with cd and energy.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: Axl.8924


Ok how would you improve a revenant?

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Not sure about PvP or WvW as I don’t really play them.

In PvE, at least in terms of high level group content, they are not. Everything they do is either done by other classes or unnecessary. Chronos can cap boon duration without facet of nature, berserkers are gonna have the group capped on might 24/7, druids have perma-fury.

Revenants bring nothing that is essential or unique to a party, and their damage is too low to be brought as a general DPS. And some alacrity in ventari certainly doesn’t change that.

Anet make Rev great again.

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Ok how would you improve a revenant?

In PvE, their issues run deep. Talking just the big issues, as the smaller ones depend on the big ones:

  • Cannot be an actual rolechanger due to how item stats work. At the very least each legend would need to transform your primary stat. E.g. wear Berserker but go into Ventari, you’re effectively wearing Healing / Precision / Ferocity gear now.
  • Trait lines further promote a lack of legend-swapping.
  • Glint. Everything about it.
  • Double-limitations with CD and energy cost on weapon skills. Should be energy on weapons, CD on legend skills. Or vice-versa.
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

is revenant viable after the buffs?

in Revenant

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

One of the biggest issues is Glint. It does everything and at at the same time, it does nothing. Gives a good amount of might! Only PS warriors will keep everyone at max might. Gives fury! But unfortunately druids with a tiger can maintain perma-fury. Swiftness is kind of irrelevant in a boss fight and protection isn’t enough to justify a raid spot going to a Revenant.

Anet make Rev great again.