new Mallyx's Elite suggestion

new Mallyx's Elite suggestion

in Revenant

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

How about make it so that whenever you receive a condition, you instantly return it to sender (but while keeping the condition on yourself)? or maybe you can “instantly return it to sender” in the area around you (i.e. if the dude who put a condi on you is far away, he won’t get the condi back on him but if his allies are all up in your grill, they would get it.)

That in addition to the pulsating torment ofc. It seems like it would make it similar to the old mallyx and also getting condi cleansed wouldnt be a bad thing anymore

(edited by Skyline Crash.6254)

new Mallyx's Elite suggestion

in Revenant

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


The old Mallyx Elite was amazing.

It allowed for great teamplays and had beautiful synergy with pain absoprtion and the resistance you get from the trait, but If the opponent reacted quickly and your team didn’t support the rev, you could heavily punish him by removing resistance, having good positioning and quickly spiking the rev down.

It also allowed Pain absorption to be used both offensively and defensively.

Now, the elite is just a dumbed down “press whenever you feel like it skill”, pain absoprtion is purely defensive and another uninteresting AoE-Cleanse and the whole mallyx stance requires little coordination and teamplay and reactions of the oponent are less crucial.

Before, the whole stance and corruption traitline worked like a charm because of the elite and they could’ve just tweaked the numbers. Now, by completely changing the mechanic, they again dumbed sth. down in almost all aspects necessary for an exciting teamgame.

I really don’t understand what they were thinking and I sincerely hope they aren’t gonna go through with that change.