runes/stats for condi revenant?

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: zombeaver.1650


hi, i just changed my build/gear to condi.
i used dire stats and undead runes, but..
i got my 1st mist eq part and it has no dire stats to choose.
there r only rabid stats to chose with condi dmg. is it goood?
im going to play pve only and i like mallyx more over shiro.
tell me if there is a sense to use rabid stats when u play condi.
precision goes well with condi?
and what runes (cheap ones, cuz im new and poor af) should i go?

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: nacario.9417


Depends what kind of pve ur aiming at. Im at a point where I have to make a Viper set, which is the better pve dps condi build for raids/fracs, but I have to deside if I wanna make it a Heavy or medium. It is to my understanding that condi rev in said content is below condi engi/warr/ranger, but it could most likely change further down patches.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


My Revenant uses Mallyx/Ventari and Apothecary/Shaman Gear. It is a mix of Condi/Healing but at least this Setup gives me Toughness and Vitality on top of the Rest.

Without Ventari i would go Carrion i think, The Power it gives next to Condi and Vitality helps the Hammer or the other Weaponset not to hit like a wet noodle

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Pompeia.5483


I have sinister and runes of tormenting, sigils of condi damage and condi stack on kill. It does well for applying torment and keeping it around 25 stacks or so. Just that those runes are about 10g each, sigil is around 7g or so for condi damage. Condi stacking is dirt cheap.
Other folks try the burning angle because it is OP so you can use Balthazar and appropriate sigils and spam mace #2. I would not bother with poison since it is only on mace aa 3 and a trait with a 20s ICD. I do not know the costs of these runes, however.

The reason you would want precision (rabid) is to trigger crits off the power hits (all things have at least a little power) and apply more torment from the trait in Corruption. Dire is likely better than rabid due to the lack of power scaling on mace and having vitality to help fight condi’s, which we are weak to, but rabid is going to give you crits for more torment. Viper will be ~200 less condi damage but ~200 more power so take that as you will (again useless on mace). I guess it also gives that extra duration, but only about 10%, which is minimal.

You do not need significant power to still deal crits off of power damage and get more torment stacks. Just keep in mind, that is the condi it applies. And, until we hear from Roy again, we do not know if he is fixing torment damage on standing targets for Rev’s.

Amanda Corsiva – Revenant && Katereyna – Chillomancer
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


A full set of viper armor/weapon will give you 21.67% condition duration. Very important for maxing your damage on longer fights.

Runes of Balthazar and mace 2 spam are probably your best DPS.

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: zombeaver.1650


thx for your anwser guys, but is it possible to change stats on exotic gear? if it is, can u tell me what i need for this and where i can do this?

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


thx for your anwser guys, but is it possible to change stats on exotic gear? if it is, can u tell me what i need for this and where i can do this?

That’s for ascended gear. You’ll have to buy(gold, karma, dungeon) and/or craft new exotic gear if you want different stats.

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


for my condi revenant pve build, I use the following:

I know I have some ascended and some exotic gear, but for the moment that’s what I have :P

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Scavenging, dire armor, carriorn/dire weapons/accessories

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Use this build

You can swap between Elder’s Force and Soothing Bastion depending on what you need.

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Wait? It’s actually possible to make a condi build with the bad state of mallyx?!

runes/stats for condi revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: zombeaver.1650


UA + traited elite(burn on activation) is rly strong imo and shiro is boring AF