you know what would be super cool if tablet had a mech to druid 1 skill where it create a line of healing expect it would tether in between rev an tablet make it heal for more farther away the tablet is from the rev.
That’s not a bad idea but it’s a bit too vague, could you elaborate?
Herald of Ventari
sorry i tend to keep stuff simple when i make suggestion otherwise people just instantly go no.
i meant like changing how tablet heal itself right now it currently pulse at set interval of 3 seconds around tablet itself what if tablet pulse became like druid line. where it become a solid line lighting up that interval become healing. making it so having tablet in awkward position would not force you have to move tablet to get healing you could also just move yourself to line up healing. save on upkeep cost.
sorry i tend to keep stuff simple when i make suggestion otherwise people just instantly go no.
i meant like changing how tablet heal itself right now it currently pulse at set interval of 3 seconds around tablet itself what if tablet pulse became like druid line. where it become a solid line lighting up that interval become healing. making it so having tablet in awkward position would not force you have to move tablet to get healing you could also just move yourself to line up healing. save on upkeep cost.
The scaling by range might be too much (in terms of complexity). But, aspects to consider:
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
How wide is the line?
What problem does it solve?
Herald of Ventari
sorry i tend to keep stuff simple when i make suggestion otherwise people just instantly go no.
i meant like changing how tablet heal itself right now it currently pulse at set interval of 3 seconds around tablet itself what if tablet pulse became like druid line. where it become a solid line lighting up that interval become healing. making it so having tablet in awkward position would not force you have to move tablet to get healing you could also just move yourself to line up healing. save on upkeep cost.
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
to get healing you could also just move yourself to line
How wide is the line?
what if tablet pulse became like druid line.
What problem does it solve?
making it so having tablet in awkward position would not force you have to move tablet to get healing you could also just move yourself to line up healing. save on upkeep cost.
way i would design it is tablet would shoot a projectile toward the rev max range of a tablet is 1500 so div by 3 for healing scaling.
so each player it heal based on range of orb traveling from tablet to rev.
350HP at 0 – 500 range
400HP at 500 – 1000 range
450HP at 1000-1500 range
as a second part to i would design it rev get 50 healing every player it passes threw at max cap value of 5.
line value i think anything between 40 – 70 should be fine
problem it would solve is allow rev for one keep track of where tablet is it always easy to fallow it. second it allow rev to heal more effectively not having to waste upkeep to move it everywhere allowing rev to sync better with it weapons over just being a healer.
basically the way i see tablet should be played is as whisp in dota 2 if anyone is use to that game.
edit sorry dank i did not see your post basicly cover all my points already XD
(edited by Taobella.6597)
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
to get healing you could also just move yourself to line
Not really, you are either always or never in the line if the line is between the player and the tablet.
But except for the numbers the idea itself isn’t bad and could be implemented (without losing flavor). I just don’t see the advantages of this specific solution over others.
It also feels like it’s aimed at Open world PvE and WvW.
But a identifier to distinguish your own tablet from others is indeed a good thing.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Is the revenant affected by the heal?
to get healing you could also just move yourself to line
Not really, you are either always or never in the line if the line is between the player and the tablet.
But except for the numbers the idea itself isn’t bad and could be implemented (without losing flavor). I just don’t see the advantages of this specific solution over others.
Maybe the line is cast and doesn’t follow you around? I don’t know I was just pointing out that he already answered those questions.
Maybe the line is cast and doesn’t follow you around? I don’t know I was just pointing out that he already answered those questions.
Nah he specifically said that the line isn’t cast but a passive effect. If that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be able to work as an identifier.
Herald of Ventari
Maybe the line is cast and doesn’t follow you around? I don’t know I was just pointing out that he already answered those questions.
Nah he specifically said that the line isn’t cast but a passive effect. If that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be able to work as an identifier.
The way I imagine it working is that the caster gets the pulse no matter what, and allies would need to be on the line (or near the tablet) to get the pulse.
Maybe the line is cast and doesn’t follow you around? I don’t know I was just pointing out that he already answered those questions.
Nah he specifically said that the line isn’t cast but a passive effect. If that wasn’t the case it wouldn’t be able to work as an identifier.
The way I imagine it working is that the caster gets the pulse no matter what, and allies would need to be on the line (or near the tablet) to get the pulse.
Yeah that the way i saw it too that it would travel to the rev regardless the way i suggest it rev also get bonus health for every allie it travel threw.