tank rev?

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Kyousho.2698


from Wandelaar’s post >>HERE<< it seems like revenant actually has pretty good tanking potential. how come nobody makes tanking rev builds, but only power dps and occasionally healing and condi? Is there something about the jalis line that makes it unviable as a tank?

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Acratin.3910


I was tanking as a Rev just last night in a bunch of 3 man Dungeon runs. We tried with me doing power DPS and it just failed. Once I swapped to tanking spec/weapons it was far easier. Once I went and made myself a set of Soldier’s armor, it became much easier.

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: bigmonto.4215


Looks like the link is for PVP. But yeah Rev is great at tanking. These days I play celestial Mallyx/Shiro, I have no problem winning 1v1 fights, tanking or even winning 1v2, even 1v3s I can tank for a while. IMO, it has no major weakness, and does decent damage.

It’s probably not as good as viper Mallyx in organized team games, but it’s good in solo join.

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Tanith.5264


I’m wondering about this myself, my rev just got to 80 last night and now I’m going about getting the rest of the Mistward set unlocked for her.

I asked my guildmates what stats revs are running these days and the immediate “Zerk!” dissatisfied me. I remember experimenting with either soldier or knight stats during one of the beta weekends and being mighty impressed by the results, so that’s what I might end up going with. I got enough “zerkers” in my stable.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: tenklo.6104


i cant really say for pve but for pvp. i find that cele herald/ mallyx is the way to tank. is a little weak to straight burst builds. but it excels at going against condi build with almost perma resistance. also in mallyx u got boon stripping for the bunker ele and bunker mez. and if a thief stealth or shadow refuge u have that expose facet to find them. and that what i can name of the bat… i can stall 2vs1 for like the whole match and keep the point and in a team fight it where it can be very helpfull

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Froptimus.6741


(edited by Froptimus.6741)

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Aphrodite.6950


Yes revenant is a viable tanking class. I have a tanking herald. One of my guilds initially tried telling me to make a chrono tank or guard tank, simply because they can achieve a few extra toughness points over the revenant(AI aggros on toughness rating). The survivability on the rev tank is unmatched.

I run with a sword/shield and staff combo. between them I have 3 evades and the invuln on the shield skill.

I tank mostly in dragon stance. The heal on dragon gives health depending on the damage that would be dealt. On a boss fight that is a LOT of healing. I have “hardening persistence” active that grants toughness on my active buffs. I also took “crystal hibernation” for an extra shield when health is low.

My second stance is dwarf. Taunting only works on small mobs, not bosses so the taunt is a minor skill to tanking, BUT if a healer is getting hammered you can easily grab the mob off them. Also if there is a lot of group damage you can pop your legendary skill and give the group damage reduction with “rite of the great dwarf”.

For my other talent trees I used “close quarters” “eye for an eye” and “jade winds”.

So yes it is a good tanking class.

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Froptimus.6741


Yes revenant is a viable tanking class. I have a tanking herald. One of my guilds initially tried telling me to make a chrono tank or guard tank, simply because they can achieve a few extra toughness points over the revenant(AI aggros on toughness rating). The survivability on the rev tank is unmatched.

I run with a sword/shield and staff combo. between them I have 3 evades and the invuln on the shield skill.

I tank mostly in dragon stance. The heal on dragon gives health depending on the damage that would be dealt. On a boss fight that is a LOT of healing. I have “hardening persistence” active that grants toughness on my active buffs. I also took “crystal hibernation” for an extra shield when health is low.

My second stance is dwarf. Taunting only works on small mobs, not bosses so the taunt is a minor skill to tanking, BUT if a healer is getting hammered you can easily grab the mob off them. Also if there is a lot of group damage you can pop your legendary skill and give the group damage reduction with “rite of the great dwarf”.

For my other talent trees I used “close quarters” “eye for an eye” and “jade winds”.

So yes it is a good tanking class.

What gear stats, runes, and sigils are you using?

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Aphrodite.6950


Mostly knights with soldier trink/ammy/weaps for the vit too.

My rune is earth for the added toughness.

Still swapping around on sigils to see what I like best.

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


How useful is a tanking build in open world Maguuma, or is dps still king there?

tank rev?

in Revenant

Posted by: Krownedwolf.9456


This is similar to what I have set up for tanking. Altho I have not unlocked Herald all the way yet. I’ve played around with this in pvp and really think it would be a good pve build. maybe different specs but I have also never tanked in a raid yet in gw2. I have tanked in many other mmo’s but the main one is WoW. Any who this is just my thoughts on a rev tank build.
