1 Fix to put S/D back
Hey guys, protection stacking is too strong so the answer is to let thief prioritize it to get massive protection uptime as well!
No, just remove protection stacking from other classes so you can burst classes easier. But the answer isn’t so much the protection uptime as it is the block and evasion uptime on new kitten with elite specs and revenant.
Hey guys, protection stacking is too strong so the answer is to let thief prioritize it to get massive protection uptime as well!
No, just remove protection stacking from other classes so you can burst classes easier. But the answer isn’t so much the protection uptime as it is the block and evasion uptime on new kitten with elite specs and revenant.
Stealing protection only apply like 3 sec of protection… And it reward boon stealing.
I’d be glad with the AA being sped up a bit and the number 3 interrupting the AA automatically without having to stow weapons.
I’d be glad with the AA being sped up a bit and the number 3 interrupting the AA automatically without having to stow weapons.
Yeah if they make Flanking Strike more responsive S/D would definitely be a lot better. I do still think that larcenous should remove 2 boons though also aoe blind on Cloak and Dagger should be baseline. There’s no reason not to in the current meta where everyone craps out AOE.
With the current bunker meta old SD thief is just what the game needs. (boon stripping/stealing)
Revert most of the (now) unnecessary changes SD has suffered over the years such as:
bloated front heavy initiative costs (Flanking Strike / Larcenous Strike) – make this pre-castable again
Infiltrators strike/return should remove 2 conditions and have the cast time taken away reverting it to how IS/IR used to work.
Flanking Strike /Larcenous Strike steal/remove 2 boons and get rid of the ‘must hit’ prerequisite.
On to traits
Redesign Acrobatics so it focuses on mitigating AoE damage
GM trait – Fancy Footwork – take 33% less damage from AoE attacks.
GM trait – Contingency Plan – Gain Resistance for the duration of the ‘revealed’ debuff
GM trait – Recover health while ever you have swiftness (kind of stolen from Scrapper but hay ho we’re thieves afterall)
And so on
Or instead of hp with swiftness make it hp regen from vigor. We have lots of that in acro and that could synergize fairly well for thief. I have a thread on proposed thief changes, maybe you all should check it out and put some support for it if you agree so it can get more attention.